FIG Working Week 2011 - Bridging the Gap between Cultures


ISBN 978-87-90907-92-1
ISSN 2307-4086

Technical programme as a .pdf file. (Technical Programme brochure)
Programme book as a .pdf file.

Plenary and Technical Sessions
Monday, 16 May
16 May
Fes 2
FIG Council Meeting
Commission: FIG Council members
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • By invitation only
Tuesday, 17 May
17 May
Fes 1
Federation des Geometres Francophones (FGF) General Assembly
Commission: FGF
17 May
Fes 2
FIG Commission Officers Meeting - ACCO
Commission: FIG Commission chairs
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, ACCO Chair
  • By invitation only
17 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
17 May
Fes 1, Palais des Congres

Trimble and Esri Pre-conference Workshop
Commission: Trimble and Esri
  • Programme (in French)
  • Pre-registration requested
17 May
Dar Rhizlane, Jnane El Harti, Quartier Hivernage
ONIGT Dinner
Wednesday, 18 May
18 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
18 May
Salle Mazagan, Ryad Mogador Hotel, Ave. Mohammed VI, Marrakech
FIG General Assembly I
Commission: FIG members
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • FIG members
  • Open for observers
18 May
Salle Mazagan, Ryad Mogador Hotel, Ave. Mohammed VI, Marrakech
FIG General Assembly I - Continues
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • First session continues
  • FIG members
  • Open for observers
18 May
Fes 1
Pre-conference Workshop - IAV-ONIGT-Leica
Commission: ONIGT and IAV
18 May
See list of rooms, Palais des Congres
Annual Meetings of FIG Commissions
Commission: Commission delegates
  • Comm. 1 - Karam 5
  • Comm. 2 - Comm. MR1
  • Comm. 3 - Karam 1
  • Comm. 4 - Reda 4
  • Comm. 5 - Karam 2
  • Comm. 6 - Reda 5
  • Comm. 7 - Fes 2
  • Comm. 8 - Karam 3
  • Comm. 9 - Karam 4
  • Comm. 10 - Reda 2
18 May
Salle Mazagan, Ryad Mogador Hotel, Ave Mohammed VI Marrakech
Mediterranean Union of Surveyors - UMG General Assembly
Commission: UMG members
  • By invitation
  • Open for observers
18 May
Commission MR5
FIG Foundation Meeting
Commission: FIG Foundation
Chair: Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation
  • By invitation only
18 May
Mansour Eddahbi Hotel
Welcome Reception
  • Open for all participants
Thursday, 19 May
19 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
19 May
Salle des Ministres, Palais des Congres
PS01 - Plenary Session 1 - Knowledge and Technology Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
Rapporteur: Prof. Mohamed Ettarid, Chair, Organising Committee of FIG 2011

CheeHai Teo, FIG President (Malaysia):
Bridging the Gap - Introductory Address (5432)

Aziz Hilali, ONIGT President (Morocco):
Bridging the Gap between Cultures - Introductory Address (5433)

Aida Opoku-Mensah, Director, Division of ICT, UN ECA (Ghana):
Bridging the Gap: The Role of ICTs & Spatial Technologies in Empowering Communities (5435)

Chris Gibson, Vice President, Trimble Navigation (USA):
Bridging the Gap between Cultures (5436)

Othman Skiredj (Morocco):
Theory of the Creation of the Universes - A Way to Reconcile the Scientific Knowledge and the Realities of Our Spiritual Inheritance - Theorie de la creation des univers (5434)

19 May
Exhibition Hall
Coffee/Tea Break
19 May
Exhibition Hall, Palais des Congres
  • Exhibition Opening 10:30
  • Exhibition open until 17:30
  • Coffee breaks in the exhibition area
19 May
Salle des Ministres
TS01A - AFREF in a Global Perspective
Commission: 5, IAG, AFREF and IGS
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair, FIG Commission 5
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Chris Rizos (Australia):
Global and National Geodesy, GNSS Surveying, and CORS Infrastructure (5339)

Joao Torres (Portugal):
Regional Reference Frames: The IAG Perspective (5248)
This paper has been presented by Rui Fernandes.

Hussein Farah (Kenya):
Establishment of a Common and Modern African Geodetic Reference Frame(AFREF) (5250)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[paper] [handouts]

Carine Bruyninx (Belgium):
The Role of EUREF within the European Geodetic Infrastructure (5292)

John Dawson (Australia), Graeme Blick (New Zealand), Manoj Deo, Guorong Hu and Gary Johnston (Australia):
The APREF Project: an Improved Geodetic Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (4861)

19 May
Fes 1
TS01B - Land Administration Perspectives
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Mme. Barkane Fatima, Morocco

C.J. (Kees) de Zeeuw and M.A. (Martin) Salzmann (Netherlands):
Cadastral Innovation Driven by Society: Evolution or Revolution? (4873)
[paper] [handouts]

András Osskó (Hungary):
New Services in Land Administration - International Trends (5173)
[paper] [handouts]

Peter Laarakker (Netherlands):
The Multi-purpose Cadastre, a Network Approach (4974)

Rohan Bennett, Abbas Rajabifard, Ian Williamson, Jude Wallace and Brian Marwick (Australia):
A National Vision for Australian Land Registries (4851)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ahmed Elbouari (Morocco):
Role of the Surveying in the Development of Agricultural Land in Morocco (5412)

Youssef Gounni and Nisrine Iouzzi (Morocco):
Conservation of the Public Marine Domain (5382)

19 May
Karam 1
TS01C - 3D Cadastre and 3D Information
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Godfried Barnasconi, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Nabil Bounajma, Morocco

Peter van Oosterom, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger (Netherlands), Rod Thompson and Sudarshan Karki (Australia):
World-wide Inventory of the Status of 3D Cadastres in 2010 and Expectations for 2014 (4968)
[paper] [handouts]

Benoit Frédéricque (France), Keith Raymond (Canada) and Kees van Prooijen (Netherlands):
3D GIS as Applied to Cadastre – A Benchmark of Today’s Capabilities (5368)
This paper has been presented by Dr. Oscar Custers.

Reida Elwannas (United Arab Emirates):
3D GIS: It’s a Brave New World (5193)

Khaled El Nabbout (Germany), Naoufal Abouelala (United Kingdom) and Ahmed Ezzine(Tunisia):
3D Survey with almost 1 Million Points per Second (5416)

Natalia Vandysheva, Vladimir Tikhonov (Russia), Jantien Stoter, Rik Wouters (Netherlands) and Veliko Penkov (Bulgaria) and Peter van Oosterom and Hendrik Ploeger, the Netherlands:
3D Cadastre Modelling in Russia (4967)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 2
TS01D - Bridging the Rural/Urban Divide
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Mohamed Bakessou, Morocco

Michael Klaus (Germany):
Formal and Informal Participation in Urban and Rural Planning Processes – Reflections based on Complexity Theory (5396)
[paper] [handouts]

Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Bridging the Urban and Rural Divide: The Test Case for Kenya (5253)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Michel Greuzat (France):
The High Environmental Quality Approach for Urban and Rural Development (4943)

Hyung Moo Kim and Dek Kie Tcha (Republic of Korea):
A Full-automatic Round, Oval or Rectangular Graveyards Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Decision Tree Pattern Recognition (5048)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[paper] [handouts]

C.G. Eze (Nigeria):
An Appraisal of the Challenges of Resource Exploration and Exploitation for Socio-economic Developments in Nigeria (5219)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Karam 3
TS01E - Deformation Monitoring
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Ivo Milev, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Audrey Martin, Ireland

Joel van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
State of the Art in Structural Geodetic Monitoring Solutions for Hydro Power Dams (4763)
[paper] [handouts]

Alojz Kopacik, Peter Kyrinovic, Imrich Liptak and Jan Erdelyi (Slovakia):
Automated Monitoring of the Danube Bridge Apollo in Bratislava (4845)
[paper] [handouts]

Grzegorz Lenda and Marcin Ligas (Poland):
Splines and Kriging - The Use of Two Methods for Shell Structures Shape Analysis (4907)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Gethin Roberts (China, PR), Chris J. Brown and Ogundipe Oluropo (United Kingdom):
Monitoring the Severn Suspension Bridge by GNSS (4934)

Maricel Palamariu and Mircea Puscas (Romania):
Using Engineering Survey for the Tonkolili Railways Project (5229)
[paper] [handouts]

Ivo Milev (Germany):
Processing of Optical Sensors and Laser Scanners Measures of Railroads Even at High Speed (5296)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 4
TS01F - Young Surveying Professionals and Students
Commission: YSN and 1
Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie, Chair of FIG Young Surveyors Network
Rapporteur: Ms. Cecilia Linden, Sweden

Fausto Savoldi (Italy):
A Permanent Training for the Italian Surveyor and a New Path towards an Effective Scholl System for the Youth (5395)
[paper] [handouts]

Cecilia Lindén (Sweden):
Age Structural Survey within the Surveying Profession 2011-2014 (5268)
[paper] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie and Chris McAlister (Australia):
Spatially Smart Wine - Getting Young Surveyors to Network in the Vineyard! And Other Australian Young Surveyor Activities (5086)

Pierre Tessier and Marie-Renée C.-Lavoie (Canada):
A Portrait of Land Surveyor in Quebec - Portrait de l’arpenteur-géomètre au Québec (5241)

19 May
Karam 5
TS01G - Investment, Finance and Real Estate Management
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Lebanon
Rapporteur: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9

Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Commission 9 Working Plan 2011 - 2014 (5366)
[paper] [handouts]

Manohar Velpuri (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Cadastral Management Information System for Better Land Valuation in Emerging Economies (5428)
[paper] [handouts]

Risto Peltola (Finland):
Leasehold Discount in Dwelling Prices: A Neglected View to the Challenges Facing the Leasehold Institution (5260)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Reda 2
TS01H - Curriculum and Core Survey Knowledge I
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair of FIG Commission 2
Rapporteur: Dr. Tim Goodhead, United Kingdom

El Hassane Semlali (Morocco):
Professional Aspects and Specificities of the Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering Education in Morocco - A Unique Experience (4925)
[paper] [handouts]

Fabian Thiel (Cambodia):
Education, Property Valuation and Taxation Capacity in Developing Countries: The Example of Cambodia (4806)
[paper] [handouts]

Alain De Wulf, Timothy Nuttens, Cornelis Stal and Philippe De Maeyer (Belgium):
Geomatics Education in Belgium: 2011 Program Reformation at Belgium Universities (5265)
[paper] [handouts]

Olga Godoy and Orlando Patiño (Colombia):
Surveying and Geomatic in Colombia: A Comparative Study of the Academic Programs of Engineering and Technology (4856)
[paper] [handouts]

Nicolae Dima, Ioel Veres, Larisa Filip, Adrian T.G. Radulescu and Virgil M.G. Radulescu (Romania):
Academic Mining Surveying Education in Romania, 60 Years of History (4793)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

19 May
Reda 4
TS01I - Spatial Information Applications I
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Ali Oufrid, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert W. Foster, USA

Hicham Hajji, Moha El Ayachi, Mustpha Aboulbaroudi and Jalil Griger (Morocco):
An Overview on Constraints Development in Web Mapping (5240)

Guanfu Song (China, PR):
Service GIS, New Concept for Geographic Information Sharing (5425)

Khalid Sbai, Idriss Elachhab, Youssef Saban and Mina Amharref (Morocco):
The GIS Solutions and Services on the Web (5300)
[paper] [handouts]

