FIG General Assembly


31 May and 4 June 1999 in Sun City, South Africa


of the 22nd General Assembly held at the Convention Centre, Sun City, South Africa, on 31 May and 4 June 1999

Note: Minutes have been sent as hard copy to each Member association, Affiliate member, Correspondent and Sponsor member, Honorary President, Honorary Member and to Chairs of Commissions, Permanent Institutions and Task Forces.

Download minutes as a Word 6.0 document.

First session, Monday 31 May, 9.00–11.00; 11.30–13.00


On behalf of the hosting Member Association Mr Ken Lester, President of the South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors welcomed FIG delegates to South Africa.

In formally opening the meeting President Peter Dale welcomed all participants.


Secretary-General Roy Swanston took the roll call. A list of those present at the sessions is attached at Appendix to items 2 and 26.  
Download as a Word 6.0 document.

34 member associations out of 72 were present which is more than one third of the membership needed for the General Assembly to be constitutionally valid.

Motion: That the delegates and observers attending the General Assembly be entered in the records and that at the second General Assembly roll call will be made only for member associations while other members and participants will be recorded only.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Motion: That the General Assembly appoints two persons as tellers.

Decision: The General Assembly adopted the principle that at each General Assembly the tellers will represent the member associations hosting the preceding and the current General Assembly. The General Assembly resolved to appoint Mr Jim Smith (nominated by the member association hosting the preceding General Assembly) and Mr Ken Lester (nominated by the member association hosting the present General Assembly) as tellers for the duration of the meeting.


Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the previously circulated agenda with following amendments:

  • additional membership application from the Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine as new item 6.1.5.
  • withdrawal of the proposals of expungements of member associations (item 6.2)
  • proposals for appointment of Honorary Members (item 6.3)
  • additional bid, from the Technical Chamber of Greece, to host the working week, 2004 (item 20)
  • list of additional papers that have been tabled at the meeting.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The minutes of the 21st General Assembly and 65th Permanent Committee held in Brighton in 1994 have been circulated previously.

Motion: That the minutes been adopted.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


6.1 Acceptance of new members

6.1.1 The Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors

The Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors has submitted a formal application to become a second member association from the United Kingdom. The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the Institution meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association. The application is supported by the existing UK member association, the RICS.

Completed application form has been circulated with the agenda.

Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors as a member association of FIG.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

6.1.2 Ordre des Géomètres-Experts

The members of the Comité Français de Représentation à la FIG, OGE and AFT, have decided that they would prefer to be represented separately as member associations within FIG. The Bureau supports this request and has agreed that formal membership applications are not needed provided that an official letter giving up-dated membership information in respect of each association is received by the General Assembly.

Formal application letter with up-dated membership information has been delivered to the Bureau before the General Assembly.

Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts as a member association of FIG.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

6.1.3 Association Francaise de Topographie

The members of the Comité Français de Représentation à la FIG, OGE and AFT, have decided that they would prefer to be represented separately as member associations within FIG. The Bureau supports this request and has agreed that formal membership applications are not needed provided that an official letter giving up-dated membership information in respect of each association is received by the General Assembly.

Letter giving up-dated membership information has been circulated with the agenda..

Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Association Française de Topographie as a member association of FIG.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

6.1.4 The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors

The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors has submitted a formal application to become a second FIG member association from Nigeria. The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the Institute meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.

The existing Nigerian member, the Nigerian Institution of Surveyors, has not submitted any objection so it is assumed to support the application.

Complete application form has been circulated with the agenda.

Motion: That the General Assembly admits The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors as a member association of FIG.

Discussion: The leader of the French member association Michel Mayoud expressed his opinion that quantity surveying is not an activity of the FIG surveyor and he was therefore against the membership of The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors. The President pointed out that quantity surveying is specifically within the definition of a surveyor as adopted by FIG in the Statutes.

Decision: The motion was adopted with no votes against.

