FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management


Commission 7 Newsletters

Commission 7 News Brief Quarter 4 2024: Q4 2024 news brief

Commission 7 News Brief Quarter 3 2024: Q3 2024 news brief with highlights from our Annual Meeting, in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia in September – and updates from all our Working Groups.

Report from FIG Working Week 2024 and Newsletter Q2 2024

Commission 7 Annual Meeting

24-26 September 2024

The Commission 7 meeting will be held jointly with Commission 5, LADM, STDM Workshops and Geoinformation Week 2024 in Malaysia under the main title: Geospatial Innovation for Sustainable Rural and Urban Development

Read more

11th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration

11-13 October, Gavle Sweden

Commission 7 Annual Meeting - Register now

2-4 October 2023

The joint FIG Commission 7 and 2 annual meeting will take place in Deventer, the Netherlands. whether you are an official FIG C7 delegate of a Member Association, FIG C7 Working Group participant, a land sector expert (technical, legal, social, economic), or just have a keen interest in getting involved with developments in cadastres and land management globally, be sure to get along.
Submit your abstract now and register

Read more incl proceedings

Commission 7 at FIG Working Week 2023

FIG Working Week 2023 took place 28 May - 1 june 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
Commission 7 had organised many sessions in the tehcnical programme and held its annual meeting during the conference days. At the General Assembly the Work plans of all commissions were presented

Commission 7 Annual meeting - 2022

FIG Commission 7 held its 2022 Annual Meeting on 26 and 27 October in Sevilla, Spain.

There were participants both onsite as well as online.

Find the programme and proceedings here

Read the report of the meeting here

Commission 7 at FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, Poland

October 2022

The Congress took place11-15 September 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. Commission 1 held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and Agenda.

Commission 7 was also involved in sessions covering  within the theme of Volunteering for the future Geospatial excellence for a better living

To read more about Congress, the full report FIG Congress 2022 is available.

Commission 7 Annual Meeting

 26-29 September 2022 in Sevilla, Spain

The annual meeting is held in conjunction with Topcart2022.

Wednesday - Commission 7 meeting and country reports follow by welcome drinks.

Thursday to Friday technical programme of Topcart2022 as well as technical tours.

Saturday - Technical visit to 8 wonders of Sevilla

Registration fee: 120 EUR. Please register here:
(Select ‘FIG Commission 7’ when registering)

Commision 7 Annual meeting - 2021

September 2021


FIG Commission 7 held its 2021 Annual Meeting on 23rd September. For the second year running the meeting was a fully online activity with 70 participants logging in from around the globe.

Read the full news item here, where you will also find agenda, all presentations and watch a full recording of the meeting.



Commission 7, Chair Elect

August 2021


The General Assembly elected Mr. Rohan Bennett from Australia/Netherlands, SSSI/GIN, as the Chair Elect of Commission 7, the elected Chair Elect term as the Chair of the Commission will be initiated at the FIG Congress 2022 for the period 2023-2026.


In the report from the General Assemble, you can also access the video presentation of the Candidate, Mr. Rohan Bennett.

Commission 7 at FIG e-Working Week 2021

August 2021

The Working Week took place online 20-25 June 2021. Commission 7 held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and Agenda.

  • Report (to be added)

Commission 7 was also involved in several sessions covering Commission 7 areas within the theme of Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management.

To read more about Working Week 2021, the full report FIG e-Working Week 2021 is available.

Article: Key Global and Technology Drivers Impacting Surveying

February 2021

The article was published in GIM International. As the FIG commission chairs are near the halfway point in their terms, they reflect on the global and technological drivers influencing their work. This article describes the breadth of work across the FIG commissions as well as the common areas. The discussion is also informed by global reports such as the UN-GGIM’s Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management and the RICS Futures Report 2020. Enjoy the article

FIG Commission 7 Annuel Meeting - 20-22 October

The theme of the conference is:

Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal with COVID-19

During the annual meeting, commission delegates, working group chairs and special invitees will presents their views on how to enhance synergies between rural and urban land tenure projects.

Key questions to be answered as part of the annual meeting are:

  • What are key principles all land projects should follow to ensure synergies independenly if they are urban or rural?
  • What is the role of new instruments such as PPPs to ensure rural-urban land integration?
  • What is the role of new trends in education in the surveyig profession to suport community resilience?
  • What are key strategies to ensure urban-rural integration in the context of community resilience?
  • What lessons have been learnt around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic related to the need for urban-rural land linkage?

For more information and to register please visit the Conference website

FIG Commission 7 Newsletter – 2nd quarter 2020

In this newsletter

  • 2020 virtual/online Commission 7 Annual meeting
  • The state of our industry: article and survey
  • GLTN urban-rural land linkage project consultation

2020 virtual/online Commission 7 Annual meeting

I am pleased to announce that FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting will be held the week starting 20th October 2020. The theme of the conference is: Urban and rural resilience: learning to adjust to new land challenges during and after the COVID-19 pandemic  

Our annual meeting will be:

  • Multi-time zone with conferences, workshops to run in appropriate time zones for all regions in the world
  • Multi-language: We will be offering conferences in English, Spanish and French
  • In collaboration with key commission partners
  • Consultation for our current key commission projects in urban-rural land linkages and land PPPs principles  

Volunteers needed! If you are interested in being part of the organizing committee for your region/country/language or you have an idea to make this event great, please drop us a line at [email protected]

The State of our Industry: article and survey

With support from Louise Friis-Hansen at the Head Office and other colleagues, I published an article in Geoconnexion about the challenges our geospatial and surveying industry is facing during the pandemic. At the Commission, we would like to understand better the impact in each of you so we can help everyone’s decision-making and the advocacy work we do at FIG.  