Rachid A. Barry, Abdelkader El Garouani and Abderrahim Lahrach (Morocco):
GIS Support in Urben Management - Application in Fez in Morocco (5322)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Reda 5
TS01J - Land Registration
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Mr. Douichi Choukri, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Lars Aastrand, Sweden

Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
Identification of the Real Estate in the Deeds Submitted to the Hypothecary Formality - Identification des biens immobiliers dans les actes soumis à la formalité hypothécaire (5054)

Gabriel Arancibia (Canada):
Une architecture géospatiale pour le registre des terres * Geospatial Architecture for the Cree/Naskapi Land Registry System as an Economic Development Mechanism for Canadian Aboriginal People (4906)
[paper] [handouts]

Agnes Addai, Joseph Owusu, Daniel Asenso-Gyambibi and Yaw Opoku-Gyamfi (Ghana):
Systematic Land Title Registration: A Dynamic Approach to Land Registration (4966)

Daragh O'Brien (Ireland):
To Gauge an Understanding of How Boundaries Are Perceived in Ireland by Landowners (4812)
This paper has been presented by Mr. Paddy Prendergast.
[paper] [handouts]

Marcin Karabin (Poland):
Registration of the Premises in 2D-cadastral System in Poland (4818)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Pool Area, Mansour Eddahbi Hotel
19 May
Commission MR1
Young Surveyors Network Meeting
Commission: Young Surveyors Network
Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network
19 May
Fes 2
FIG Africa Task Force I
Commission: FIG Africa Task Force
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair, FIG Africa Task Force
Rapporteur: Mr. Rafic Khouri, France
19 May
Salle des Ministres
TS02A - GNSS CORS Infrastructure and Standards
Commission: 5, IAG, AFREF and IGS
Chair: Dr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Ruth Neilan (USA):
The International GNSS Service (IGS): Product and Services (5340)
This paper has been presented by Prof. Chris Rizos.

Joel Van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
AFREF - Lesson Learnt After the First GNSS Reference Station Launched (4958)
[paper] [handouts]

Rui Fernandes (Portugal), Ignacio Romero (Spain), Elifuraha Saria (Tanzania) and Eric Calais (USA):
Evaluating Future Consistency between AFREF and EUREF (5150)

Pierre Desjardins (USA):
Multipurpose Nation-wide Real-Time Reference Station Network Infrastructure – From Geodetic Control to Precise Positioning and Much More… (5377)
[paper] [handouts]

Richard Stanaway and Craig Roberts (Australia):
Rigid Plate Transformations to Support PPP and Absolute Positioning in Africa (4858)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ibannain Fatiha (Morocco):
Ontology for Reference Geographical Data towards a NSDI (5000)

19 May
Fes 1
TS02B - Spatially Enabled Society
Commission: 3 and Task Force
Chair: Prof. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Chair, FIG Task Force on Spatially Enabled Society

Daniel Steudler (Switzerland):
FIG Task Force on Spatially Enabled Societies (5032)
[paper] [handouts]

Ian Williamson, Abbas Rajabifard, Jude Wallace and Rohan Bennett (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society (5385)
[paper] [handouts]

Alexander Kohli (Switzerland):
Sustainable Land Management based on Fast Approach Cadastral Documentation (5117)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Yvan Bedard (Canada):
Geospatial Data Quality + Risk Management + Legal Liability = Evolving Professional Practices (5215)

19 May
Karam 1
TS02C - Spatial Data Infrastructures I
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Nick Land, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Jamal Benissa, Morocco

Zeljko Bacic, Ljerka Rasic and Sanja Zekusic (Croatia):
Development of the Croatian and Regional SDI as a Part of European SDI (4866)
[paper] [handouts]

Tomasz Berezowski (Poland):
Unexpected Effects of National SDI Implementation – Based on (4952)

Bashkim Idrizi, Risto Ribarovski, Subija Izeirovski, Nikola Ribarovski and Sali Zhaku (Macedonia, FYROM):
SDI 25000 and Topographic Map Production in Macedonia (5031)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Hassane Jarar Oulidi and Omar Alami Bachir (Morocco):
Contribution à la mise en place d’une infrastructure des données spatiales (SDI) pour la gestion des ressources en eaux souterraines au Maroc (5259)

Elikkos Elia (Cyprus), Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) as the Reference Model for the Cyprus Land Information System (4880)

19 May
Karam 2
TS02D - Land Consolidation
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Peter Laarakker, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Kamal Outghouliast, Morocco

Tayfun Cay and Mevlut Uyan (Turkey):
A Spatial Decision Support System Design for Land Consolidation Projects (4813)
[paper] [handouts]

Sabahattin Akkus and Tayfun Cay (Turkey):
Investigation of the Effects of Rural Land Arrangements on Rural Development (4820)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 3
TS02E - Land Deformation
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Craig Hancock, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, Slovakia

Heri Andreas, Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Mipi Ananta Kusuma and Irwan Gumilar (Indonesia):
After Four Years of Ground Displacements Following LUSI Mud Volcano Eruption: Sign of Its Ending Eruption (4901)
[paper] [handouts]

Adrian T.G. Radulescu, Nicolae Dima, Octavian Radulescu, Virgil M.G. Radulescu (Romania) and Vassilis Gikas (Greece):
Possibilities of Using the Kinematic Structural Monitoring Methods in the Time Behavior of Constructions and Terrains Located above the Mines in Conservation (4977)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Tomonori Deguchi, Yoshihiro Kinugasa and Katsumi Kurita (Japan):
Monitoring of Land Deformation around Active Fault in the Metro Manila (5278)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 4
TS02F - Remote Sensing I
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Nic Donelly, New Zealand

Imane Sebari, Hanae Lahmami and Mohamed Ettarid (Morocco):
Assessment and Comparison of the Quality of Digital Ortho-images Generated from Digital Aerial Images and from Scanned Analog Aerial Images (5307)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Cees van Westen, Menno Straatsma and Steven de Jong (Netherlands):
Mapping of Elements at Risk for Landslides in the Tropics Using Airborne Laser Scanning (4874)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Kyutae Ahn and Youngjoon Song (Republic of Korea):
Digital Photogrammetry for Land Registration in Developing Countries (4969)
[paper] [handouts]

Yuhua He (China, PR):
Remote Sensing Supplying Technical Support for Innovation of Land Management (4972)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 5
TS02G - 3D Cadastre and Case Studies
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dr. Peter van Oosterom, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Prof. Kenza Ait Elkadi, Morocco

Alias Abdul-Rahman, Chee Hua Teng (Malaysia) and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
Embedding 3D into Multipurpose Cadastre (5223)
[paper] [handouts]

Vuttinan Utesnan (Thailand):
The Feasibility of 3D Cadastre in Thailand (4787)
[paper] [handouts]

Alessandro Dalmasso (Italy):
Procedures for the Cadastral Registration of a New Building and Its 3D Representation (5074)
[paper] [handouts]

Ali Aien, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson (Australia):
Aspects of 3D Cadastre - A Case Study in Victoria (4935)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Fatih Doner, Osman Demir and Cemal Biyik (Turkey):
Need for Three-Dimensional Cadastre in Turkey (4824)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

19 May
Reda 2
TS02H - Curriculum and Core Survey Knowledge II
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Mohamed Ettarid, Morocco
Rapporteur: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair, FIG Commission 2

Mohamed Bougouss (Canada):
The Challenge of Forming a Qualified Labor Responding to a Diversified Job Market in a Perpetually Technological Changing and Globalization Environment: the Limoilou College’s Model (4954)
[paper] [handouts]

Ignacio Menéndez Pidal and Pedro J. Cavero Abad (Spain):
Integration of Cooperation for Development in Survey Engineering Curricula at the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Framework (5064)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Pal Nikolli (Albania) and Bashkim Idrizi (Macedonia, FYROM):
GIS Education in Albania (5207)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

19 May
Reda 4
TS02I - Spatial Information Applications II
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Mueller, Germany

Ali Nashwan, Mohamed Ait Belaid and Sabah Al-Jenaid (Bahrain):
Designing a Spatial Database to Facilitate Road Maintenance Tasks (5357)
[paper] [handouts]

Barkan Fatima (Morocco):
The Permanent System of Migration Observation and Data Collecting toward an e-Government Project in Morocco (5430)

Paola Ronzino (Italy):
GIS for Land Management: an Overview on Italy (5076)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Débora Lamberty, Maurício Roberto Veronez and Marcelo Zagonel de Oliveira (Brazil):
The Use of Geographic Information System to the Integration and Management of Historical Information: A Case Study in Jesuit-Guarani Reduction in Brazil (5088)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

19 May
Reda 5
TS 2J - Organisational and Legislative Issues
Commission: 1 and 7
Chair: Mr. Pierre Tessier, Canada

Jean-Paul Miserez (Switzerland):
Quelle synergie entre topographes et géomètres? (5237)

Jim Mason (United Kingdom):
Promoting Ethical Improvement in the Built Environment (4962)
[paper] [handouts]

Tony Burns (Australia) and Suleiman Dabbas (Serbia):
Developing Effective Policy and Planning in Yemen (5232)
[paper] [handouts]

Lani Roux and Michael Barry (Canada):
Application of Grounded Theory in the Study of Land Registration Systems Usage (4847)
[paper] [handouts]

Brian J Coutts (New Zealand):
Regulation and Discipline for Cadastral Surveyors: A Case Study in the Australasian Reciprocating Region (4946)
[paper] [handouts]

Daniel Parent (Canada):
Land Surveyors and Certificate of Location (5171)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Select, Mansour Eddahbi Hotel
Experts Meeting with ANCFCC
Commission: ANCFCC
  • Meeting with international experts
  • By invitation only
19 May
Exhibition Hall
Coffee/Tea Break
19 May
Fes 2
FIG Africa Task Force II
Commission: FIG Africa Task Force
Chair: Dr. Diane Dunashie, Chair, FIG Africa Task Force
Rapporteur: Mr. Rafic Khouri, France
19 May
Salle des Ministres

TS03A - Towards Cadastre 2034 - A Panel Discussion with International Experts
Commission: 7, 3 and GIM
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohamed Rabah, Algeria
  • Cadastre 2014, a influential publication, produced between 94 and 98 by FIG Commission 7, the article Beyond Cadastre 2014 (GIM International July 2010) based on a paper presented by Rohan Bennett et al. during the FIG 2010 Congress in Sydney and an Invited Replies series, in which respected authorities responded on the article in GIM International (September and October 2010) its time to discuss the cadastre of the future amongst all delegates of the FIG Working Week 2011 in Marrakesh during a special session supported by GIM International. Let the dialogue begin!
  • Panellists: Danilo Antonio, UN-HABITAT, Stig Enemark, Denmark, Jurg Kaufmann, Switzerland, Martin Salzmann, the Netherlands, Daniel Steudler, Switzerland, Jarmo Ratia, Finland, Ian Williamson and Daniel Roberge, Canada
  • Special Issue of GIM International - download from here
19 May
Fes 1
TS03B - Master Planning and Structural Development
Commission: 8
Chair: Mme. Mounia Diaa Lahlou, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Chanati Setae, Morocco

Syed Mohamad Nasir (Malaysia):
Best Practices in Strategic Plan Implementation - Nurturing the Enabling Environment for Surveyors (5297)
[paper] [handouts]

Ali Moulid (Morocco):
Place of Irrigation in the New Agricultural Strategy - Green Morocco Plan (5413)
[paper] [handouts]

Enrico Rispoli (Italy):
Infrastructures for Tourism: Panoramic and Monumental Italy through the “Green Cycling Path Route” (“Via Verde Ciclabile”) (5405)
[paper] [handouts]

