World Bank Publications
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New Technologies and Emerging Trends: The State of Play for Land AdministrationSecure land rights are important for reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity at the country, community, and family levels. Land rights are fundamental to stimulating investment and growth, particularly in agriculture and infrastructure; for supporting countries and their people in building resilience by preventing land-takings and mitigating forced migration. Addressing land tenure issues is at the center of building sustainable communities. |
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Fit-For-Purpose Land AdministrationThis publication is the result of cooperation between the World Bank and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) over recent years to address the issue of building and sustaining land administration systems that are basically fit-for-purpose rather than blindly complying with top-end technological solutions and rigid regulations for accuracy. |
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Securing Africa's Land for Shared Prosperity by Frank F. K. Byamugisha, The World BankThe book is published by The World Bank and covers land administration and reform in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides simple practical steps to turn the hugely controversial subject of "land grabs" into a development opportunity by improving land governance to reduce the risks of dispossessing poor landholders while ensuring mutually beneficial investors' deals. This book shows how Sub Saharan Africa can leverage its abundant and highly valuable natural resources to eradicate poverty by improving land governance through a ten point program to scale up policy reforms and investments at a cost of USD 4.5 billion. |
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Land Governance Assessment FrameworkThis book presents the LGAF tool and includes detailed pilot case studies on implementation in five selected countries: Peru, the Kyrgyz Republic, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Tanzania. Experience also shows that the use of a consistent framework facilitates transfer of good practice across countries. |
Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration and GovernanceThe World Bank has published a joint WB/FIG/GLTN/FAO publication on “Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration and Governance”. This publication is based on papers presented mainly at the joint FIG/WB conference on “Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals: Responding to New Challenges” that was held in Washington DC, USA 9-10 March 2009. |
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Land Governance in Support of the Millenium Development GoalsThis publication is a result of the joint FIG-World Bank Conference on “Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals: Responding to New Challenges” held at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC, 9–10 March 2009. It includes a report identifying the highlights of the conference, the ways forward, and also a declaration produced as a conclusion of the conference. The organisers wish to thank all who participated, contributed, supported and encouraged this conference. The support and funding providing by the ESRI, Trimble, The Dutch Kadastre, GTZ, Leica, and ITC are gratefully acknowledged. Finally, we wish to convey our sincere gratitude and thanks to all the delegates who travelled from all parts of the world to attend this conference and participated so actively and enthusiastically. This report will be tabled at the FIG Congress in Sydney 11–16 April 2010 and at the World Bank Land Conference in Washington 26–27 April 2010. This should assist national governments and land professionals to develop and improve appropriate land governance in support of the Millennium Development Goals and to address the new challenges. |
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Land Administration Reform: Indicators and Future ChallengesThis paper sets out a framework for a set of indicators and reviews the critical issues in land administration, with comparisons drawn from both within and across the regions. The report sets out a global synthesis of the 17 country case studies, regional report; reviews land administration principles, and the context for projects to strengthen land administration systems. It provides the situation in the four regions as well as a brief overview of the situation in the 17 country case studies. One of the potential shortcomings of describing past experience is that critical issues may be systematically overlooked. To remedy this, the report delivers a systematic discussion of future challenges in the development of more efficient and effective land administration systems. |
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Land Policies for Growth and Poverty ReductionThis book looks first at the historical, conceptual, and legal contexts of property rights to land. It then considers aspects of land transactions, including the key factors affecting the functioning of rural land markets. Finally, it explores the scope and role of governments and land policy formation and discusses ways in which developing countries can establish land policy frameworks that maximize social benefit. |