To contribute to this initiative, please fill the 2-minute online survey in the following link:

GLTN urban-rural land linkage project consultation  

Since the start of the year, FIG Commission 7 has been coordinating the development of the GLTN Urban-rural land linkage framework. I am pleased to inform that Dr Eugene Chigbu (lead technical consultant of the project) has completed a full draft of the Framework ready for consultation. I will be organising one-on-one conversations and workshops in French, Spanish and English to hear your comments and ideas to improve the framework.

The first consultation will be held on online and on Friday the 7th of August at 12m (noon) Central European Summer time GMT+2 as part of the activities of the Urban 7.4  Working Group (urban challenges), which both Commission 8 and 9 are part of it.

 If you would like to attend this consultation and received a copy of the initial draft, please send us a email at [email protected]

Please stay safe and in contact with your surveying colleagues. Today more than ever we need solidarity among ourselves.    

Daniel Paez, PhD
Chair FIG Commission 7

Cancellation of FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2020 4>

The event should have taken place in Bern, Switzerland, but is unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic.

Geospatial Mobile Application review - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE

Conscious of the important role of geospatial technologies in supporting national responses to the COVID19 pandemic, UNGGIM Academic Network, FIG Commission 7, the University of Melbourne and ESRI Colombia, have joint efforts to produce a rapid technical paper on COVID-19 geospatial mobile applications.  This paper will include a description of selected mobile applications across the world and categorization of them. 

FIG Working (from home) Week 2020 - Proceedings

May 2020

During the conference days a range of articles highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was published.

Article: Has your world changed in the last four weeks? It has for Commission 7 also, and we are adjusting quickly to the new needs of our world. Commission 7 is about the relationship between land and people, and how surveyors and other professions support nations to administer their land resources.

During this pandemic, every day the COVID19 virus is changing how we relate to our land from border closures to restrictions to citizens to be confined into private parcels. The current pandemic has shown how important it is to have a land inventory (the cadastre), and to be able to understand and change it (hopefully temporally) un terms of rights, restrictions and responsibilities of owners and occupiers. Read the article.  

FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled

March 2020

It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this time. 

First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until 1 June.

Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many surveyors from all over the world together.

Report to the General Assembly

March 2020

FIG Commission 7 has prepared a written report to the General assembly.

The full agenda is available

The General Assembly has been cancelled and postponed to 2021.

FIG Working Week 2020 and FIG Commission 7

February 2020

The theme Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management is both relevant in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.

Commission 7 is planning the following sessions:

Meet in Washington 18 March

Despite the unfortunate cancellation of the WBG Land and Poverty conference, we have discovered that some of you may still be travelling to DC or may be available during the week when the conference was going to be held.

To connect those that are in Washington DC during that week, FIG Commission 7 and UNGGIM Academic Network are organizing a land networking event on the 18th of March at 7 pm in Washington. The Venues is Vapiano restaurant on M street (for full information, menu and pricing please visit 
This networking event will be a great opportunity to explore your particular interest in the land sector and to learn more about all our activities at the FIG Commission 7 and UNGGIM Academic Network.

Please RSVP by filling in this form at

Feel free to share this invitation with others you think would be interested to attend. More info/invitation

Newsletter November 2019

Read the latest newsletter from the Commission Chair - Daniel Paez.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2019

The Commission 7 Annual Meeting took place in Seoul, Korea 5-9 August 2019.
For more information, please visit the web site:

Commission 7 at FIG Working Week 2019

The Working Week took place in Hanoi, Vietnam 22-26 April 2019. Commission 7 held its yearly meeting and was involved in several sessions covering the commission 7 areas.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2018 and International Seminar

24 - 28 September 2018, Bergen, Norway

Around 100 participants from all over the world followed the invitation to join the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and the international Seminar organized by the Norwegian FIG member association TEKNA in Bergen, Norway.

Season's greetings from Commission 7

Dear Delegates, Correspondents and friends of FIG Commission 7!

At the end of this year which is as well the closing of my term of office as Chair of FIG Commission 7 I will take the opportunity to review about the past 4 years and to extend my sincere thanks to all of you.One of the main events on the agenda of Commission 7 are the Annual Meetings and international Conferences/Workshops linked to these. Organising such events is sometimes challenging for facing constraints from budget or from personal resources and therefore requests an extraordinary personal engagement of the local organiser. Commission 7 Annual Meetings in the past term were very successful at providing interesting technical programmes and were well attended by an international or/and regional audience. The outreach was far beyond the Commission 7 community. Read more

IMPULS Workshop 6 December 2018

The well attended national IMPULS project workshop on „SDI Raising awareness – benefits from IMPULSE Project to SDI FBiH and further development“organized by the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairs was held in Sarajevo on 5 and 6 December 2018 in the premises of the Hotel Holiday. FIG was represented by Chair of Commission 7 Ms. Gerda Schennach who delivered greetings from FIG President Ms. Chryssy Potsiou and Vice-Chair of the Commission Mr. Gyula Iván (HU).

The Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović opened the workshop and welcomed all participants, and pointed out the importance of sharing data. Mr. Tomislav Ciceli presented the IMPULSE project and its benefits for the SDI FBiH, Mrs. Slobodanka Ključanin presented Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of BiH and results achieved so far.


FIG Commission 7 presentations were about Win-Win solutions for national and international activities on Cadastre & Land Management by the INSPIRE Directive and about experiences of the implementation of INSPIRE theme Cadastral parcels in Hungary. Mr. Vladimir Krupa, member of the CLGE Executive Board highlighted in his speech the importance of authoritative data and public appointed professionals and the benefits from civil servants/private surveyors models in cadastre.

The second part of the workshop emphasised on the Register of subjects, Register of data sources and Metadata editor which was presented by Mr. Nikola Cvjetković and Mrs. Amela Huković. Mr. Nedim Hadžiosmanović presented the complexity of the establishment of a national SDI and the role of the municipalities being in charge of cadastre in its implementation.
The Workshop was concluded by a discussion and summary of findings for further steps to be taken. More details

Chair of FIG Commission 7, Mrs. Gerda Schennach, followed the kind invitation offered by Director Mr. Željko Obradović to visit the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on 6 December 2018. The impressive achievements on the updating of cadastre and land registration and implementation of e-government procedures for continuous maintenance of the information were discussed. It was agreed to further develop the exchange of knowledge and information on professional aspects in establishing a NSDI. More details

Commission 7 2018 Annual Meeting and International Seminar

24-28 September 2018, Bergen, Norway

Group photo

Commission 7 2018 Annual Meeting and International Seminar - Invitation

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2018 and International Seminar being held at the Hotel Zander K, Zander Kaaes gate 7, 5015 Bergen, Norge, Europe.

The venue for the Annual meeting 2018 has been decided as on the excellent air links to many other countries inside and outside Europe at once the colorful Norwegian city of Bergen offers many cultural highlights and is also considered a gateway to majestic fjords. Norway, the country of northern Europe, occupies the western half of the Scandinavian peninsula. Nearly half of the population lives in the extreme south, in the region around Oslo, the capital. About two-thirds of Norway is mountainous, and of its much articulated shoreline carved by deep glacier fjords are about 50,000 islands.

Accompanying persons are very much welcome to attend the social events and excursions.

Thanks to the organizing committees Tekna and Geoforum under chairmanship of Mr. Leiv Bjarte Mjøs, for providing the opportunity to meet to Norway.

Looking forward to meeting all of you in Bergen!

For more information, please visit: Web site


Dear Commission 7 Delegates, Correspondents and friends!

Only few days are left in 2017 and this is a good reason to review the year and to have a look ahead to 2018.
Looking back to the two main events of Commission 7, I want to express a special thank to our colleagues in Finland for their continuous support in organising the Commission 7 events in the frame of the FIG WW in Helsinki and to our Colombian colleagues, Daniel Paez from the University de los Andes in Bogota and his team of young surveyor and students, who organised an excellent and very well attended Annual Meeting and Conference in Cartagena. For the first time we had the possibility to join the events in a teleconference service, which was even more helpful as Daniel Steudler and myself got stranded in Frankfurt airport being booked on one of the 250 flights which had been cancelled that day due to bad weather conditions. These are the challenges – hurricanes, wizards, snow and other natural hazards make it sometimes difficult to make use of all facilities to get to all places around the globe! Thanks to the young team who made attendance happen in this situation.

You will find all presentations of both events at fig and at A more detailed report will be circulated at the beginning of the next year.

The highlight of 2018 will be the FIG Congress in Istanbul to be held on 6-11 May 2018. Registration is already open and up to now 450 papers have been applied for, 150 of them directly connected to Commission 7 topics – again there will be the need to run a considerable number of Technical Sessions in parallel. Besides there will be among others a special half-day side event on cadastre of the Turkish talking countries, from where we expect around 100 persons to attend. A more detailed agenda for the Commission 7 technical and social events will be circulated in a few weeks and may be found on

The Annual Meeting of Commission 7 including an international Workshop will be held in autumn 2018 most likely from 24-28 September 2018 in Bergen/Norway. Thanks to our Delegate Leiv Bjarte Mjøs who is committed to organize the event and who has already made some arrangements to make sure that the costs will stay at our average level of previous years. All details about the Annual Meeting and other events co-organised by Commission 7 are continuously updated at Please make sure that any event which is attended by FIG Commission 7 members gets published on this website by sending a note to me.
Finally, I want to thank all of you for your participation in and as FIG Commission 7 representatives and for activities taken for FIG Commission 7. Your contribution in conferences, workshops, all kind of publications and many other initiatives is a most valuable contribution to spread the spirit of FIG and especially for us in Commission 7 to provide the society with a solid fundament for secure and fair land tenure and land registration in all countries all over the world for the benefit for society and land owners. Especially in those times of all kind of challenges on land, expertise which is built on professional skills and on independent assessment of the situation, is of high relevance for a peaceful coexistence.
I wish all delegates, correspondents and friends of Commission 7 a peaceful Season and a happy New Year

Looking forward to meeting all of you in 2018.

