«Norway GI-digital» - an Infrastructure for the Entire
Local - Regional - National
by Kari Strande
Key words: Norway GI-Digital, Governmental Policy,
Co-operation , Efficiency.
Norway shall keep an infrastructure of common geographic
information that develop according to the users demands and
technology. Geographic basic information both for sea and land areas
called "Norway GI-digital" will be a part of this
«Norway GI-digital» will be a common database for everyone.
Key data will kept continuously up to date. Data will be accessible
on Internet
«Norway GI-digital» can only be realised in co-operation
between the municipalities, the state, and the largest users
Objectives to «Norway GI-digital»
- More efficient private sector i. g. within transportation at
land, sea and in air
- More efficient public sector, better service to the public,
better decision-making, increased participation (LA 21)
- Better management of areas environmental and natural resources
- Increased safety and readiness
IT-Policy for Municipalities
"Municipalities and counties ought to take part in the
development of national geographic information systems that can
contribute to increased value for society. Establishment of such
information systems must be based on agreements between municipalities
and the state where these are equal partners with equal rights to the
use of data."
Co-operation Partners
- Municipalities, Public Road Administration, Telenor (telecoms)
- Electricity companies, Agriculture, NSB (railways)
- Norwegian Mapping Authority
Content of «Norway GI-digital»
Present Situation
The government has prepared a white paper for the Parliament about
the future Norwegian Policy on National Spatial Information
Infrastructure. It was prepared for the Parliament in the spring
session 2000. With the change in the Norwegian Government in March it
may be delayed.
Kari Strande, Advicer International affairs
Statens Kartverk
Servicebox 15
N-3504 Hønefoss
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.statkart.no