Mhammed Belachkar and Naima Hassine (Morocco):
Collecting Data for the Sea Level Monitoring (5381)

19 May
Karam 1
TS03C - Spatial Data Infrastructures II
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Mueller, Germany
Rapporteur: Mme. Nabila Licer, Morocco

Hartmut Müller and Falk Würriehausen (Germany):
Towards One Stop Citizen Interfaces as Entry Points to Spatial Information Infrastructures (5370)

Lesly Lam and Conrad Tang, Associate Professor (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Benchmarking Spatial Data Infrastructure Development in Hong Kong (5127)

Murat Meha (Kosovo) and Peter Laarakker (Netherlands):
Development of Cadastral Information System in Correlation with NSDI in Kosova (5131)
[paper] [handouts]

Peter Laarakker and Walter de Vries (Netherlands): (under construction) (5147)
[paper] [handouts]

19 May
Karam 2
TS03D - Public Private Partnerships in Planning and Land Development I
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Younes Tazi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair, FIG Commission 8

Frank Friesecke (Germany):
Public Participation in Urban Development Projects – A German Perspective (4868)
[paper] [handouts]

Elisabetta Genovese, Vincent Viguié, Stéphane Hallegatte and Paolo Avner (France):
Urban Modeling vs. Actual Cities: Towards an Operational Assessment of Mismatches (4981)
[paper] [handouts]

Jill Urban-Karr, Jack McKenna (USA) and Ursu Paul-Dan (Romania):
Deployment of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) that Provides an Improved Business/administrative Tool as the Foundation for Planning, Managing and Encouraging Quality and Sustainable Economic Development for the Public Administration (5285)
[paper] [handouts]

Andreas Hendricks (Germany):
Urban Contracts: A Method to Refinance the Costs of the Urban Development (5209)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Karam 3
TS03E - Land Deformation and SAR
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Joel van Craenenbroeck, Belgium
Rapporteur: Prof. Gethin W. Roberts, United Kingdom

Maria Henriques, Jose Lima, Ana Falcao, Malva Mancuso and Heleno Sandra (Portugal):
Land Subsidence in Lisbon Area: Validation of PSInSAR Results (4997)
[paper] [handouts]

Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Rabieahtul Abu Bakar (Netherlands), Quek Yong Wah and Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Mohd Akib (Malaysia):
Geodetic Laser Scanning Technique for Characterizing Landslides along High-risk Road Zone: Applications and Limitations (4878)
[paper] [handouts]

Caroline Tyra (USA):
IFSAR Applications in Semi-Arid and Arid Environments (4855)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Karam 4
TS03F - Remote Sensing II
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Lars E. Engberg, Sweden
Rapporteur: Prof. Mohamed Cherkaoui Omari, Morocco

Rishiraj Dutta (Netherlands):
Remote Sensing a Tool to Measure and Monitor Tea Plantations in Northeast India (5113)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mourad Bouziani (Morocco):
Possibilities and Constraints of LIDAR Use in Moroccan Context (5242)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Yunus Kalkan and Serdar Bilgi (Turkey):
Latest Results of Landslide Monitoring Project in Harbor of Ambarli Region (5318)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Karam 5
TS03G - GNSS CORS Networks Case Studies (Flash)
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Youness Hmamouchi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair, FIG Commission 5

Eric Gakstatter (USA):
What's Going to Happen When High Precision GNSS is Very Inexpensive? (5400)
This is a flash presentation.

Zeljko Bacic, Marinko Bosiljevac and Marijan Marjanovic (Croatia):
Usage and Upgrade of the Croatian Positioning System - CROPOS (4865)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Victor H. S. Khoo, Hua Seng Tan and Mohd Rashid Md Noor (Singapore):
Evaluation of the Existing CORS Network Infrastructure in Singapore to Meet User Demand (4949)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Irwan Gumilar, Heri Andreas, Wenny Rusmawar and Farid H. Adiyanto (Indonesia):
On the Use of GPS CORS for Cadastral Survey in Indonesia (4803)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Rui Fernandes (Portugal), Barde Jatau, Ugochukwu Edozie (Nigeria), Domingos Armando and José Januário (Angola):
Rigorous Estimation of the Coordinates of Two New National Permanent GNSS Networks in Africa: NIGNET (Nigeria) and REPANGOL (Angola) (5154)
This is a flash presentation.

Ömer Yıldırım, Ömer Salgın and Sedat Bakıcı (Turkey):
CORS-TR in Turkey (5244)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Kamel Naouali and Nejib Wazaa (Tunisia):
The GNSS Network of Tunisia (5272)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

Gabriel Badescu, Ovidiu Stefan, Rodica Badescu, Mircea Ortelecan and Samuel Ioel Veres (Romania):
Positioning System GPS and RTK VRS Type, Using the Internet as a Base, a Network of Multiple Stations (5247)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Reda 2
TS03H - Development of Urban Infrastructures
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair, FIG Commission 8
Rapporteur: Mr. Ouail Benkirane, Morocco

Younes Tazi (Morocco):
The National Strategy to Develop a Competitiveness Logistics in Morocco (5383)

Mostafa Ebrahim and Ihab Abed-Elhafez (Egypt):
Planning Road Networks in New Cities Using GIS: The Case of New Sohag, Egypt (5423)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Jawad Hilali (Morocco):
The National Office of Drinking Water - A Public Operator in the Heart of Sustainable Development (5408)

19 May
Reda 4
TS03I - Spatial Information Applications III
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Mohammed Essadiki, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert W. Foster, USA

Ghita Lahlou, Ali Elbattay, Jamal Eddine Abdellaoui, Miriam Wahbi and M'hamed Ait kbir (Morocco):
Implementation of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic in Urban Lands Using the Geospatial Technology (5356)
[paper] [handouts]

Mourad Bouziani, El Hassane Semlali, Hanane Idaali and Karima Maaza (Morocco):
A Geographic Information System for the Management and Monitoring of Animal Diseases in Morocco (5087)
[paper] [handouts]

Joanna Kuczynska and Agnieszka Chojka (Poland):
Review of Technological Paths of Application Schema Transformation from UML to GML (5206)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

19 May
Reda 5
TS03J - Land Administration Issues in Africa
Commission: 7,and 8
Chair: Prof. Francis Gabele, Belgium
Rapporteur: Mr. Said Blili, Morocco

Samuel Nguema Ondo Obiang (Gabon) and Bernard Puepi (Cameroon):
The Land Problematic in Central African Countries: Cameroun, Congo and Gabon's Cases Studies - La Problématique foncière dans les Pays d'Afrique Centrale : cas du Cameroun, du Congo et du Gabon (5059)

Mamadou Camara, Aly Waigalo and Garibou Guindo (Mali):
Problematic of the Cadastral Setting up in the Sub-Sahelian Countries - Land Surveyor's Intervention - Problématique de la mise en place du Cadastre dans les pays Sub-Saheliens (intervention du géomètre-expert) (5060)

Garibou Guindo, Mamadou Camara and Aly Waigalo (Mali):
Cadastral Works in the Rice-growing's Perimeter of the Office of Niger - Land Surveyor's Role - Travaux cadastraux dans les périmètres rizicoles de l'Office du Niger (place du géomètre) (5063)

Mamadou Ndir (Senegal):
National Domain, the Law and the Reform’s Project Domaine National - la Loi et le Projet de Réforme (5170)
[paper] [handouts]

Naima Jarid (Morocco):
Online Data Information System to Serve Customer Partners of the ANCFCC - Mise en ligne des informations foncières au profit des partenaires de l’ANCFCC (5450)

Mostafa Chetibi (Morocco):
Le rôle de l’Ingénieur Géomètre Topographe (IGT) dans le Cadastre Marocain (5452)

19 May
Salle des Ministres, Palais des Congres
Opening Ceremony
Commission: All
  • Opening Address: Mr Aziz Hilali, ONIGT President
  • Opening Address: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • Address: Moroccan Government
  • Welcome Greetings: AUS, FGF and UMG
19 May
Restaurant Palais des Jbilats, 5km Route Principale de Casablanca, Jnane Kadat

Moroccan Evening / FIG Foundation Dinner - Sponsored by Trimble Navigation
Friday, 20 May
20 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
20 May
Salle des Ministres, Palais des Congres
PS02 - Plenary Session 2 & 6th National Congress of ONIGT - Governance and Regionalization
Commission: All
Chair: Ms. Houde Ait-Mik, World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Morocco
Rapporteur: Prof. Dalal S. Alnaggar, FIG Vice President, Egypt

Aziz Hilali, President, ONIGT (Morocco):
Opening Address of the 6th National Congress of ONIGT (5449)

Abdouh Abdellatif, Secretariat of Consultant Board, Morocco (Morocco):
Governance and Regionalization - Moroccan Perspective (5437)
[paper] [handouts]

Holger Magel, Technische Universität München (Germany):
Governance and Regionalization: New Paradigms for Transparent Politics and Accountable Civic Engagement (5439)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Exhibition Hall, Palais des Congres
20 May
Reda 1
Press Conference - FIG and ONIGT
Commission: Media
  • President CheeHai Teo, FIG
  • President Aziz Hilali, ONIGT
20 May
Exhibition Hall
Coffee/Tea Break
20 May
Commission MR5
Academic Members Forum
Commission: FIG Academic Members and 2
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair, FIG Commission 2
20 May
Fes 2
FIG General Assembly - Breakout Session on Membership Issues (Voting Rights)
Commission: FIG members
Chair: Mr. Iain Greenway, FIG Vice President
  • Open discussion on the membership issues (voting rights) based on the introduction at the first session of the General Assembly. Session is open for FIG member associations interested in this topic.
20 May
Salle des Ministres
TS04A - National Geodesy I
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair, FIG Commission 5
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohamed Dhina, Morocco

Daniel Roman and Neil Weston (USA):
OPUS-Database: Supplemental Data for Better Datum Conversion Models (4860)
This paper has been presented by Mr. Michael Dennis.
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

John Beavan and Graeme Blick (New Zealand):
The Impact of the 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake on the Geodetic Infrastructure in New Zealand (4859)

Jens Riecken (Germany):
Geodetic Reference System 2015 – the Approach in North-Rhine Westphalia (4899)
[paper] [handouts]

Vassilios D. Andritsanos, Michail Gianniou and Vassilios Pagounis (Greece):
Vertical Datum Evaluation Based on Heterogeneous Data Combination over Attica, Greece (5035)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Abdelmajid Ben Hadj Salem (Tunisia):
The Unification of the Tunisian Geodetic Terrestrial Networks (5273)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Youness Hmamouchi (Morocco):
Cartographie et Géodésie Nationale (5454)

20 May
Fes 1
TS04B - Management of State and Public Sector Land
Commission: 7 and FAO
Chair: Dr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Hafid Saghir, Morocco

Daniel Roberge (Canada):
The Register of the Domain of the State, an Essential Infrastructure in Public Land Management (5281)
[paper] [handouts]

Elżbieta Bielecka, Dorota Latos and Beata Całka (Poland):
Methodological Approach for Designing GIS Management System for State Real Estate (5122)
[paper] [handouts]

Claire Galpin (France), Mathias Koffi (Cote D 'Ivoire) and Kader Fanta Ngom (Senegal):
Le programme d’appui aux communautés rurales de la Vallée du fleuve Sénégal : Expérimentation de cadastre rural au Sénégal (5100)
[paper] [handouts]

Franz-Volker Müller (Cambodia):
Land Distribution in Cambodia - Experiences and New Approaches for State Land Management (5376)