Gerda Schennach

Commission 7 2017 Annual Meeting and Conference - Invitation

The FIG Commission 7 Annual Conference and Meeting is taking place between 4 – 8 December 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia. This event will also host a conference focused on Cadastre for emergencies and disasters: Challenges and opportunities for islands and coastlines.

The FIG Commission 7 Annual Conference is the meeting par excellence that brings together surveyors from around the world so they can share and learn about the latest developments in cadastre and land management as well as contributing experience and knowledge in terms of their environments and individual activities. It is a one-off opportunity for participants from all over the world –both professional members of the FIG Commission 7 and interested members of the public– to share their points of view.

Those who participate in the conference will be able to go to a gala dinner and visit the important tourist sights in Cartagena. You can also try traditional dishes from the Colombian Caribbean region and take a walk on the beautiful beaches. Cartagena de Indias is located on Colombia’s north coast and it has beaches that are renowned for their beauty and tranquillity. It also hosts architectural gems such as the citadels that were built in the Colonial Period that have now been restored. In 1984 the city was declared an UNESCO world heritage site, which made it one of the most-visited Colombian and Latin American cities.

For more information, please visit  

Commisson 7 at the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June

Commission 7 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June 2017

Ms. Gerda Schennach Chair of commssion 7 making her report to the General Assembly

Commission chairs 2015-2018 at their meeting during the FIG Working Week, 29 May-2 June in Helsinki, Finland: Remy Boudon(comm. 6) Volker Schwieger (comm. 5), See Lian ONG (comm. 10), Angela Etuonovbe (comm. 4), Steven Nystrom (comm. 9), Kwame Tenadu (comm. 8), Enrico Rispoli (comm. 3), Gerda Schennach (comm. 7), Fahria Masum(comm. 2), Brian J. Coutts (comm. 1)

Dear Commission 7 Delegates, Correspondents and friends!

At the end of this year, I want to thank all of you for your support for and for your contributions to the work of FIG Commission 7 in order to raise awareness on land rights, to secure or/and improve rights on land  and to support interest groups wherever it is necessary. Establishing contacts and co-operating with professionals in all regions all over the globe will bring us forward in implementing tools which are appropriate to meet these goals.
2016 will continue with as many events as in 2015, where Commission 7 representatives will play key roles!
The most important internal events to meet within the FIG community in 2016 are already on the agenda
FIG Working Week Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016, under the theme “Recovery from Disaster”, is already under final arrangements for the technical programme. More informtion and registration at
Don't miss to register before 8 February 2016 in order to get the discount of 90 EUR off the standard registration fee.
The Commission 7 Annual Meeting including an international Seminar will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, 23-28 Oct 2016. Our Portuguese colleagues have already started with preparations for these events. A first announcement including information on travelling, accommodation and technical programme will be sent out in spring.
I do hope to welcome as many partners of the Commission 7 community as possible in both events!
For the moment, please take my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Looking forward to working for a successful 2016.
Gerda Schennach

Invitation: Workshop on Crowdsourcing of Land Information - Joint FIG Commission 7 and 3 meeting

It is a great pleasure to invite you to this year Annual Meeting of Commission 7, which will be held on 16-20 November 2015 in Malta, Europe. The Annual Meeting will be linked to an International Workshop on Crowdsourcing of Land Information, co-organised by FIG Commission 3 and Commission 7.

The most interesting theme of the Workshop and high-level presentations linking subjects from the perspectives of both Commissions involved as well as the location in the very centre of the Mediterranean Basin with surrounding countries representing a big variety of professional background lets expect a vibrant event.

The planning for the sessions will be twofold – while Commission 3 has launched a call for peer reviewed papers, Commission 7 stays as before with invited speakers and non-peer reviewed papers for the Annual Meeting. Delegates are welcome to submit their proposals to [email protected]. If you wish to apply for a peer-reviewed paper, please go to the website of Commission3, if the subject is within the scope of the call.

A special thank to the director of the organising committee, well known FIG colleague Randolph Camilleri, who has put all his efforts to arrange for the meeting at an excellent venue in Malta and to provide an attractive programme for accompanying persons and a social programme for the Delegates. And thanks to Robin McLaren, Chair of WG 7.3 for strongly supporting for arranging for the Technical Sessions of Com7.

International FIG Workshop on "The Role of Land Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction: In the Context of Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake

The second big FIG Commission 7 event during this autumn is the International FIG Workshop on "The Role of Land Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction: In the Context of Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake” on 25-27 November 2015 in Kathmandu/Nepal jointly organised by FIG Commission 2, Commission 7, ISPRS Working Group IV/4 together with the Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS) and the Nepal Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Society (NRSPS).