6.1.5 Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine

The Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine has submitted a formal application to become a member association of FIG. Although the application has arrived in May after the agenda was circulated the Bureau has considered the application and believes that the association meets the criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.

The membership application is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 6.1.5
Download as a Word 6.0 document.

Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine as a member association of FIG.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

The representatives of the member associations in Nigeria, AFT and OGE from France and The Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, UK were presented with their associations’ certificates of membership.

6.2 Expungements

The subscriptions of the following member associations are more than three years in arrears

  • Union of Romanian Geodesy;
  • Ukrainian Society of Surveyors;
  • Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (Vietnam).

The General Assembly has powers to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes).

After the agenda was circulated a part payment of its arrears has been received from the Vietnamese member association and the Bureau is satisfied with arrangements put in place for securing at least part payment of Romania's and Ukraine's arrears.

In accordance with Article 4.3 of the Statutes, which requires the Bureau to take action to expel any other member whose fees are three years in arrears, the Bureau has expelled the Brunei Survey Department (affiliate member), whose fees were more than three years in arrears at the start of 1999.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the position regarding payments of arrears of subscriptions by the

  • Union of Romanian Geodesy;
  • Ukrainian Society of Surveyors;
  • Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (Vietnam)

and notes the expulsion of the Brunei Survey Department.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

6.3 Appointment of Honorary Members

The Bureau has received three nomination before its meeting on 30 May 1999. These are:

  • Prof. Stig Enemark, nominated by Den danske Landinspektørforening DdL, Denmark
  • Prof. Georgi Milev, nominated by the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers, Bulgaria
  • Miss Jane Woolley, nominated by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, UK.

According to the statutes item 3.2 the appointment of an Honorary President and Honorary Member shall be decided on a vote of the GA. According to statute 3.1.7 to honorary member can appointed an individual who has materially assisted the development and promotion of the surveying profession at the international level.

Nominations are attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 6.3, letters send only as a hard copy.

Mr. Jens Bruun Andersen, President of DdL formally proposed candidature of Prof. Stig Enemark, seconded by SLF, Sweden; Vice-President Grahame Lindsay proposed Prof. Georgi Milev's candidatute, seconded by France and Commission 6 and Mr. Paul Munro-Faure, leader of the UK delegation proposed candidature of Miss Jane Woolley, the Director of the FIG Bureau 1996-1999, that proposal was first seconded by Australia.

Motion: That the General Assembly appoint Prof. Stig Enemark, Prof. Georgi Milev and Miss Jane Woolley as Honorary Members of FIG.

Decision: The General Assembly appointed Prof. Stig Enemark, Prof. Georgi Milev and Miss Jane Woolley as new Honorary Members of FIG. Prof. Enemark and Miss Jane Woolley were presented with their badges with silver oak leaves and certificates of Honorary Membership.


The President's report and an annex report on FIG and the United Nations have been circulated as appendices to the agenda.

The President made his report to General Assembly including information that FIG is seeking official status within FAO.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the President’s report.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The Secretary-General's report together with the annex report on the FIG office have been circulated with the agenda.

The Secretary-General made his report including introduction of the appointment of Rear Admiral Chris Andreasen as Secretary-General within the US Bureau. Mr. Andreasen's whole CV will be published in the June issue of the FIG Bulletin. The Secretary-General also informed that FIG will very shortly have its own web site ( and e-mail address ([email protected]).

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Secretary-General's report and confirms Chris Andreasen's appointment as Secretary-General within the US Bureau 2000-2003..

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The President noted that an up-dated version of the XXI Congress Director's report was tabled and is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 9
Download as Word 6.0 document.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the XXI Congress Director’s report.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Reports from following commissions and institutions have been circulated with the agenda:

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports and records its thanks to the chairs and directors for their past year’s work.

Decision: The motion was adopted. The General Assembly furthermore recorded its special thanks to Prof. Hermann Seeger the Director of the FIG Multi-Lingual Dictionary, who has retired on 1st October 1998.