My Ahmed Jkaoua (Morocco):
Collective Land Management in Morocco (5380)
[paper] [handouts]

Elikkos Elia (Cyprus) and Richard Grover (United Kingdom):
The Management of State and Public Sector Land (4814)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Karam 1
TS04C - SIM and Planning
Commission: 3 and 8
Chair: Mr. Peter Laarakker, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. gerhard Muggenhuber, Austria

Saffet Erdoğan, M. Ali Dereli and Mustafa Yalçın (Turkey):
Spatıal Analysıs of Fıve Crıme Statıstıcs in Turkey (5202)
[paper] [handouts]

Tahsin Yomralioglu and Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
Managing Geo-Data to Support Urban Planning Development Process in Turkey (5353)
[paper] [handouts]

Orhan Ercan and Adem Tunca (Turkey):
Usages of GIS Techniques in a Balanced Spatial Development Approach for 3rd Generation Planning Project of the Benghazi Region (4800)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Davood Akbari (Iran):
Appointment of Appropriate Sites for Waste Depletion by GIS (4945)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 2
TS04D - Valuations I
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Sidi Mohammed Talbi Alami, Morocco
Rapporteur: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9

Anna Baranska (Poland):
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Assessing the Similarity of Real Estate (4811)
[paper] [handouts]

Nabil Bounajma (Morocco):
The Practice of the Real Estate Valuation in Morocco (4929)

Mehmet Ertas and Ayhan Goktepe (Turkey):
Determination of the Valuation Criteria in Rural Areas and the Account of the Scoring Weights of Some (5049)
[paper] [handouts]

Victoria Bello (Nigeria):
The Impact of Urban Crime on Property Values in Akure, Nigeria (4775)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 3
TS04E - Laser Scanners
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Alain de Wulf, Belgium
Rapporteur: Prof. Gethin Roberts, Chair, FIG Commission 6

Jens-André Paffenholz, Tobias Kersten, Steffen Schön and Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany):
Analysis of the Impact of Rotating GNSS Antennae in Kinematic Terrestrial Applications (4881)
[paper] [handouts]

Aymen Trigui (Tunisia):
Postprocessing of Laserscanning Point Clouds for the As-built Modelling of Petrochemical Installations (5033)
[paper] [handouts]

George Pantazis and Konstantinos Nikolitsas (Greece):
Assessing the Use of the "Light" Laser Scanners and the Monte Carlo Technique for the Geometric Documentation (5073)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Hamza Alkhatib and Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany):
Towards an Advanced Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty Using Monte-Carlo Methods - Case Study Kinematic TLS Observation Process (5143)
[paper] [handouts]

Reginaldo Macedônio da Silva, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Francisco Manuel Wohnrath Tognoli, Larissa Jacobi and Débora Lamberty (Brazil):
Digital Outcrop Model At Geological Analysis and Interpretation: Case Study Based on Data from Laser Scanner 3D Terrestrial (4988)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 4
TS04F - Project and Organisation Management
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Robert Sinkner, Chair, FIG Commission 10
Rapporteur: Mr. Mauro Catalano, Italy

Krishna Mochtar (Indonesia):
Technology Innovation Management in Indonesia Construction (5012)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Andrea Massaro (Italy):
The Home Plan Proposed by the Italian Government Is a New Opportunity for Real Estate Owners (5077)
[paper] [handouts]

Li Zhang and Schwieger Volker (Germany):
Real Time Quality Assurance Indexes for Residential House Construction Processes (4888)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Borvorn Israngkura Na Ayudhya (Thailand):
Appraisal of Common Dispute Problems over Residential Building Projects in Hong Kong (4788)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Chan KH (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Appraisal of Determinants in Property Maintenance (5014)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 5
TS04G - Gender Issues in Land Administration
Commission: 7, UN-Habitat and GLTN
Chair: Mr. Danilo Antonio, UN-HABITAT
Rapporteur: Ms. Claire Galpin, France

Asa Jonsson (Kenya):
Evaluating Land Tools from a Gender Perspective: GLTN's Experience of Implementing the Gender Evaluation Criteria (4986)
This paper has been presented by Mr. Danilo Antonio

David Ishaya, Basil Makama and Nathan Sabo (Nigeria):
The Duties and Challenges Faced by Female Estate Surveyors and Valuers - Empirical Challenges from Kaduna, Nigeria (4931)
[paper] [handouts]

Ernest Uwayezu and Theodomir Mugiraneza (Rwanda):
Land Reform Policy in Rwanda and Land Tenure Security for all Citizens: Provision and Recognition of Women’s Rights over Land (4914)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

20 May
Reda 2
TS04H - Land Administration in Africa: Case Studies
Commission: 7 and FGF
Chair: Mr. Francis Roy, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Jean-Francois Beaupre, Canada

Leon Zalo (Cote D 'Ivoire), Kestutis Sabaliauskas and Steponas Deveikis (Lithuania):
L’acquis du cadastre et du registre foncier et immobilier de Lituanie pour les pays africains. Un bref rapport sur la mission du cadastre foncier rural de Côte d’Ivoire en Lituanie 2010 (5070)
[paper] [handouts]

El Hadji Moustaph Mbaye C. (Senegal):
Cadastral Inquiries and Good Governance - Enquetes cadastrales et bonne gouvernance (5204)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Reda 4
TS04I - Hydrography-Assisted Monitoring
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom

Abdallah Saad, Ahmad Shaker, Dalal Alnaggar and Hoda Faisal (Egypt):
Absolute Sea Level Rise Estimation at Alexandria Using Tide Records and GPS Observations (5163)
[paper] [handouts]

Kamyar Shojaee (United Arab Emirates):
Underwater Circular Curve Implementation for Offshore Pipe-line Installation; Case Study: South Pars Phase 12 Pipeline Snake-lay Operation (5378)

Miguel J. Sevilla, Joaquin Zurutuza and Adriana M. Martin (Spain):
Three Years of Tide Gauge Measurements in the Pasajes Harbour (5245)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Cheikhou Oumar Ndiaye, Alioune Kane (Senegal) and Violeta Puscasu (Romania):
Vulnerability of Senegal’s South Coast: Perspectives with the Climate Change’s Context (4990)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Reda 5
TS04J - Geodetic Applications in Various Situations
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Mohamed Azab, Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada), Nabil Ali Shoukry and Ramadan Khalil (Egypt):
Precise Point Positioning Using Combined GPS/GLONASS Measurements (5277)
[paper] [handouts]

Mohamed Elsobeiey and Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada):
Effect of Second-Order Ionospheric Delay on Precise Point Positioning (5249)
[paper] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie, Mark Whitty, Mitchell Leach, Fadhillah Norzahari and Adrian White (Australia):
Spatially Smart Wine – Testing Geospatial Technologies for Sustainable Wine Production (5089)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Pool Area, Mansour Eddahbi Hotel
20 May
Fes 2
Director General Forum I
Commission: Director General Forum
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
Rapporteur: Mr. Iain Greenway, FIG Vice President
  • By invitation only
20 May
Commission MR1
Standards Network Meeting
Commission: Standards Network
Chair: Dr. David Martin, Chair of the FIG Standards Network
  • The Standards Network was formed in 2002. It works within Commission 1 and is composed of representatives from each of FIGs Commissions. It meets annually to discuss the following:
    • liaison and relationships with standardisation bodies and other NGOs,
    • FIG priorities related to standardisation activities, and
    • relevant standards information for distribution to FIG Members, Delegates and Commission Officers.
    • open to all interested participants
20 May
Commission MR5
FIG Corporate Members Meeting
Commission: FIG Corporate Members
  • By invitation only
20 May
Salle des Ministres
TS05A - Planning Policies and Environmental Improvement
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Ben Ali Taoufik, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Austria

Thomas Bonnel (France):
The Notion of "Accessibility" (4884)
[paper] [handouts]

Hamid Mouatassim and Abdelwahed Idrissi (Morocco):
Towards Democratizing the Urban Planning (5373)

Aziz El Achhab (Morocco):
Land Governance - A Best Way for Highway Development (5444)

Youssef Idrissi (Morocco):
The National Highway Program (5445)

Mohamed Akaaboune (Morocco):
The Role of the Surveying Engineer in the Road Design Studies in Morocco (5384)
[paper] [handouts]

Latifa Lakfif, Abdallah Rattal and Latifa Lakfif (Morocco):
National Observatory of Environment (5386)
[paper] [handouts]

Aslı, Başarır, Şaban İnam, Mehmet Ertaş and Şükran Yalpır (Turkey):
Urban Renewal Projects and Existing Issues in Turkey (5040)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Fes 1
TS05B - Developments in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Mostapha Chitibi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mme. Meriem El Guess, Morocco

Pierre Clergot (France):
Les systèmes cadastraux français (5443)

Pierre Tessier and Marie-Renée C.-Lavoie (Canada):
Land Management Systems in Canada - Les systèmes fonciers du Canada (5243)

Muyiwa Agunbiade, Abbas Rajabifard and Rohan Bennett (Australia):
Land Administration for Housing Production: Drivers, Concepts and Analytical Tools (4809)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Pierre Bibollet and Patrick Bezard-Falgas (France):
The French e-land Portal (4885)

Gérard Chouquer (France):
The Observatory of the Land Morphology - A FIEF Geoportal (4887)
[paper] [handouts]

Gyula Iván (Hungary):
Future Trends in Hungarian Land Administration (5139)
[paper] [handouts]

François Mazuyer (France):
Synthesis of the Evaluation Seminar on the Training Needs of the African Land Surveyors from the Sub-Saharan Region (4886)

20 May
Karam 1
TS05C - Spatial Data Infrastructures III
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Peter Laarakker, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mme. Nouzha Ouadou, Morocco

Sedat Bakici and Akin Kisa (Turkey):
Spatial Data Infrastructure in Turkey and Projects (5255)
[paper] [handouts]

Kari Suominen (Finland), Thongchanh Manixay and Bouasoth Souvannakhoumane (Laos, PDR):
Strengthening National Geographic Services in Lao PDR (5298)
[paper] [handouts]

Tomas Mildorf and Vaclav Cada (Czech Republic):
Model Generalisation in the Context of National Infrastructure for Spatial Information (5332)
[paper] [handouts]

Ciprian Savoiu, Ionut Savoiu, Mircea Viorel Popa, Director at Cadastral and Land Registration Office and Georgeta Chitac, Chief of Cadastre at Brasov Municipality (Romania):
GIS Projects and Systematic Land Registration in Romania - BRASOV Case Study (5289)
This paper has been presented by Prof. Ralf Schroth.
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Sonja Dimova (Macedonia, FYROM):
Aspect of Preliminary Activities in the Function of Supporting NSDI (5257)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 2
TS05D - National Geodesy II (Flash)
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Germany

Rachid Azzouzi (Morocco):
Redefinition of the Moroccan Merchich Local Geodetic System in the WGS84 and ITRF Global Reference Frames Related to Doppler, GPS and GNSS Observations (4903)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Nic Donnelly, John Ritchie and Matt Amos (New Zealand):
Re-establishment of the New Zealand Survey Control System Following the 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake (4871)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Mikael Lilje and Lars E Engberg (Sweden):
Strategic Plan for Geodesy in Sweden (4804)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Michael Dennis and Mark Eckl (USA):
Making It More Efficient and More Accurate: Modernizing the U.S. National Spatial Reference System (5293)
This is a flash presentation.

