FIG Young Surveyors Network

Work Plan 2011-2014

Annual Report and revised Work Plan in pdf-format

Original work plan in pdf-format


Young Surveyors Network

Ms. Kate Fairlie, Chairperson of Young Surveyors Network, e-mail: [email protected]


To facilitate an international network of young surveyors and as a result:

  • To promote international opportunities and experiences for young surveyors.
  • To improve the global image of surveying.


  • Individual members can see and grasp opportunities, locally and internationally;
  • The surveying profession is united across disciplines and generations;
  • The international community understands the role of surveyors.

Goals for 2011-2014

Representation, Awareness and Support:

  • To represent young surveyor interests within the FIG
  • To improve young surveyor awareness of and involvement in FIG
  • To support local, regional, national and international networks of young surveyors by providing a forum for sharing knowledge, skills and experience. YSN Structure

Click picture for bigger format

Structure of FIG Young Suveyrors Network

YSN Action Plan 2011 – 2014

Tasks for 2011 – 2014

Better linkages within and beyond FIG

  • The FIG YSN will identify and establish linkages with other groups to promote young surveyor interests, enable joint events and share opportunities (Eg. UN-Habitat, ISPRS, Engineers Without Borders, RICS, YGNSS, IGSO, etc.)
  • The FIG YSN will evolve its structure to include young surveyor representatives on each FIG Commission and across each region to facilitate networking across disciplines and nations
  • The FIG YSN will continue young surveyor events at each FIG Working Week and at the FIG Young Surveyors Conference for the first time back to back with the FIG Working Week in 2012.

Better Communication

The FIG YSN will develop a communication plan:

  • To ensure best use of online communication tools, including facebook, twitter, etc.
  • To determine best methods to communicate with young surveyors
  • To evaluate and test the use of podcasts, online forums and adoption of other new technologies
  • To identify improvements to the FIG YSN webpage, potentially including a members only area to best derive benefits and target communication

More support at the local and regional levels

Document successful young surveyor events and projects, including:

  • Develop YSN introductory leaflets
  • Develop YSN help sheets (e. g. Mentoring, Fundraising, Speed Networking, etc.)
  • Provide a space where local and regional young surveyor groups can promote events and/or upload and download successful event ideas and info sheets
  • Link with volunteer organizations (eg. CrisisCommons, rotary, engineers without borders, REDR, etc.) to identify event opportunities (both online and face to face)

Facilitate international opportunities

  • Work towards better use of the FIG Surveying Education Database for a universities and professional training programs
  • Research and document avenues for international internships
  • Facilitate networking and sharing of job opportunities during FIG events.
Newsletter and publications
  • Newsletters
    • Biannual eblast from YSN to members
    • Special eblast for FIG events
  • Webpage
  • Introductory leaflets
    • What is the YSN and how to join
    • How to be involved in the YS
    • How to be a successful Young Surveyor Group
  • Action plan 2010-2014
  • Communications Strategy
  • YSN Key dates and activities 2011-2014
  • Online Communication Spaces
    • Facebook
    • Yahoo!Groups
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter

YSN Position Descriptions (draft)