The report of the Director, FIG/UN Liaison has been circulated with the agenda.

The Director reported on FIG Vice President Robert Foster's, Director, FIG/UN Liaison Ian Williamson's and Director of the FIG Office Markku Villikka's visit to the UN headquarters in Nairobi and on the UN/FIG Conference in Melbourne October 1999.

Director Markku Villikka reported on his participation in the 1999 UN Session on Human Settlements in Nairobi May 1999 including information on the Habitat Professionals Forum.

A supplementary report from the FIG high-level visit to UNCHS and UNEP in May and the extension of the FIG-Habitat Partnership Agreement for 1999 were tabled at the meeting and are attached in the minutes as Appendix to item 11, send as hard copy only.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Director's report and records its thanks to the Director, FIG/UN Liaison for his past year’s work.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The following reports have been circulated with the agenda:

  1. Liaison with other international organisations
  2. Memorandum of Understanding between CIB (the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) and FIG
  3. Memorandum of Understanding between ICEC (International Cost Engineering Council) and FIG

The President's subsequent report referred to co-operation with FIABCI his successful visit to the FIABCI World Congress in Seville and the proposed Global Housing Foundation. In co-operation with CIB the General Assembly was informed on the new Joint Project on Performance Indicators for Sustainable Development.

Motion: That the General Assembly approves the FIG/CIB and FIG/ICEC memoranda of understanding, adopts the reports and their recommendations and records its thanks to all who have contributed to the development of FIG liaison activities during the past year.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

13. IUSM

The report on IUSM has been circulated with the agenda.

The President and Chris Andreasen informed the General Assembly on the bilateral agreements with other current IUSM members and ISPRS and the meeting of IUSM member associations in Ottawa at the time of the ICA Congress in August.

Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the Bureau’s recommendations that FIG should terminate its membership of IUSM and instead seek to enter into a bilateral agreements with each of its other members and with ISPRS bearing in mind that IUSM is changing.

Discussion: Commissions 5 and 6 pointed out the need for bilateral contacts especially to IGA and also in the future with the International Society of Mine Surveying (ISM).

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The following reports have been circulated with the agenda:

1. Finance
2. Annex unaudited FIG income and expenditure account, 1998
3. Annex up-dated FIG budget, 1999

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the unaudited accounts for 1998 and notes the up-dated budget for 1999.

Discussion: Iain Greenway, UK asked the Bureau about the biggest changes in the up-dated budget compared to the original budget approved by the General Assembly. The Treasurer stated that the biggest change in the budget is the special contribution of £20,000 from RICS for establishing the permanent office, membership expansion and UN activities. Seppo Mäkinen from Finland expressed the need to attract new sponsors, academic members and membership expansion.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

15.  BUDGET, 2000

The FIG Budget 2000 has been circulated with the agenda.

Charles Challstrom, Treasurer of US Bureau 2000-2003 introduced the budget for 2000. In his presentation he pointed out that the surplus in the draft budget will be used partly to support a full time director of the FIG office in 2000, partly for travel costs and to build up a reserve for FIG future activities.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the budget for 2000.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The General Assembly is required to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale (minute 23 of FIG(GA)M(98)1). Fees for 1999 and 2000 are

Per capita fee

Minimum fee

Maximum fee


Sw.frs. 4.75 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members

Sw.frs. 100.00

fee payable by an association with 4,000 members


Sw.frs. 4.75 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members

Sw.frs. 100.00

105 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members

The incoming Bureau recommends that fees payable in 200l should be Sw.frs 4.95 per capita up to a maximum of 4,000 members, the minimum fee should be Sw.frs 100.00 and the maximum fee for the big associations should be 108 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. This recommendation is supported by the Bureau.

Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the recommendation of the Bureau and incoming Bureau that fees payable by member associations in 2001 should be

Per capita fee

Minimum fee

Maximum fee

Sw.frs. 4.95 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members

Sw.frs. 100.00

108 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Vice-President Robert Foster made a short presentation on the arrangements of the XXII Congress in Washington mentioning that the congress venue and activities will be presented at the exhibition in Sun City.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the up-date report of the Congress 2002.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


The draft work plan for 2000-2003 was circulated on the FIG web site prior to the General Assembly. The draft work plan is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 18
Download as a Word '97 document.

Vice-President Robert Foster, incoming President of the US Bureau, introduced briefly the draft work plan for discussions with any member of the incoming US Bureau during the working week.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the draft work plan, for preliminary discussion at the plenary session on 4 June 1999.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Amendments to Internal Rules have been circulated with the agenda.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following changes to the Internal Rules according to Internal Rule 11.1. and Internal Rule 15.1:

1. The terms of reference for commission 9 shall in future read as follows:

Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate

  • Valuation – the estimating of value of real estate by valuers and appraisers for various purposes including market value, property taxation, eminent domain, claims of damage or impact on value by some cause or event, and acquisitions for public use or public policy
  • Investment market value and investment planning
  • Development finance, land use feasibility planning
  • Management of property, as a single asset or by management companies
  • Management of property systems to ensure efficient use of public and private resources
  • Management of public sector property.

2.  The name of the FIG Permanent Institution on the History of Surveying should in future be the International Institution on the History of Surveying and Measurement - a Permanent Institution of FIG.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


By 30 March bids have been received by the Bureau from:

  • The Dutch Society for Geodesy (Nederlandse vereniging voor geodesie) NVG to host the Working Week in Rotterdam, The Netherlands in May or June.
  • Sveriges Lantmätareförening SLF (The Swedish Association of Chartered Surveyors) and Samfundet för Fastighetsekonomi SFF (The Swedish Association of Real Estate Economics) to host the Working Week in Stockholm, Sweden, during the first week of June.

The application letters from the Dutch Society for Geodesy NVG and from Sveriges Lantmätareförening SLF and Samfundet för Fastighetsekonomi SFF have been circulated with the agenda.

A further bid from the Technical Chamber of Greece was received in May to host the Working Week 2004 in August prior to the Olympic Games in Athens. This application letter is attached as Appendix to item 20, send as hard copy only.

Motion: That the General Assembly receives brief presentations from candidates willing to host the FIG Working Week 2004 and notes that the selection of the venue will take place at the plenary session on 4 June.

Decision: The motion was adopted and each of the three candidates were given 8 minutes to make their presentation.


Prof. Stig Enemark introduced the concept of new academic membership including the renewal of the Surveying Education Database to benefit the academic members. The leaflet and application form on academic membership was distributed at the meeting and is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 21. Already before the General Assembly about 20 academic institutions have shown their interest to become academic member of FIG.
Download application form as a Word '97 document.
Download application form as an

Motion: That the General Assembly notes activities taken to promote academic membership and records its thanks to those involved with this work and encourages the member associations to promote academic membership in their respective countries.

Decision: The motion was adopted.

Monday 31 May, 12.45–13.00 (plenary session)


A draft discussion document of "The Future Governance and Management of FIG" has been circulated with the agenda.

Motion: That the General Assembly invites the chair of the task force to introduce his report; to suggest which aspects of the report might be addressed in the subsequent breakout sessions; and to invite leaders of the sessions to report back to an immediately following plenary session

Decision: The motion was adopted. The Chair of the Task Force on the Future Governance of FIG, Dr Tom Kennie, presented the draft document for the General Assembly and the General Assembly decided to divide into four breakout groups to discuss the different aspects of the future governance of FIG.

Monday 31 May, 14.00–15.00 (breakout sessions)


Breakout sessions on FIG future governance based on the draft discussion document introduced at the plenary session.