Pavel Novak (Czech Republic):
Integrated Geodetic Infrastructure at the Geodetic Observatory Pecný, Czech Republic, in Service of National and International GNSS Projects (4867)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Pal Nikolli (Albania) and Bashkim Idrizi (Macedonia, FYROM):
Coordinate Reference Systems Used in Albania to Date (5038)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

20 May
Karam 3
TS05E - Valuations II
Commission: 9
Chair: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9
Rapporteur: Mr. Achraf Chafi, Morocco

Eleni Tziortzioti and Christina Pelekanou (Greece):
Valuation and the Management of Real Estate Hellenic Highways Affection (4877)

Adebakin Asaju and Mary Ajayi (Nigeria):
Path to Sustainable Development: The Estate Surveyors and Valuer's Perspectives (5105)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

20 May
Karam 4
TS05F - Land Tenure in Africa
Commission: 7 and Africa Task Force
Chair: Mr. Danilo Antonio, UN-HABITAT
Rapporteur: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom

Emmanuel Offei Akrofi (South Africa):
Land for Peri-urban Infrastructure in Customary Areas: A Case Study of Kumasi, Ghana (4965)
[paper] [handouts]

René Claude Niyonkuru (Burundi):
Land Administration in Burundi: Risk and Dispute Analysis, Prevention and Management (5099)
This paper has been presented by Claire Galpin.

Bareng Malatsi (Botswana) and Åke Finnström (Sweden):
Reformation of the Land Administration in Botswana (5233)
[paper] [handouts]

Wallace Mukupa (Zambia):
Land Administration to Support Sustainable Development (5191)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 5
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Mohamed Timoulali, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Maxwell Hountonhadja, Morocco

Paul van Asperen (Netherlands):
Evaluation of Pro-poor Land Administration from an End-user Perspective: A Case-study from Peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia (5280)
[paper] [handouts]

Ying Jing (China, PR), Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Zhimin Ma (China, PR):
Assessing LARSI-integrated Participation Procedure in Urban Adjudication in China (5068)
[paper] [handouts]

Geoff Hay and G. Brent Hall (New Zealand):
Implementing Open Source Software for Land Administration Processes in Developing Nations (4857)
[paper] [handouts]

Oksana Sukhova (Ukraine):
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy (4902)
This paper has not been presented at the conferemce.

20 May
Reda 2
TS05H - Cadastre - Case Studies
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Francis Roy, Canada

Mohammad Azmi Mohd Zin (Malaysia):
Public Private Partnerships in Innovation: The Exciting Dimension of Leap-frogging the the Malaysian Surveying and Mapping Industry's Progress (5343)
[paper] [handouts]

Leiv Bjarte Mjøs (Norway):
Land Subdivisions in Norway: A Comparision with Denmark and Sweden (5284)
[paper] [handouts]

Aune Rummukainen (Finland):
Usufructs in the Finnish Juridical System (4828)
[paper] [handouts]

Lars Åstrand and Ida Magni (Sweden):
Cadastral Procedures for Modernising Regional Electric Power Grids (4955)
[paper] [handouts]

Jelena Unger and Željko Bačić (Croatia):
Role of Cadastre in Sustainable Planning and Development in Croatia (4815)
[paper] [handouts]

Bambang-Edhi Leksono, Yuliana Susilowati, Suyuz Windayana and Idin Yunindra (Indonesia):
Managing Land Registration Spatio Temporal Aspects in National Land Information System (5184)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Reda 4
TS05I - Spatial Information Processing I
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Paddy Prendergast, Ireland
Rapporteur: Dr. Fatiha Ibannain, Morocco

Kazimierz Becek and Khairunnisa Ibrahim (Brunei Darussalam):
On the Positional Accuracy of the GoogleEarth® Imagery (4947)
[paper] [handouts]

Sanae Ettarid, El Messati Bochra and Mohammed Cherkaoui-Omari (Morocco):
Direct Georeferencing of Aerial Photographs Using GPS/INS Assisted Aerotriangulation (5148)

Milan Talich, Ondrej Bohm and Lubomir Soukup (Czech Republic):
Bayesian Classification of Digital Images by Web Application (4827)
[paper] [handouts]

Sinasi Kaya, Erkan Bozkurtoglu, E. Ozgur Avsar, Umut Aydar and Dursun Zafer Seker (Turkey):
Determination of Roughness Angles of Surfaces Using Laser Scanner (5187)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Olalekan Isioye and Paul Jobin (Nigeria):
An Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from Different Spatial Data Sources (4911)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Ahmed Elsonbaty and Mostafa Ebrahim (Egypt):
A New Algorithm to Measure The Details on Objects’ Surfaces Using Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry (5084)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Reda 5
TS05J - Hydrography in Practice
Commission: 4
Chair: Ms. Angela Etuonovbe, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom

Iman Abdel Hamid, Victor Abbott, Samantha Lavender and Kenneth Kingston (United Kingdom):
Chromostereoscopy for Enhanced Viewing in Opaque Environment (4895)
[paper] [handouts]

Volker Boeder, Thomas P. Kersten, Thomas Thies and Arne Sauer (Germany):
Mobile Laser Scanning on Board Hydrographic Survey Vessels - Applications and Accuracy Investigations (4927)
[paper] [handouts]

Harry Wirth and Thomas Brüggemann (Germany):
The Development of a Multiple Transducer Multibeam Echosounder System for Very Shallow Waters (5200)
[paper] [handouts]

Hugh Parker, Mark Penley, Mark Sinclair (Australia) and Paul Seaton (United Arab Emirates):
Fugro Commence New Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Trials (5389)
[paper] [handouts]

Erwin Heine (Austria):
Hydrographic Surveying of the Subaqueous Delta Plain of the River Rhine at Lake Constance (5290)
[paper] [handouts]

Lotfi Diouri and Mohammed El Aichati (Morocco):
The Surveying Profession in the Service of the Harbor Activities (5304)
This is a flash presentation.

Sylvester Efe Owhojeta (Nigeria):
Early Production System (EPS) Barge Movement and Installation at Olero Creek Production Platform, Benin River Area (5145)
[avi] [paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

20 May
Coffee/Tea Break
20 May
Fes 2
Director General Forum II
Commission: Director General Forum
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
Rapporteur: Mr. Iain Greenway, FIG Vice President
  • By invitation only
20 May
Commission MR1
FIG Commission 5 Working Group 5.1 Standards, Quality Assurance and Calibration
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. David Martin, Chair of the FIG Standards Network
FIG publication No. 9 Recommended Procedures for Routine Checks of Electro-Optical Distance Meters- ( ) is under review. This guide was originally published in 1994 and edited in 2007. However its content has not had a major revision since its creation. This meeting is convened to discuss its scope and the following review options:
  • maintain the guide as it is,
  • re-edit it with minor or major modifications,
  • consider withdrawing it definitively; and
  • depending on what option we take, how FIG should proceed.
  • open for all interested participants
20 May
Salle des Ministres
TS06A - Planning and Managing Urbanization
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Austria
Rapporteur: Mr. Safae Ghanati, Morocco

Hassan Chtouki (Morocco):
City Planning and Urban Management in Morocco (5236)
[paper] [handouts]

Abdelwahed Idrissi (Morocco):
Urban Planning between Indentity and a Trivial Behavior (5315)
[paper] [handouts]

Kalla Mahdi, Dridi Hadda, Merdaci Abdelmoumen and Habibi Yahiaoui (Algeria):
La circulation dans la ville de Batna-Eest algerien Realite et perdpectives - approche par les SIG (5189)

20 May
Fes 1
TS06B - Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of Climate Change and Risk/Disaster Management I
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Pierre Bibollet, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Tarek El Maftouhi, Morocco

Redouane Bouaicha, Mohamed Rouchdi and Ahmed Bouziane (Morocco):
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS to Spatial Hydrologic Modeling - Taifine Basin in Tangier Area (4930)
[paper] [handouts]

Bence Toronyi, Gyula Iván and Gábor Mikus (Hungary):
Support of Disaster Management by Land Administration and SDI (5138)
[paper] [handouts]

Raid Al-Tahir, Marcus Arthur and Dexter Davis (Trinidad And Tobago):
Low Cost Aerial Mapping Alternatives for Natural Disasters in the Caribbean (5153)
[paper] [handouts]

Abdelali Taouss (Morocco):
Geomatic in the Service of Urban Management: Issues and Perspectives - Les Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques au service de la Gestion du milieu Urbain: Enjeux et Perspectives (5431)

20 May
Karam 1
TS06C - Land Administration: Environmental Issues
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. El Hassan Semlali, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Jean-Paul Miserez, Switzerland

Massimiliano De Martin (Italy):
“The Best Energy Is Not Consumed" - Project for the Development of Micro-generation Plants in Agriculture (5066)
[paper] [handouts]

David Mitchell (Australia), Jaap Zevenbergen, Christiaan Lemmen and Paul van der Molen (Netherlands):
Land Administration for REDD+ and Voluntary Carbon Market Projects (5044)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Pertti Onkalo (Finland) and Muhammad Salim Sulaiman (Tanzania):
Zanzibar: Sustaining the Environment at the Confluence of Cultures (5051)
[paper] [handouts]

Jean-Yves Bourguignon (France):
Polluted Soils (4985)

Tarun Ghawana (India), João P. Hespanha (Portugal), Jaap Zevenbergen and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
Spatial Dimensions of Land Administration and User Rights over Groundwater: Case study of Kerala, India vs. Coca-Cola (5275)
[paper] [handouts]

Ha Nguyen Manh (Viet Nam):
Application USLE and GIS Tool to Predict Soil Erosion Potential and Proposal Land Cover Solution to Reduce Soil Loss in Tay Nguyen, Vietnam (5011)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 2
TS06D - Informal Settlement Issues, Spatial Development, Planning and Governance
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Moulay Abdelghani Abouhani, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Collins K'Owuor, Kenya

Florence Galeon (Philippines):
Determining Formalities of Settlement Clusters Using Fractal Dimensions (5108)

Turgut Ayten (Turkey):
Formation of Fringe Towns Metropolitan Cities: Konya Karatay-Sakyatan Village Example (4821)

Daniel Weldegebriel Ambaye (Ethiopia):
Informal Settlement in Ethiopia, the Case of Two Kebeles in Bahir Dar City (5096)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Saadi Samira (Algeria):
Développement de zone périurbaine du Grand Alger (5201)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

20 May
Karam 3
TS06E - Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair of FIG Commission 6
Rapporteur: Prof. Mohamed El Ghouat, Morocco

Timothy Nuttens, Philippe De Maeyer, Alain De Wulf, Rudi Goossens and Cornelis Stal (Belgium):
Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage: An Accuracy Assessment (5267)
[paper] [handouts]

Kamal Ben Addou Idrissi and Kenza Ait Kadi (Morocco):
Auscultation of the Mosque Hassan 2 in Morocco by Lasergrammetry: Constraints and Lessons (5331)
[paper] [handouts]

Ferruh Yildiz, Murat Yakar, Mustafa Zeybek, Melisa Yolcu and Cakan Osman Tanidik (Turkey):
Photogrammetric Modeling of Fasillar Monuments (5333)

Murat Yakar, Ferruh Yildiz, Mustafa Zeybek, Melisa Yolcu and Tuba Filiz (Turkey):
Photogrammetric Modeling of Lilac Spring Monuments (5334)

Orthodoxia Arabatzi, Maria Tsakiri and Vassilios Pagounis (Greece):
Experiences from Cultural Heritage Documentation Using Modern Geodetic Techniques - Monuments at the Acropolis of Athens (4992)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Karam 4
TS06F - Construction and Sustainable Development
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Robert Sinkner, Chair, FIG Commission 10
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrea Massaro, Italy

Mauro Catalano (Italy):
Sustainable Housing in the Province of Alto Adige, Italy – “Climate House” (5078)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Karam 5
TS06G - GNSS and Land Deformation (Flash)
Commission: 5, 3 and 8
Chair: Mr. Graeme Blick, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. Mostapha Akendouch, Morocco

Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Irwan Gumilar, Heri Andreas, Teguh P. Sidiq (Indonesia) and Yoichi Fukuda (Japan):
Study on Causes and Impacts of Land Subsidence in Bandung Basin, Indonesia (4784)
[paper] [handouts]

Marcin Uradzinski (Poland):
Range Analysis of RTK Base Station in Urban Environment (5017)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Dexter Davis, Ijaz Ramsahai, Machel Higgins (Trinidad And Tobago), Allison Kealy (Australia) and Raid Al-Tahir (Trinidad And Tobago):
Evaluating the Quality of GNSS CORS Data for Seismic Monitoring in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (5213)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

Eleonora Bertacchini, Alessandro Capra, Cristina Castagnetti and Alessandro Corsini (Italy):
Atmospheric Corrections for Topographic Monitoring Systems in Landslides (4905)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Gincho Kostov (Bulgaria):
Using of both Fast Static and RTK Modes for GNSS Determinations to Obtain Required High Accuracy and Productivity, According to the Current Possibilities of the IT (4933)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Pedro Almeida (Portugal), Rachid Azzouzi, Youssef Hahou (Morocco) and Rui Fernandes (Portugal):
Investigation of the Current Kinematics of the Nubia-Eurasia Plate Boundary in North West Morocco (5155)
This is a flash presentation.

