FIG Council
Ensuring the Rapid
Response to Change
Ensuring the Surveyor of Tomorrow
Vice President Prof. Rudolf Staiger - 2011-2018
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: 19 March 1956
Nationality: German
Current Position: Professor at the University of
Applied Sciences Bochum, Dept. of Surveying Engineering and
The FIG General Assembly elected at its meeting in Sydney, Australia
in April 2010 Prof. Staiger as FIG Vice President for a four-year term
of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2014.
The FIG General Assembly elected at its
meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 2014 Prof. Staiger as FIG
Vice President for a four-year term of office 1.1.2015-31.12.2018
- 1990-1992: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Graduate School of Business Administration (Zuerich,
- 1988: PhD on the theory of “On-line-Triangulation” for
Theodolite Measuring systems
- 1983–1987: Scientific Assistant at the Geodetic Institute
(University of Karlsruhe)
- 1976–1982 : Studies of geodesy at the University of
Karlsruhe (Germany) and Ecole Nationale des Sciences
Géographiques (ENSG, Paris-St.-Mandé, France)
Work experience
- Since 1994: Professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen
(former Universität Gesamthochschule Essen) in the Dept. of
Surveying Engineering. The areas of special interest are
instruments, sensors, measuring systems, the standardization,
check and the calibration of such systems.
- 1992-1994: Software Development Engineer, R & D-Dept. for
Industrial Measure¬ment Systems, (Leica-Geosystems,
Unterentfelden, Switzerland).
- 1988-1991: Kern & Co AG, Aarau (later Leica-Geosystems,
Unterentfelden, Switzerland), System Specialist, Product Manager
and Head of the Dept. for Industrial Measurement Systems
Professional activities
- FIG Vice President (Period
- FIG Vice President (Period
- Chair of FIG Commission 5 (Period
- Chair Elect of FIG Commission 5 (Period
- Chairman of the AK5 (DVW) (Period 2003 - 2006)
- Chairman of WG. 5.1 of Comm. 5 (FIG) (Period 2003 - 2006)
- Since 2003 Member of the DIN-Commission – Geodätische
Instrumente und Geräte (Geodetic Instruments and Devices).
- Since 1997 Member of Arbeitskreis 5 (AK5) – Instrumente und
Methoden (Instruments and Methods) from DVW. This is the
National German Commission of DVW corresponding to Comm. 5 of
More than 30 Publications in English, French and German. Most
of them are monographers.
In 2001 - together with Prof. Fritz Deumlich from Dresden - the
9th edition of the “Instrumentenkunde der Vermessungstechnik”.
German (mother tongue), English (fluent) and French (fluent).
Rudolf Staiger
Fachhochschule Bochum
University of Applied Sciences
FB Vermessungswesen und Geoinformatik
Lennershofstrasse 140
44801 Bochum
Tel. + 49 234 32 10 547
Fax + 49 234 32 14 735
[email protected]
27 December 2010 |