Monday 31 May, 15.00–15.30 (plenary session)


Leaders of the breakout sessions, Prof. Holger Magel, Chris Andreasen, Prof. Stig Enemark and Stephen Yip reported back to the General Assembly from their breakout sessions. Chair of the task force, Dr. Tom Kennie, promised to report the General Assembly on the conclusions under item task force reports.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the results from the breakout sessions on FIG future governance.

Decision: The motion was adopted. The General Assembly further decided that chair of the task force Vice-President Tom Kennie will make a summary report at the General Assembly on 4 June.

Friday 4 June, 9.00–10.00 (President's meeting)


40 Presidents and leaders of the delegations attended the President's Meeting where different aspects of current problems of the member associations and their relations were discussed. These issues included e.g. associations' relations to national governments, how they promote the profession internally and externally.

Friday 4 June, 10.00–11.00 (open meetings for task forces)


Open meetings for the following task forces were arranged:

  • Under-represented groups in surveying; Chair: Gabriele Dasse
  • Standards; Chair: Iain Greenway
  • Mutual recognition of qualifications/reciprocity; Chair: Stig Enemark
  • Sustainable development; Chair: Helmut Brackmann

The results from the breakout sessions were reported back to the General Assembly under item task force reports.

Friday 4 June 11.30–13.00 (plenary session)


One of the tellers, Jim Smith, representing UK, has informed the Bureau that he is not able to act as a teller for the whole session. Therefore the UK delegation has nominated Mr. Iain Greenway as a new teller for the session.

Secretary-General Roy Swanston took the roll call according to the decision made at the first General Assembly so that the roll call was made only for member associations.

37 member associations out of 76 were present which is more than one third of the membership needed for the General Assembly to be constitutionally valid.

A list of those present at the session is attached at Appendix to items 2 and 26
Download as a Word 6.0 document.

Motion: That the General Assembly nominates a new teller for this session and that the delegates and observers attending the General Assembly be entered in the records.

Decision: The General Assembly resolved to appoint Mr Iain Greenway (nominated by the member association hosting the preceding General Assembly) as teller for the duration of the meeting. The motion on roll call was adopted.


President of the Education Foundation, Robert Foster, made his report on the activities of the foundation, its finances and results of the Directors’ meeting held on 1 June 1999 in Sun City. The supplementary report is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 27
Download as a Word 6.0 document.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and its recommendations including that for future Congresses and Working Weeks registrants will be invited to contribute to the Foundation by voluntary mark-off on their registration forms the equivalent of either $25 or $50.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Vice-President Robert Foster reported back from his discussions with the delegations during the working week. The comments received included e.g. the need to include items on standards in the next version of the work plan. Robert Foster asked the member associations to make their comments on the drfat work plan by 30 August 1999. The work plan will be finally adopted by the General Assembly in 2000.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the draft work plan, for subsequent publication when the US Bureau takes office and formal approval by the General Assembly in 2000.

Decision: The motion was adopted and the member associations are encouraged to submit their comments on the draft work plan by the 30th August to the FIG office.

29. REPORTS ON WORKING WEEKS 2000, 2001 AND 2003

The General Assembly received brief oral reports from chairs of the organising committees of the following Working Weeks:

  • Prague, Czech Republic 22-26 May 2000
  • Seoul, Korea May 2001 6-11 May 2001
  • Eilat, Israel, 19-23 May 2003

Preliminary programme and invitation for the FIG working week 2000 in Prague is already circulated. Further information can be found at

First drafts of the programmes for 2001 and 2003 were also circulated in Sun City.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes progress with the arrangements for each venue.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


A report on the Future of the Ad Hoc Commission on Construction Economics/Management has been circulated with the agenda.

Motion: That the General Assembly

  1. notes the review of the activities of the ad hoc commission on construction economics and management;
  2. agrees that the task force on the future governance and management of FIG should bring forward recommendation as to what should be the future status of construction economics within FIG; and
  3. agrees that the ad hoc commission on construction economics should remain in being until the task force has delivered its final report and recommendations.