20 May
Reda 2
TS06H - Boundary Delineation Issues: From Parcel to Country Level
Commission: 1 and 7
Chair: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair, FIG Commission 1
Rapporteur: Mr. Jalal Tachboutt, Morocco

Paula Santos, Ana Roque (Portugal) and José Mucombo (Mozambique):
Revision of the Mozambique Frontiers: a Cooperation Project (5107)
[paper] [handouts]

Paddy Prendergast, Colman Horgan and Gabriel Brennan (Ireland):
Issues Related to Boundary Mapping in Ireland (5390)
[paper] [handouts]

20 May
Reda 4
TS06I - Valuations CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal) I
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9
Rapporteur: Dr. Fabian Thiel, Germany

Arvydas Bagdonavicius and Steponas Deveikis (Lithuania):
Mass Appraisal – the Method and an Experience in Lithuania * Evaluation de masse – la recherche de la méthode et l’expérience en Lituanie (4890)
[paper] [handouts]

Varnavas Pashoulis (Cyprus):
The General Valuation Law and the CAMAS in the Lands and Surveys Department in Cyprus (5406)
[paper] [handouts]

Weidong Qu (China, PR):
The Appraisal of Land Transfer Price Using Monte Carlo Hypothetical Development Method (4936)
[paper] [handouts]

Stojanka Brankovic and Nenad Tesla (Serbia):
Development of Real Estate Mass Valuation Concept in the Republic of Serbia (4896)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Jolu Bunda, Ernest Bugay, Louie Balicanta, Matthew Dimal and Enrico Paringit (Philippines):
Site Selection for Subdivision Development in Guiguinto, Bulacan Using GIS and Regression Analysis (5043)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

20 May
Reda 5
TS06J - Hydrography and the Environment
Commission: 4
Chair: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair, FIG Commission 4

Angela Kesiena Etuonovbe (Nigeria):
Devastating Effect of Flooding in Nigeria (5002)
[paper] [handouts]

Olusegun Badejo and Peter Nwilo (Nigeria):
Oil Spill Model for Oil Pollution Control (5005)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Rami Al Ruzouq, Abdullah Al Zoubi, Abdrahman Abueladas and Emad Akawwi (Jordan):
Hazard Mapping Along the Dead Sea Shoreline (5037)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Murat Uysal, Saffet Erdoğan and Ünal Yıldırım (Turkey):
Changes in the Coastline and Water Level of the Akşehir and Eber Lakes between 1975 and 2010 (5225)
[paper] [handouts]

Berk Üstün (Turkey):
Mapping Water Quality by Using Satellite Imagery (5194)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

20 May
Fes 2
Arab Union of Surveyors - Executive Board Meeting of AUS
Commission: AUS members
  • by invitation only
20 May
Fes 1
China Forum - China Surveying and Mapping Serves the World
Commission: Chinese Exhibitors
  • 18:00-18:20 MapWorld-Platform of Internet Geomatics Service of China
  • 18:20-18:40 Innovative Geospatial Technology in China
  • 18:40-19:00 Chinese Surveying Equipment: The Driving Force for Development of Africa
  • 19:00-19:20 China GIS Industry and SuperMaps Achievements
  • 19:20-19:30 Speech by Dr. Li Pengde, Deputy Director General, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China
  • Open for all interested participants
  • Followed by a reception
20 May
Free Evening / Commission Dinners
20 May
Palais des Congres
China Forum Reception
Commission: Chinese Delegation
  • Reception hosted by State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China
  • By invitation only
Saturday, 21 May
21 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
21 May
Salle des Ministres, Palais des Congres
PS03 - Plenary Session 3 - Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
Commission: All
Chair: Prof: Mohamed Sadiki, President, Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicien, Morocco
Rapporteur: Prof. John Hannah, Chair, FIG Task Force on Surveyors and Climate Change, New Zealand

Mohammed Nbou, Secretary of State, Energy Mines, Water and Env. (Morocco):
Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development - Moroccan Perspective - Problematiques environnementales et developpment durable au Maroc "Operationalisation de la CNEDD" (5440)

Kamel Ayadi, International Consultant (Tunisia):
Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development (5441)
[paper] [handouts]

Stig Enemark, Aalborg University (Denmark):
The Climate Change Challenge - The Role of Land Professionals (5442)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Exhibition Hall, Palais des Congres
  • Exhibition closes at 12:30
21 May
Exhibition Hall
Coffee/Tea Break
21 May
Salle des Ministres
TS07A - SIM and Cadastre
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Dr. Martin Salzman, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Ahmed Tabbai, Morocco

Gerhard Muggenhuber, Gerhard Navratil, Christoph Twaroch and Reinfried Mansberger (Austria):
Development and Potential for Improvements of the Austrian Land Administration System (5112)
[paper] [handouts]

Martin Salzmann (Netherlands):
Co-creating SDI’s: Bridging the Gap between Organizational Cultures (4817)
[paper] [handouts]

Bachir Ablat (Morocco):
The GIS: A Decision Support Tool in Irrigation Domain (5411)

Laurent Polidori (France):
Potential and Limitations of Remote Sensing for Cadastre and Land Management (5230)
[paper] [handouts]

El Hassan Benaim, René M. Kabré and Mohamed El Mehdi El Imame (Morocco):
Can We Use ACFCC Permanent GPS Stations in the Cadastral Work in Morocco? (5197)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

21 May
Fes 1
TS07B - Land Governance
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Mouhsine Alaoui Mhamdi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Tommy Osterberg, Sweden

Chris Grover (United Kingdom):
Modelling Indicators of Land Governance (4999)
[paper] [handouts]

Christian Thellufsen (Denmark):
Developing Cadastral Cross-governmental Digital Administration (4826)
[paper] [handouts]

Xavier Prigent (France):
Sustainable Development - Sensitization and Methodological Approach (4882)

Samsudin Salfarina (Malaysia), Lim Lay-Cheng J and William Mc Cluskey (United Kingdom):
A Review of Organizational Arrangements in Malaysia Land Administration System towards Good Governance: Issues and Challenges (4853)
[paper] [handouts]

Joseph Salukvadze (Georgia) and Olga Medvedkov (USA):
Land Governance in the South Caucasus Region: Comparative Study of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan (5027)

Fahria Masum (Germany):
Strengthening Individual and Institutional Capacity and Developing Framework for Good Governance: Need an Alternative Approach for Proper Land Administration (5159)
[paper] [handouts]

Manfred Bottmeyer (Germany):
Land Management of Former Industrial Landscapes in the Economic Metropolis Ruhr (4798)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Karam 1
TS07C - Geoid and GNSS Heighting
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Michael Dennis, USA
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammed Ouaabi, Morocco

Eleni-Georgia Alevizakou and Evangelia Lambrou (Greece):
Fast and Convenient Determination of Geoid Undulation N in an Urban Area (4973)
[paper] [handouts]

El Hassan El Brirchi and Driss El Azzab (Morocco):
Comparing Global Geoids over Morocco Area for GNSS Altimetry Determination (5231)
[paper] [handouts]

Mevlut Gullu, Mustafa Yilmaz and Ibrahim Yilmaz (Turkey):
Application of Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network for Modelling Local GPS/Levelling Geoid Undulations: A Comparative Study (5239)
[paper] [handouts]

Nadim Dayoub (Syria), Philip Moore, Stuart Edwards and Nigel Penna (United Kingdom):
The Geoid Geopotential Value for Unification of Vertical Datums (5023)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Mahmoud El-Nokrashy Osman Ali, Mohamed E. A. El-Tokhey and Emad Lotfy M. S. El-Manaily (Egypt):
GPS for Orthometric Heights Determination of Long Lines: Egyptian Case Study (5115)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Karam 2
TS07D - Planning and Managing Urbanization
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Abdelouahed Fikrat, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Collins K'Owuor, Kenya

Bernard Puepi (Cameroon):
Lutte contre la pauvreté: l'habitat du pauvre en milieu urbain (4792)

Cromwell Manaloto (Italy):
The Surveyor’s Role on Urban Renewal in Small Italian City Centers (5069)
[paper] [handouts]

Septiono Bawono and Zulaikha Budi Astuti (Indonesia):
The Capacity of Flat Rental to Transform Future Kampong Code, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (4904)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Planning and Managing Urbanization in Kenya Following the New Constitutional Dispensation Promulgated in August 2010 (5261)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Joel Chaeruka and Innocent Chirisa (Zimbabwe):
Inclusive Cities and Housing: Analysis of Stewardship Instruments in Epworth, Zimbabwe (4762)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Karam 3
TS07E - Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Patrick Prendergast, Ireland
Rapporteur: Mme. Siham Boutayeb, Morocco

Edi Meier (Switzerland):
Georadar: Locating Dangerous Zones Prior to Drilling the 57 km Long Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland (5109)
[paper] [handouts]

Mohamed Ouhama, Mohammed Alaoui, Tayeb Tachallait and Yassine Bahij (Morocco):
Contribution of the Surveying Operations in the Monitoring of the Tunnels: A Case Study of Rabat (5168)
[paper] [handouts]

El Hassane Semlali, Mourad Bouziani, Hicham Oumina and Hicham Anjjar (Morocco):
Contribution of GPS in the Surveying of Quarries (4926)
[paper] [handouts]

Jacob Ehiorobo and Christopher Izinyon (Nigeria):
Measurements and Documentation for Flood and Erosion Monitoring and Control in the Niger Delta States of Nigeria (5126)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Karam 4
TS07F - Mobile and Asset Mapping Systems
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Allison Kealy, Australia

Chantal Arguin (Canada):
Introducing an Innovative 3D Intelligent Mobile Mapping System (4970)

Akihisa Imanishi, Kikuo Tachibana and Koichi Tsukahara (Japan):
The Development of Accuracy Maintenance Method for Mobile Mapping System (MMS) Data at GPS Invisible Area (4982)
[paper] [handouts]