This Workshop addresses a highly relevant topic in the wider region and will be a pilot for the 2016 Working Week in New Zealand, which will focus on recovery from disaster. WG 7.2 is strongly engaged into this event. Thanks to our colleagues in Nepal for organising this event under challenging conditions at the early stage and for taking up this topic!

More information about registration, call for papers see 

Commission 7 at the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015

Ms. Gerda Schennach, Chair of commission 7 making his report to the General Assembly
Commission 7 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-21 May 2015.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and GeoConference 2014

Réunion annuelle de la Commission 7 de la FIG et GéoCongrés 2014
7-11 October 2014, Québec, Canada


The FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and GeoConference 2014 will take place 7-11 October, Qu?ec, Canada.
R?nion annuelle de la Commission 7 de la FIG et G?Congr? 2014

Links to a short you-tube clip:

FIG Commission 7 Newsletter - June 2014

FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting 2013, "Land Policies and Land Governance International Symposium and Workshop", Yaounde, Cameroon, 21 Oct. - 25 Oct. 2013

Commission 7 Annual meeting in Yaound? Cameroon

A series of events was held in the Djeuga Palace hotel in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon in October 2013:
 - Annual Meeting of FIG Commission 7 on Cadastre and Land       
 - General Assembly of the FGF ? the F??ation des G?m?res
 - Training Workshop in Land Administration
 - International Symposium on Land Policies and Land Governance 

LADM2013: 5th FIG International Land Administration Domain Model Workshop was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-25 September 2013

Click picture for bigger format
LADM audience focussed

Over 40 participants attended the workshop and a total of 25 peer reviewed papers were presented, covering a range of themes, including: the industry perspective on LADM; the linkage between LADM and information infrastructures; refined LADM modeling, 3D representations and formalizing LADM semantics; specific LADM country profiles; and implementation aspects.

Commission 7 at the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria 6-10 May 2013

Paul van der Molen, Representative from commission 7 making his report to the General Assembly.

Commission 7 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2013.  Commission 7 report

FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting 2013 and International Symposium, Yaound?Cameroon, 21-25 October 2013

Land Policies and Land Governance International Symposium and Workshop and Commission 7 Annual Meeting. Jointly organized by the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), the F??ation des g?m?res francophones (FGF) and the Ordre des g?m?res du Cameroun.

Web site: 

FIG Commission 7 Newsletter April 2013

Commission 7 Newsletter April 2013:

FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting 2012 and International Symposium, San Luis, Argentina, 30 November to 4 December 2012

The FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting 2012 and International Symposium will take place in San Luis, Argentina, from 30 November to 4 December 2012. These events will follow the FIG Regional Conference in Uruguay. The theme of the symposium will be Land Governance in South America in an international perspective. These events are co-organized by the Consejo Federal de Catastro de Argentina (CFC) and the Federaci? Argentina del Agrimensores (FADA).

International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM2013)

The Land Administration Domain Model, LADM passed on the 1st of November 2012 unanimously the final vote towards becoming an international standard, ISO 19152 and was formally published by ISO on 1ste of December 2012. It will stimulate the development of software applications and will accelerate the implementation of proper land administration systems that will support sustainable development.

The 5th International LADM Workshop will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 - 25 September, 2013 in conjunction with ISG2013. Deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is 31 May 2013.

International Seminar on State Land Management in Transitional Countries: Issues and Ways Forward 20-21 September 2012
Proceedings now available

The International Seminar on State Land Management in Transitional Countries: Issues and Ways Forward took place 20-21 September 2012 in Budapest, Hungary at the Ministry of Rural Development. The international seminar was organised by FIG Commission 7 and FAO.

FIG Commission 7 Newsletter September 2012

Commission 7 Newsletter August 2012:

Commission 7 at the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012

Gerda Schennach

Commission 7 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012. The General Assembly elected Ms. Gerda Schennach from Austria as the Chair Elect of Commission 7 for 2013-2014.

FIG Commission 7 Newsletter

World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

23-25 April 2012, Washington D.C., USA. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, organised by The World Bank. Call for paper is opened. Deadline 31 October 2011
Web site and call for paper: 

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2011and International Symposium „Cadastre 2.0“
25 September - 1 October 2011, Grillhof, Innsbruck, Austria

The Proceedings of the International FIG Symposium "Cadastre 2.0" are obtainable.
Price € 25,-- incl. tax and postage. Please order it here

FIG Commission 7, Newsletter

Commission 7 at the FIG Working Week, May 2011 Marrakech Morocco

Cadastral Template - A Worldwide Comparison of Cadastral Systems

The "Cadastral Template" has been developed by a research group at the Department of Geomatics of the University of Melbourne. It consists of cadastral country reports based on a jointly developed PCGIAP/FIG template.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and International Open Symposium, 5-10 September, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.

Click picture for bigger format
András Osskó and Daniel Roberge

FIG Commission 7 in cooperation with the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers organized its Annual Meeting between 5 and 11 September 2010 in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Commission 7 has had a 20 year tradition organizing annual meetings each year, separately from major FIG events, based on the consensus of Commission 7 delegates. The Annual Meeting 2010 was the last of a four year period chaired by Mr. András Osskó, Hungary. There was a record number of participation in the Annual Meeting 2010 showing the importance of land administration matters world wide. 57 delegates attended this annual meeting from 32 countries representing all of the continents.
The proceedings will be available soon.