Discussion: Michel Mayoud, Leader of the delegation of AFT (France), pointed out that construction economics is not included in the definition of surveyors in most countries, but was willing to wait with further discussion until the task force on FIG future governance has delivered its final report and recommendations.

President Peter Dale reminded that in the definition of surveyor, adopted at the special General Assembly in Beijing in 1991, construction economics is clearly included in the definition of surveyor.

Secretary-General Roy Swanston mentioned that the work of the ad hoc commissions has improved remarkably during the past year. At the Brighton congress the work plan was totally revised resulting in new activities in Sun City. Up to 37 delegates attended the ad-hoc commission's technical sessions and during the working week the inaugural meeting of the African Association of Quantity Surveyors (AAQS) took place. Discussions were held between the chairs of commissions to gain guidelines on standards and practice in construction economics. In addition, discussions on guidelines relating to the development of low-cost housing and its related infrastructures took place in Sun City. This is a new area of work for the ad-hoc commission but one in which there is great interest.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Reports from task forces on Under-represented groups in surveying and Standards have been circulated with the agenda. Reports from task forces on Mutual recognition of qualifications/reciprocity and on Sustainable development as well as an up-dated report from the task force on Under-represented groups in surveying are attached as Appendices to item 31.
Download report from task force on Mutual recognition.. as a Word 6.0 document
Download report from task force on Sustainable development as a Word 6.0 document
Download report from task force on Under-represented groups... as a Word 6.0 document.

All task forces arranged several internal and open sessions during the Working Week from which their chairs made brief amplifying oral reports.

Dr. Tom Kennie made a short summary report on the results of the breakout sessions on FIG future governance. Further comments on the draft discussion document and on the results of the breakout sessions are expected from member associations by 30 August 1999. The summary report is attached to the minutes as Appendix to item 31, send as hard copy only.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports and recommendations of the task forces on

  • Under-represented groups in surveying
  • Standards
  • Mutual recognition of qualifications/reciprocity
  • Sustainable development
  • FIG future governance

and records its thanks to all task forces and their chairs for their past year’s work.

Decision: The motion was adopted. Further comments on the discussion paper on FIG future governance are expected from member associations by 30 August 1999.


Vice-President Robert Foster, Chair of ACCO, made a report on the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) meetings. This report is attached as Appendix to item 32
Download as a Word 6.0 document.

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and its recommendations and records its thanks to ACCO for its past year’s work.

Decision: The motion was adopted.


Motion: That the General Assembly makes its selection for the venue of the FIG Working Week 2004.

Decision: On a secret ballot Athens, Greece got the absolute majority on the first vote and was selected for the host of the FIG working week , 2004.


The President expressed thanks to the organising committee and people responsible for the arrangements. Certificates of appreciation have been delivered to Ken Lester, President of the South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors, Lance Nel, Chair of the organising committee, Trevor Harpham, Marius Van Rooyen, Mark Dansie, Paul Marshall and Nevett Thorniley and finally to Melanie Campbell and her team in the Eventdynamics.


On behalf of FIG the President thanked all those who had contributed to the successful organisation of the meeting. As this was the last General Assembly for which the UK Bureau has had responsibility, he also thanked his colleagues in the UK Bureau and especially John Leonard and his team in managing the successful FIG Congress in Brighton and the Bureau Director Jane Woolley for her immense contribution for the benefit of FIG.

President Hans Josef Platen, DVW (Germany) expressed thanks from all member associations to President Peter Dale and his Bureau on the excellent results received during the UK Bureau term of office.

The President invited Mr. Milan Klimes and Mr. Josef Weigl, representatives of the Czech delegation and the organising committee of the FIG working week to receive the FIG banner from Ken Lester, leader of the South African delegation.

The President then formally closed the 22nd General Assembly.

Data supplied by the FIG Office.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 20-04-15.


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