Cristina Castagnetti, Ludovico Biagi and Alessandro Capra (Italy):
Design of a Low-cost GPS/magnetometer System for Land-based Navigation: Integration and Autocalibration Algorithms (5106)
[paper] [handouts]

Barkan Fatima (Morocco):
The Digital Territorial Management - When the Numerical Technology Reinforces the Territorial Development (5429)

21 May
Karam 5
TS07G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System
Commission: 7, 3 and GLTN
Chair: Prof. Ian Williamson, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Mourad Choukri, Morocco

Danilo R. Antonio (Kenya):
Social Tenure Domain Model Towards Addressing the Information Requirements of Informal Settlements (5391)
[paper] [handouts]

Christiaan Lemmen, Harry Uitermark, Peter Oosterom, van, Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Iain Greenway, [email protected] (United Kingdom):
The Road to a Standard for the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), and beyond… (5121)
[paper] [handouts]

Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Clarissa Augustinus (Kenya):
Designing a Pro Poor Land Recordation System (5028)
[paper] [handouts]

Jacobus Meijer and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
Low Cost Cadastral Data Aquisition (5262)

Clarissa Augustinus (Kenya) and Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
Informal Urban Development in Europe: Experiences from Albania and Greece (5192)

21 May
Reda 2
TS07H - Learning and Teaching Methodology
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Liza Groenendijk, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria

Audrey Martin (Ireland):
Video Supports the Lecturing Star (5036)
[paper] [handouts]

Zoran Blagojevic and Dragana Lazic (Serbia):
Multilingual Geodetic Dictionary in eLearning (5295)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Daberechi. C Anyaoha (Nigeria):
E-Learning and Student Support in Survey Profession, Nigeria (4922)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Reda 4
TS07I - Task Force on Surveyors and the Climate Change
Commission: Task Force on Climate Change
Chair: Prof. John Hannah, Chair, FIG Task Force on Surveyors and the Climate Change
Rapporteur: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair, FIG Commission 4

John Hannah, Rob Bell and Ryan Paulik (New Zealand):
Auckland: A Case Study in the Regional Assessment of Long-Term Sea Level Change (4854)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Michael Sutherland and Amit Seeram (Trinidad And Tobago):
Sea Level Rise Modelling in Support of Socioeconomic Impact Analysis: Grande Riviere, Trinidad and Tobago (4921)
[paper] [handouts]

Oyewole Mustapha Bello (Nigeria):
Responding to Global Warming Using Integrated Landuse Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (5157)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Reda 5
TS07J - Property Markets
Commission: 9
Chair: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9
Rapporteur: Mr. Rene Gudat, Germany

Malgorzata Renigier-Bilozor, Radoslaw Wisniewski and Marek Walacik (Poland):
Real Estate Markets in Poland – Analysis of Subsystem Structure (4975)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Winrich Voss (Germany):
Transparency of Property Markets - the 1. National Level Market Report (5130)
[paper] [handouts]

Peter Dent (United Kingdom) and Mouaiad Al-Omari (Jordan):
How Land Administration Systems Determining Land Market Efficiency (5181)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Krystyna Czarnecka (Poland):
Polish Real Estate Market Recovery after Financial Crisis (5274)
[paper] [handouts]

Alexander Sagaydak and Anna Lukyanchikova (Russia):
Development of Agricultural Land Market in the Russian Federation (4778)
[paper] [handouts]

Catherine Kariuki and Nicky Nzioki (Kenya):
Some Suggestions Towards an Efficient Land Market in Kenya (5279)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Pool Area, Mansour Eddabhi Hotel
21 May
Salle des Ministres
TS08A - Surveyors and Different Ways of Service Delivery
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair, FIG Commission 1
Rapporteur: Mr. Sebti Sidhom, Algeria

Khalid Yousfi, Aziz Hilali and El Mostafa El Batane (Morocco):
The Organizational Aspects of the Surveying Engineering Profession in Morocco (5348)

Khalid Yousfi, Aziz Hilali and Sidi Mohamed Alami Talbi (Morocco):
The Service Opportunities for the Surveying Engineers in Morocco (5347)

Hervé Grélard (France):
The Mutual Recognition Agreement between France and Quebec - the Reinforcement of the Links between the Surveyors of both Countries (4883)
[paper] [handouts]

Maria Lodin (Sweden):
The Role of a Swedish Land Administrator (4879)
[paper] [handouts]

Mohammed Rabah (Algeria):
The Exercise of the Surveyor Profession: A Keyrole for the Development - L'Exercice de la Profession de Géomètre-Expert "Un Acteur au Service du Développement" (5312)

Tak-ming Koo and Simon Kwok (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Professional Surveyors in Hong Kong (5227)

Winston Ayeni (Nigeria):
Survey Technicians without Borders (5361)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Fes 1
TS08B - Disaster Risk Management
Commission: 7, 8 and 3
Chair: Dr. Jaap Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Abdelhamid Najjari, Morocco

Rafic Khouri (France):
Spatial Data for Haiti Reconstruction - The French Cadastre Project for Haiti (5188)

Nic Donnelly, Mark Smith, Mack Thompson and Don Grant (New Zealand):
Re-establishment of Cadastral Boundaries Following the 2010 Earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand (4852)

Mohammed Ben Hafoune (Morocco):
The Socio-economical and Environmental Impacts of the Rural Development Projects in the Drought and Semi Drought Areas: A Case Study of the Eastern Morocco (5446)
[paper] [handouts]

Si Mohamed Ben Massou (Morocco):
Introduction à la gestion des risques et des catastrophes (4842)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Karam 1
TS08C - Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of Climate Change and Risk/Disaster Management II
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Austria

A. Bernoussi and Mena Amharref (Morocco):
Disasters and Risks Management (5302)

Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu, Elif Demir and Tahsin Yomralioglu (Turkey):
An Approach to Use Geo-Information Effectively in Disaster & Emergency Management Activities in Turkey (5354)
[paper] [handouts]

Enrico Paringit (Philippines):
The Use of Geospatial Information and the Role of Surveyors in Meeting the Challenges of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of the Archipelagic Nation the Philippines (5196)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

21 May
Karam 2
TS08D - Regional and Local Structure Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Mohamed Rouchdi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Kimuyu Mulinge, Kenya

Zdravko Cesarec and Zeljko Bacic (Croatia):
Role of Cadastre in the Development of Regional and Local Planning Structure in Croatia (4862)
[paper] [handouts]

Abdelouahed Fikrat (Morocco):
De l'aménagement du territoire au Développment territorial (5270)
[paper] [handouts]

Gülten Kara (Turkey):
The Examination of the Urban Renewal Projects - A Case Study of Trabzon, Turkey (5286)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Idriss Haddouche (Algeria), Slim Saidi (France) and Khelladi Mederbal (Algeria):
Remote Sensing and Dynamic Landscapes in Arid and Semi Arid Area in Algeria: Cases of the Region of Nâama - La télédétection et la dynamique des paysages en milieu aride et semi-aride en Algérie: Cas de la région de Nâama "". (5185)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Dridi Hadda, Kalla Mahdi and Annab Redha (Algeria):
Modélisation de l'érosion dans le bassin de oued Reboa et son impact sur le barrage de Timgad - approche multicritères (5190)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a flash presentation.

21 May
Karam 3
TS08E - Engineering Surveying - Equipment
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Maria Joao Henrigues, Portugal
Rapporteur: Mr.Alan F. Wright, United Kingdom

Mazher Choudhury and Chris Rizos (Australia):
Test Results of Locata Technology for Deformation Monitoring (4928)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Oluropo Ogundipe and Gethin Roberts (United Kingdom):
Antenna Selection for Bridge Deformation Monitoring – Comparison of Multipath Mitigation Characteristics for Three Types of Antennas (5238)
[paper] [handouts]

Alain De Wulf, Denis Constales, Jessica Meskens, Timothy Nuttens and Cornelis Stal (Belgium):
Procedure for Analyzing Geometrical Characteristics of an EDM Calibration Bench (5266)
[paper] [handouts]

Jelena Gučević, Siniša Delčev and Vukan Ogrizović (Serbia):
Determining Temperature Dependence of Collimation Error of Digital Level Leica DNA 03 (4993)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Cornelis Stal, Philippe De Maeyer, Alain De Wulf, Rudi Goossens and Timothy Nuttens (Belgium):
Comparison of Geometric and Radiometric Information from Photogrammetry and Color-enriched Laser Scanning (5276)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Karam 4
TS08F - Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Moha Elayachi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Germany

Gomaa Dawod, Meraj Mirza and Khalid Al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabia):
Simple Precise Coordinates Transformations for Geomatics Applications in Makkah Metropolitan Area, Saudi Arabia (4953)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Laszlo Banyai (Hungary):
Rigorous 3D Integrated Adjustment of GPS Baselines, Geodetic Total Station and Levelling Measurements (5363)
[paper] [handouts]

Moha El-ayachi (Morocco):
A New Didactical Mechanism to Understand Map Projections (4980)

21 May
Karam 5
TS08G - Taxation and Compulsory Purchase
Commission: 9
Chair: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA

Marek Walacik and Sabina Źróbek (Poland):
Comparative Study on International Compulsory Purchase Compensation Solutions in Accordance to FAO Principles of Equity and Equivalence (4799)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Frances Plimmer and William J McCluskey (United Kingdom):
Sustainability and Property Taxation (4869)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Rene Gudat (Germany):
Going West or Going East - Fundamental Changes in the German Property Tax System (5026)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Craig Harris (New Zealand):
Return of State Land in New Zealand – Offer Back and Treaty Claim Settlements (5222)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Reda 2
TS08H - Marketing and Management of Professional Survey Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair, FIG Commission 2
Rapporteur: Ms. Benedicta Ugwulebo, Nigeria

Helen Murray-O'Connor (Ireland):
What is Geomatics? An Evolving Discipline Requires Innovative Methods to Raise Awareness (5210)
[paper] [handouts]

Annick Jaton (Canada):
Bridging the Gap between Academic, Governement and Private Sectors to Recruit the Next Generations of Land Surveyors and Geomatics Engineers - A Success Story in Quebec, Canada (5301)
Thiz paper has been presented by Dr. Francis Roy.