Invitation to Commission 3 and 7 Workshop - 15-17 November 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria as well as Commission 3 Annual Meeting

Theme of the Workshop is "Information and Land Management. A Decade after the Millennium".

Web site: 

Commission 7 at the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

Click picture for bigger format.
Daniel Roberge

Commission 7 had its meeting during the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. The General Assembly appointed Mr. Daniel Roberge from Canada as the Chair of Commission 7 for 2011-2014.

FAO and FIG Commission 7 WG 7.3 publication "FLOSS in Cadastre and Land Registration - Opportunities and Risks"
FAO Land Tenure Group and FIG Commission 7 WG 7.3 have launched a publication “FLOSS in Cadastre and Land Registration - Opportunities and Risks”. Land administration and cadastral systems in the 21st century depend on the use of information technology (IT) tools. The application of these tools affects very much the systems’ efficiency and costs. While commercial softwares have helped to establish the infrastructures of today and continue to do so, open-source alternatives, which have achieved considerable significance in many IT fields, have grown to provide credible alternatives for consideration. For various reasons, however, they are not often used in land administration and cadastre, even when their potential is increasingly recognised. This booklet aims to shed light on this potential, exploring the advantages, and disadvantages of open source solutions within the context of cadastre and land registration. The publication is the result of four years of cooperation between FAO and FIG WG 7.3.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2009 and One-Day Open Symposium on "Progressing Towards u-Cadastre" - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-16 October 2009

Click picture for bigger format.
One-day Open Symposium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This year's FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just before the Regional Conference. More than 40 delegates from 22 countries participated the meeting. At the meeting András Osskó, Chair of the Commission, and Commission 7 working group chairs gave reports on the Commission 7 activities. The One-day Open Symposium on „Progressing Towards ubiquitous Cadastre” was a successful event: Besides of international delegates more than 200 professionals attended from Malaysia and and neighbouring countries. Read more...

FIG Questionnaire – Good practices for compulsory purchase and takings

FIG Commission 9 together with Commissions 7 and 8 has made a questionnaire on Good practices for compulsory purchase and takings.

International Seminar and State and Public Land Management and FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Open Symposium on Environment and Land Administration "Big Works for the Defense of the Territory"- Verona, Italy, 9-15 September 2008

Click picture for bigger format.
 András Osskó (left), Domenico Romanelli (President of the Provincial College of Surveyors of Verona), Fausto Savoldi (CNGeGL President) and Stig Enemark (FIG President).

Seminar on State and Public Land Management was organised in Verona, Italy, September 9-10, 2008, just before the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting. The seminar was organised by FIG Commission 7 and the Consiglio Nazionale Geometri (CNG), in co-operation with FIG Commission 9 and FAO Land Tenure and Management Unit. The major goal of the seminar was to share experience and discuss policy options and practices in relation to state and public sector land management, including between land managers, policy advisers and decision makers and their professional advisers, and the civil society organisations working in these areas.
The seminar aimed to help raise global awareness of problems associated with state/public land and its management, improve knowledge of good practices in this area, and encourage these to be increasingly addressed in new development initiatives. Web site: and programme. Commission 7 Annual Meeting was organised in Verona 11-15 September 2008, programme of the annual meeting and proceedings.

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2007 and Symposium on “Good Practice in Cadastre and Land Registry” in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 19 - 23 May 2007 - Proceedings

FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June 2008

Commission 7 Annual Meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden during the FIG Working Week 2008, 14-19 June 2008, web site of the conference:
Proceedings and technical sessions
Commission 7 Annual Report for the General Assembly as a .pdf-file.

Workshop on Land Administration for Sustainable Development, Québec, Canada, October 2007

Commission 7 Newsletter, December 2007

Commission 7 Newsletter, June 2007

Commission 7 Annual Meeting and one-day open Symposium "Good practice in Cadastre and Land registry" in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 19-23 May 2007

Commission 7 Newsletter, December 2006

FIG Congress in Munich, Germany, 8-13 October 2006

FIG Publication # 36 - Administering Marine Spaces: International Issues
Joint FIG Commissions 4 and 7 Working Group 4.3 has been active in the areas of Coastal Zone Management, Marine Cadastre and Marine Governance since 2002. Result of this work is now published in the FIG Publication series as publication no. 36 "Administering Marine Spaces: International Issues". The publication comprises a number of papers that focus on issues related to the administration of marine spaces from regional perspectives. Its purpose is to stimulate further discussion and research in this most important subject area. Whilst it is not possible to deal with all issues, it does underscore the international importance of administering marine spaces.

Hard copies will be available by the FIG Congress in Munich.

Cadastre 2014 on new web address

Annual Meeting 2006 and Symposium FIG Commission 7 - Bled, Slovenia 12-16 May 2006
The FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2006, was held from12 -16 May 2006 at the Kompas Hotel in Bled, Slovenia. Because of the big FIG Conference in Munich 8-13 October 2006, the Commission decided to hold only a short annual meeting.  The Meeting was organised in close co-operation with the Slovenian Association of Surveyors and our Slovenian correspondent Mr. Roman Rener, the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia.