Ms. Kate Fairlie,
E-mail: [email protected]
  • Reports to FIG Council and acts as young surveyor representative to the Council, ACCO and corporate members, communicating the needs of young surveyors and progress of the network
  • Updates Young Surveyor Network (YSN) committee and members with the activities of the FIG and Council
  • Coordinates the development of a workplan and goals for each year and 4-year FIG term. Plans and creates YSN opportunities, together with the committee.
  • Manages YSN workload of committee, ensuring tasks are aligned with YSN aims and workplan
  • Liaises with the coordinators of upcoming working weeks and conferences to promote YSN interests and ensure a dedicated youth social and technical programme where possible.
  • Identifies linkages and reaches out to similar organisations, including, but not limited to, ISPRS, UN-Habitat, YGNSS, etc. under guidance of the Council.
Vice Chair (Regions)
Chris McAlister
E-mail: [email protected]
  • Coordinates regional representatives, hosting skype catch-ups as necessary and informing both YSN Committee and Regional representatives of developments
  • Develops generic help documents to assist new representatives, new committees and/or unrepresented young surveyors
  • Continues to seek regional representatives (where positions are vacant), promotes the FIG and YSN to unrepresented regions and
  • Supports and represents Chair as necessary.
  • Seeks articles for YSN e-blasts
  • Sources opportunities for YSN promotion and representation
Vice Chair (Commissions)
  Cemal Ozgür Kivilcim
E-mail: [email protected] 
  • Coordinates Commission representatives hosting skype catch-ups as necessary and informing both YSN Committee and Commission representatives of developments
  • Ensures the YSN is represented on each Commission, and that Commission members are aware of joint-project opportunities with young surveyors
  • Develops information leaflets and/or systems to share information between Commissions and Young Surveyors
  • Collects information from commissions and other working groups to communicate to YSN
  • Supports and represents Chair as necessary.
  • Seeks articles for YSN e-blasts
  • Liaise with Commission 1 to identify and participate in (or ensure YSN participation in) professional education and profession marketing activities
  • Sources opportunities for YSN promotion and representation
  • Supports and represents Chair as necessary.
Eva-Maria Unger
E-mail: [email protected]  
  • Documents YSN meetings, coordinates agenda items and sends through meeting agendas and minutes in a timely manner
  • Coordinates membership lists, email contacts and group memberships
  • Emails new members an introduction to the role and aims of FIG and the YSN.
  • Coordinates e-blast (formerly newsletter) material, together with Vice-Chairs, and emails e-blast to YSN quarterly and/or more frequently
  • Together with Communications Coordinator, develops new ways and/or a strategy to promote and deliver information on the YSN. Ensures that existing communication methods are appropriate and aligned.
  • Chief contact person for new and existing members
Jens-Andre Paffenholz
E-mail: [email protected]
  • Manages FIG funds (2010 - EUR 3000) and develops a yearly budget
  • Explores further sponsorship opportunities, both of and by the YSN, to ensure the YSN continues to build its profile and achieve its goals
  • Advises YSN members and regional bodies on funding and sponsorship opportunities
  • Liaises with national bodies and employer groups to encourage greater local sponsorship of young surveyors and students.
Communications coordinator
  Not decided yet
  • Ensures FIG webpage for YSN becomes available in 2011, and forms material for update as necessary
  • Manages existing YSN accounts:
    • Twitter
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • LinkedIn
  • Explores, and actively contributes to, other avenues of YSN promotion and information distribution, including blogs and podcasts.
  • Liaises with other YSN committee members, in particular secretary (as eblast coordinator) to determine short newsworthy items
  • Ensures FIG and FIG working weeks and congresses are adequately discussed in media, and key information is accessible to young people
Regional Coordinators
  • Regions are currently distinguished as:
    • Africa 2011 Rep: Benedicta Ugwulebo
    • Australia and Oceania 2011 Rep: ?
    • South East Asia 2011 Rep: ?
    • U.S.A. 2011 Rep: Daniel Helmricks
    • South America and Caribbean 2011 Rep:?
    • Europe 2011 Rep:?
  • Make contact with national bodies within the regions and ensure young surveyors are represented
  • Feed information through to national young surveyor networks, and enable these networks to become established
  • Together with other committee members, produce a document outlining successful activities and strategies for local young surveyor bodies and start up groups
Commission Representatives
  • Become an active part of allocated Commission and feed information between YSN and the Commissions
  • Engage in a Commission working group
  • Identify YSN opportunities within Commissions (eg. For YSBH)

Commission Representatives: tba

Working Week and Congress Representatives
  • 2011 FIG Working Week (Morocco):?
  • 2012 FIG Working Week (Rome): Paola Ronzino and Andrea Massaro (Italy)
  • 2013 FIG Working Week (Abuja): Benedicta Ugwulebo (Nigeria)
  • 2014 FIG Congress (Kuala Lumpur): ?

16 August 2011

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