Garfield Young, Martin Smith and Roger Murphy (United Kingdom):
Marking Surveying Education Relevant (4833)
[paper] [handouts]

Benedicta Ugwulebo (Nigeria):
Female Gender in Professional Education (Nigeria) (4918)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Reda 4
TS08I - GNSS Processing and Analysis
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Rachid Azzouzi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Graeme Blick, New Zealand

Seyit Ali Yilmaz (Turkey):
Improvement of Elipsoidal Heights with Athmospherical Data Calculated from GNSS Data (5203)
[paper] [handouts]

Houaria Namaoui, Kahlouche Salem and Hicham Dekkiche (Algeria):
Optimal Choice for the Estimation of Precise GPS Stations Coordinates Choix Optimal pour l'Estimation Précises des Coordonnées des Stations GPS. (4836)
[paper] [handouts]

Sofiane Khelifa, Salem Kahlouche and Mohamed Faouzi Belbachir (Algeria):
Application of Wavelet Analysis to GPS Stations Coordinate Time Series (5095)
[paper] [handouts]

Hasan Jamil (Malaysia):
GNSS Heighting and Its Potential Use in Malaysia (5410)
[paper] [handouts]

Mir Radia, Kahlouche Salem and Touam Said (Algeria):
Investigation of Deformations in North of Algeria with GPS Data and Kinematic Model (4834)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

21 May
Reda 5
TS08J - Marine/Coastal Modelling and Technology
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Laurent Polidori, France
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Boeder, Germany

Dexter Davis, Cassandra Nanlal and Michael Sutherland (Trinidad And Tobago):
Towards the Development of a Methodology for Vertical Separation Models in the Caribbean (5246)
[paper] [handouts]

Satheesh Gopi, Eman Ahmed Al khatibi Al falasi, Mustafa Mohammed Baqer and Kumar Subbaraju Renati (United Arab Emirates):
Establishing and Updating Vertical Datum for Land and Hydrographic Surveying in Dubai Emirate (5058)
[paper] [handouts]

Hyun Sook Lee and Man Seung Cho (Republic of Korea):
A Comparative Study on Marine Spatial Management between China and South Korea (5258)
[paper] [handouts]

Agustín Molina García, César García Aranda and Mª Blanca González San Martín (Spain):
A Comparative Analysis of Capabilities and Limitations of Collected Systems of Hydrographic Marine Data (5288)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Exhibition Hall
Coffee/Tea Break
21 May
Salle des Ministres
TS09A - Alternatives and Backups to GNSS
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Charles Toth, USA

Chris Rizos, Yong Li, Nonie Politi, Joel Barnes and Nunzio Gambale (Australia):
Locata: A New Constellation for High Accuracy Outdoor and Indoor Positioning (4917)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, Charles Toth, Jong-Ki Lee, Xiankun Wang and Jiti Gupta (USA):
Positioning and Navigation in GPS-challenged Environments: Cooperative Navigation Concept (4960)

Charles Toth, Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska (USA), Nonie Politi and Allison Kealy (Australia):
Reference Data Set for Performance Evaluation of MEMS-based Integrated Navigation Solutions (4994)
[paper] [handouts]

Allison Kealy (Australia), Charles Toth, Dorota Brzezinska (USA) and Gethin Roberts (China, PR):
A New Paradigm for Developing and Delivering Ubiquitous Positioning Capabilities (5019)
[paper] [handouts]

Christian Lukianto and Harald Sternberg (Germany):
Overview of Current Indoor Navigation Techniques and Implementation Studies (5102)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Said El Azrak (Morocco):
The Vocational Education in Surveying and Geomatics: a Moroccan Experience at the International Standards (5372)
[paper] [handouts]

21 May
Fes 1
TS09B - Land Reform
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Kees de Zeeuw, the Netherlands

Bruno Razza (Italy):
The “Building Works Culture” of the Modern Society, through the Day-to-day Work of the Building Surveyor - Constant Updating of Building Register (5062)
[paper] [handouts]

Ji-yeon Jeong, Jong-ho Lee, Hee-chang Kwak, Yong-ho Lee and Jong-dae Jeong (Republic of Korea):
An Approach to Real Estate Information Unification (4948)
[paper] [handouts]

Muhammad Bashar Nuhu (Nigeria):
Land Reform in Nigeria and Global Agenda: The Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers Perspective - Challenges and Prospects (5321)
[paper] [handouts]

Dimo Todorovski (Macedonia, FYROM):
Characteristics of Post-conflict Land Administration with Focus on the Status of Land Records in Such Environment (5016)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
This is a peer reviewed paper.

21 May
Karam 1
TS09C - Spatial Information Processing II
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Guyla Ivan, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Tarik Ourouadi, Morocco

Rudiney Pereira and Ana Benedetti (Brazil):
Dynamic Modeling for Changes Simulations in the Forest Cover Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (5116)
[paper] [handouts]

Dursun Zafer Seker, T. Murat Celikoyan, Sinasi Kaya, Emin Ozgur Avsar, Elif Sertel and Mr. Aydar Umut (Turkey):
Investigation Landuse Changes in Megacity Istanbul between the Years 1903-2010 by Using Different Types of Spatial Data (5183)
[paper] [handouts]

Njike Chigbu (Nigeria):
Analysis of Landuse and Landcover Changes of Aba Urban Using Medium Resolution Satellite Imageries (5151)
[paper] [handouts]

Mudher Abdullah (Iraq):
Catchment Area Delineation Using GIS technique for Bekhma Dam (5335)
[paper] [handouts]

Ajay K Singh and S. S. Singh (India):
Forest Vegetation Analysis and Land Cover Assessment in Tan Sub Watershed of Hasdeo River Basin, Chhattisgarh, India (5103)
[paper] [handouts]

Oludayo Emmanuel Abiodun, James Bolarinwa Olaleye, Andrew Nnamdi Dokai and Adedayo Kazeem Odunaiya (Nigeria):
Land Use Change Analysis in Lagos State from 1984 to 2005 (5142)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Karam 2
TS09D - Public Private Partnerships in Planning and Land Development II
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammed El Hboussy, Morocco

Mara Morbin (Italy):
Oasis Water Project – Water Care for Life (5072)
[paper] [handouts]

Antonio Sica (Italy):
République du Madagascar, de la Région de Tulear, de la forêt Mikea, je projette GIS pour 1500000 hectares pour la détermination des aires sans forêt, de installer avec des espèces autochtones déjà présentes en mode spontanée comme la Jatropha Curcas (4846)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Hakan Senol Kutoglu, Kurtulus Sedar Gormus, Murat Oruc, Sayim Ongel and Simsek Safak (Turkey):
An Investigation of Coastal Zone Change on the Zonguldak Hard Coal Basin Depending on Developing Industry since over a Century (5123)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Karam 3
TS09E - Engineering Surveying - Software
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. El Hassane Semlali, Morocco
Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, Slovakia

Jana Halickova and Alojz Kopacik (Slovakia):
Automated Model Creation from TLS Data (4848)
[paper] [handouts]

Christian Manthe (Germany):
Plane Based Free Stationing (5118)
[paper] [handouts]

Ioan Stoian, Virgil Olaru and Nicusor Baroiu (Romania):
Making Landslides Risk Maps as Monitoring Systems of the Phenomenon Based on Precision Geodesic Measurements (5160)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Shahrbanu Firuzi, Mohammad Bager Sharifi, Kambiz Borna and Mohmmadreza Rajabi (Iran):
Using Empirical Relationships and Neural Network in GIS for Developed Rainfall-runoff Modeling (5264)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

21 May
Karam 4
TS09F - Land Rights Infrastructure
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Andras Ossko, Hungary
Rapporteur: Prof. Tayeb Tachallait, Morocco

Danilo Antonio (Philippines):
Questioning the Century-Old Paradigm – Securing Land Rights in the Philippines (5379)
[paper] [handouts]

Francis Roy (Canada):
Building Public Confidence towards Cadastral Systems (4991)
[paper] [handouts]

Thaer Shunnar and Michael Barry (Canada):
Tracking Fraudulent Activities in Real Estate Transactions (4995)
[paper] [handouts]

Sebastian Kropp and Theo Kötter (Germany):
Real Estate Transactions in the Digital Age (5085)
[paper] [handouts]

Henri Nubukpo (Togo):
Needs for a Land Rights Infrastructure in Togo - Besoins pour une infrastructure foncière au Togo (5092)

21 May
Karam 5
TS09G - Surveying History
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Alan Wright, United Kingdom

John Brock (Australia):
Surveyor-General and Registar-General of Upper Egypt in the XVIIIth Dynasty of New Kingdom Egypt - Rekhmire (c.1400-1340 B.C.) (4916)
[paper] [handouts]

Maria Luisa Palanques and Miguel Calvo (Spain):
Cartography, Cadastre and Surveying and the Development of Cities during the Nineteenth Century in Spain (5029)
[paper] [handouts]

Ana Roque and Paula Santos (Portugal):
History, Cartography and Science: The Present Day Importance of Mapping of Mozambique in the 19th Century (5030)
[paper] [handouts]

Adam Lyszkowicz and Marcin Uradzinski (Poland):
The Four Century of Polish Books for Land Surveying (5090)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

21 May
Reda 2
TS09H - Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Tim Goodhead, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair, FIG Commission 2

Tim Goodhead (United Kingdom):
Accreditation and Quality Assurance – Mobility of Surveyors across International Professional Institutions (4976)
[paper] [handouts]

Siddique Motala (South Africa):
Constructive Alignment of an Introductory University Geographic Information Systems Course (4872)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Laila El Abbadi, Aboubakr Bouayad and Mohamed Lamrini (Morocco):
International Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education vs. the Moroccan Quality Assurance System (4909)

21 May
Reda 4
TS09I - Cadastral Reform
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair, FIG Commission 7

Stojanka Brankovic, Ivana Stankovic and Nenad Tesla (Serbia):
Quality Improvement of the Real Estate Cadastre in Serbia (4892)
[paper] [handouts]

Hasan Cagla, Sabahattin Akkus, Erhan Civik and İbrahim Ozugur (Turkey):
Konya Example of Cadastre Renovation Work in Turkey (4807)
[paper] [handouts]

Ömür Engin Demirkol (Turkey), Murat Meha (Kosovo), Sinan Üzümcü, Coşkun Demir (Turkey) and Vselaj Besmir (Kosovo):
Prizren Cadastral Zone Cadastre Reconstruction Project and Benefits (4810)
Eng.Milot Lubishtani
[paper] [handouts]

Şaban İnam, Mehmet Ertaş, Şükran Yalpır, Aslı and Başarır (Turkey):
Renovation Studies in Turkish Cadastre: Reasons and Project Results (5039)
[paper] [handouts]

Kim Jae-Myeong, Kwon Il-Hyuk and Choi Yun-Soo (Republic of Korea):
A Study on Cadastral Re-Investigation Based on Conflict Model: A Case of the Korean Cadastral Resurvey Project (5252)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

21 May
Reda 5
TS09J - Valuations CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal) II
Commission: 9 and 7
Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium

Francis Gäbele (Belgium):
Identification of the Characteristics of the Immovable Estate Submitted to a Valuation - Identification des caractéristiques des immeubles lors d’évaluation foncière (5055)
[paper] [handouts]

Raymond Gheldof (Belgium):
Immovable Transparency by an Area Measures Code (Part 1) - Transparence en immobilier par un code de mesurage de surfaces (Partie 1) (5067)
[paper] [handouts]

Gérard Roulleau (France):
The Area Measures Code for the Building Immovable - Le code de mesurage des surfaces applicable aux immeubles bâtis (5071)
[paper] [handouts]

El Hassane Semlali, Essaid Bajja, Lahsen Elmoutaouif and My Abdeslam Adad (Morocco):
Experimentation of a New Approach of Expertise of Real Estate Properties to Evaluate the Venal Values of Moroccan Habitats (5178)

21 May
Salle des Ministres
Closing Ceremony of the 6th National Congress of ONIGT
Commission: All participants
Chair: Mr. Aziz Hilali, ONIGT President and Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
21 May
Le Pacha Restaurant
Conference Dinner
Sunday, 22 May
22 May
Espace Asni 2, Palais des Congres
22 May
Fes 1, Palais des Congres
Presidents Meeting
Commission: Presidents of FIG members
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • for Presidents of FIG member associations
22 May
Salle Royale, Palais des Congres
FIG General Assembly II
Commission: FIG members
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
  • FIG members
  • Open for observers
22 May
Salle Royale, Palais des Congres
FIG General Assembly II - Continues
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
22 May
Salle Royale, Palais des Congres
Closing Ceremony
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President

CheeHai Teo, FIG President (Malaysia):
Closing Address and Summary of the FIG Working Week 2011 (5451)

22 May
Foyer outside Salle Royale, Palais des Congres
Farewell Reception - Welcome to FIG 2012 in Rome
  • Farewell Reception hosted by CNNGL from Italy
  • Reception will follow immediately after the Closing Ceremony

© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2011