In total 50 participants from 25 countries were welcomed by the Commissions chair, Paul van der Molen. Amongst them Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal and Russia represented first time.

Read a full report of the Annual Meeting.

Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge management and e-Learning - Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 April 2006

FIG Commissions 2, 3 and 7 held a Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge management and e-Learning in Budapest, Hungary, 27-29 April 2006. Workshop web site

Expert Group Meeting on Secure Tenure: New legal frameworks and tools - Bangkok, 8-9 December 2005 - Proceedings now published
Click picture for bigger format. Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New Legal Frameworks and Tools in Asia and the Pacific" held at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand are now published as a hard copy. Proceedings are also available on the web.

The meeting aimed to discuss new legal frameworks for the improvement of land tenure security and access to land related benefits, discuss new ideas regarding tools needed to support the implementation of these new legal frameworks, identify pro poor land administration approaches for both urban and rural areas, discuss evolutionary approaches for recording and mapping of land tenure forms, discuss possibilities to improve existing land administration systems, learn from countries that face these situations in the region, and to encourage decision makers to pay adequate attention to the implementation aspects of land policy.

Inquiries for hard copies, please contact Ms. Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected]

Workshop on Standardization in the Cadastral Domain - Bamberg, Germany, 9-10 December 2004 - Proceedings now published
Within the scope of the European COST Action G9 "Modelling Real Property Transactions" and jointly with FIG Commission 7 Cadastre and Land Management, an international workshop on "Standardization in the cadastral domain" was held in Bamberg, Germany on 9 and 10 December 2004. The workshop brought together an interesting mix of representatives from different communities and disciplines involved in the cadastral domain. These included legal specialists, surveyors and ICT-specialists, and represented different organizations (land registry and cadastral organizations, standardization institutes, industry and academia)

This workshop was sponsored by: ITC, Kadaster, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Technische Universiteit Delft. The printing of these proceedings has been made possible by ESF-COST. Proceedings are available here.

For a hard copy of the Proceedings "Standardization in the cadastral domain", please contact Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected] (ISBN 87-90907-36-1)

International Conference on ‘Enhancing Land Registration and Cadastre for Economic Growth in India’ - New Delhi, India, 31 January - 1 February 2006

International Conference on ‘Enhancing Land Registration and Cadastre for Economic Growth in India’ was organized in conjunction with Map India 2006 and co-organised by FIG Commission 7.

Expert Group Meeting on Secure Tenure: New legal frameworks and tools - Bangkok, 8-9 December 2005
More the 50 experts from more then 20 countries were invited to join the meeting held in the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok. 22 papers on the subject were presented and discussed. The meeting was organised by the FIG Commission 7 on Cadastre and Land Management, The World Bank, UN-Habitat and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

Commission 7 represents FIG at the International Seminar on Cadastre for Sustainable Development - Bogotá, Colombia, 22-24 November 2005

Symposium on Land Administration in the Arab World - Challenges and Ambitions - Dead Sea, Jordan 1- 3 September 2005

This Symposium was organised by the Department of Land & Survey in Jordan in collaboration with the Arab Union of Surveyors and FIG Commission 7

For a hard copy of the proceedings, you can contact Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected]

Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Symposium on Innovative Technologies for Land Administration - Madison, Wisconsin, USA June 19-25, 2005
Click picture for bigger format. Proceedings of a Symposium held by FIG Commission 7, about Innovative Technology for Land Administration, held on 24 and 25 June 2005 at the University of Wisconsin, State Historical Society in Madison - Wisconsin, USA are now available as a hard copy. This symposium was organised and supported by the University of Wisconsin, Madison - USA, Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster) - The Netherlands, and the Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC) - The Netherlands. This meeting aimed to explore the strategic developments in technology likely to impact on the way land administration organisations would operate in the future (both at strategic and operational level). If you are interested of a hard copy please contact Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected]

The Symposium on Innovative Technologies for Land Administration was combined to the annual meeting of FIG Commission 7.

FIG Working Week in Cairo, Egypt, 16-21 April 2005

Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New legal frameworks and tools" - UN-Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya, 10 - 12 November 2004
Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New legal frameworks and tools" was held at the UN headquarters in Gigiri, Nairobi, November 10-12, 2004. The meeting was organised by FIG Commission 7, UN-HABITAT, the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) and the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE). It was supported by: Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Austria; Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, The Netherlands; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands; and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Germany.

For a hard copy of the Proceedings of an Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New Legal Frameworks and Tools", please contact Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected] (ISBN 87-90907-39-6)

Workshop on Standardization in the Cadastral Domain - Bamberg, Germany, 9-10 December 2004

Workshop on Standardization on the Cadastral Domain was organised by COST Action G9 and FIG Commission 7 in Bamberg, Germany 9-10 December 2004.

Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New legal frameworks and tools" - UN-Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya, 10 - 12 November 2004
Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure: "New legal frameworks and tools" was held at the UN headquarters in Gigiri, Nairobi, November 10-12, 2004. The meeting was organised by FIG Commission 7, UN-HABITAT, the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) and the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE). It was supported by: Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Austria; Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, The Netherlands; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands; and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Germany.

Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Symposium on Modern Land Consolidation - Clermont-Ferrand, France 10-14 September 2004
Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2004 was held at the Hôtel Coubertin in Clermont-Ferrand, France, 8-14 September 2004. The programme and proceedings with picture gallery can be downloaded from here:

In conjunction to the Annual Meeting a Symposium on Modern Land Consolidation (Amenagement Foncier Moderne) was organised at the Volvic Sport Complex in Clermont-Ferrand, 10-11 September 2004. Proceedings and pictures from this event are available at:

For proceedings of Commission 7 Symposium on Modern Land Consolidation, please contact Pauline van Elsland, email: [email protected] (ISBN 87-90907-38-8)

Click picture for bigger formatSymposium on Land Administration in Post Conflict Areas - European UN-Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 29-30 April 2004

Commission 7 Symposium on e-Land Administration - 2-4 June, Innsbruck, Austria

FIG Working Week in Athens, 22-27 May 2004

Mr. András Osskó from Hungary was appointed by the General Assembly in Athens as the Chair Elect of Commission 7 for 2004-2006. He will be the chair of the commission 2006-2010. He is Deputy General Director, Budapest Land Office in Hungary and Vice Chair of Commission 7 WG 7.1.


Web site of FIG Commission 7 Sub-Working Group on 3D Cadastre

Click picture for a bigger formatProceedings of Commission 7 Symposium "Strategies for Renewal of Information Systems and Information Technology for Land Registry and Cadastre - ITC, Netherlands, 8-9 May 2003

Contact: email: [email protected]




Working Group on 3D Cadastre - FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management - Go to the web site

Current cadastral registrations use 2D parcels to register ownerships rights, limited rights and public law restrictions on land. In most cases this is sufficient to give clear information about the legal status of real estate. But in cases of multiple use of space, with stratified property rights in land, the traditional 2D cadastre is not, or only in a limited way, able to reflect the spatial information about those rights in the third dimension.

At the FIG-congress in April 2002 in Washington DC it was decided to form a special working group in order to study the 3D issue of cadastral registration in a fundamental way and on an international level.

This working group on 3D Cadastres is a sub-group of Working Group 7.3 (Advances in Modern Land Administration) of Commission 7 of the FIG.

The working group aims to publish a publication on guidelines to establish 3D Cadastres, addressing legal, institutional and technical issues. This “primer on 3D Cadastres” will be presented at the next FIG-congress in 2006. You can find WG 7.3 web site at:

2nd Cadastral Congress and Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2003 - Krakow, Poland September 18-21, 2003

The 2nd Cadastral Congress organised by the Association of Polish Surveyors was held in Krakow, Poland September 18-21, 2003. The title of this conference was "Cadastre reliable for civil and social services". The conference was organised in co-operation with FIG Commission 7 and it will be linked to Commission 7 annual meeting 2003.

University of New Brunswick - FIG Meeting on Marine Cadastre Issues, September 15-16, 2003

Symposium - IT Renewal Strategy for Land Registry and Cadastre - International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 8-9 May 2003

International Federation of Surveyors FIG Commission 7 on Cadastre and Land Management organizes with support from

  • UN/ECE Working Party on Land Administration WPLA (Geneve, Switzerland) (t.b.c);
  • Centre of Excellence for Real Rights and Land Markets, Budapest (Hungary)(t.b.c.); and
  • Permanent Committee for the Cadastre in the EU (PCC)

and sponsored by:

  • Cadastre and Land Registry Agency the Netherlands and
  • International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation ITC (Netherlands)

and international symposium on IT Renewal Strategy for Land Registry and Cadastre.

The symposium is targeted to chief information officers, information managers, and related professionals involved in the field of land registry and cadastre.

FIG Working Week and 125th Anniversary in Paris, 13-17 April 2003

Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Seminar on Land Redistribution in Southern Africa - Pretoria, South Africa, November 4-9 2002
FIG Commission 7 organised its annual meeting and a two day-Symposium November 6-7, 2002 on the 'how to do' question of land re-distribution in Southern Africa. The target group for this Symposium were land managers, land surveyors and related professions. The aim was to focus on the operational and technical aspects of the land re-distribution process. This question has been raised amongst others at the FIG Washington congress by land surveyors from the region (April, 2002) and also at the World Bank Workshop on Land Issues in Kampala (April/May, 2002).
The Symposium was supported by FAO and included contributions from representatives of the World Bank, FAO and many senior academics, bureaucrats and practitioners.

Benchmarking Cadastral Systems
FIG Commission 7 Working Group (1998-2002) Reforming the Cadastre has published its report on Benchmarking Cadastral Systems. The report compiled and edited by Daniel Steudler and Jürg Kaufmann includes contributions from 9 case studies from different countries. The report was launched at the FIG General Assembly in Washington, DC in April 2002. The report is available on the FIG web site as .pdf-file (429 KB). Hard copies can be asked from the FIG Office

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