FIG Commission 6

Curriculum Vitae

Dr Gethin Wyn Roberts

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 20 October 1970

Nationality: British

Current Position: Associate Professor and Reader in Geospatial Engineering at the University of Nottingham

  • 1989 – 1993 BEng 1st class (Hons) in Mining Engineering, The University of Nottingham
  • 1993 – 1997 PhD, Engineering Surveying and Geodesy “Real Time On The Fly Kinematic GPS”
  • 1999 Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practices
Work Experience
  • 1990 – 1991
    British Coal as an Engineering Trainee.

  • 1993 – present
    The University of Nottingham. Starting as a teaching assistant whilst researching for my PhD, then a lecturer, senior lecturer, Associate Professor and now Associate Professor and Reader in Geospatial Engineering. I am involved with teaching surveying to undergraduate civil engineering students, I am the undergraduate admissions tutor for civil engineering, teach to MSc students at the IESSG, director of the MSc in Engineering Surveying and Geodesy. Manage and carry out research in areas of Engineering Surveying, currently the principal investigator on the VISTA and Mapping the Underworld projects, funded by the UK’s TSB and EPSRC, investigating the use of GNSS and other technologies to aid locating and positioning buried pipes and utilities in built up areas. Also, using GNSS technology to monitor the movements and frequencies of bridges and other structures. Using technologies such as locatalites and GNSS for precise positioning. I have also supervised and co-supervised 10 PhD students to successful completion.

Professional Activities
  • A member of the UK’s Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
  • The ICES’ UK delegate to Commission 6
  • A member of the ICES’ Education Training and Membership Committee
  • A member of the ICES’ and ICE Geospatial Engineering Board
  • Chairman of the FIG’s Working Group 6.4 “Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering”
  • Chairman of the FIG’s Task Force “Monitoring and Analysis of Cyclic Deformations and Structural Vibrations”
  • President Elect of the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors for the year 2010/2011
Full list of Publications see attached file
FIG Publications
Teaching Related
Refereed Journal Publications

Smith, M J; Roberts, G W; Computer Aided Learning in Surveying, Survey Review, October 1996, Vol. 33, No. 262, ISSN 0039-6365, pp 546 - 552.

Smith, M J; Roberts, G W; Teaching Engineering Surveying through Computer Aided Learning. Habitat, Issue 4, ISSN 1362-5020, pp 26 – 30, July 1997.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Roberts, G W; Smith, M J; Computer Aided Learning for Teaching Engineering Surveying, Proc FIG Commission 2 Joint Workshop on Computer Assisted Learning and Achieving Quality in the Education of Surveyors, ISBN 951-22-3206-5, pp 183 - 192, September 1996.

Refereed Abstracts


1. Roberts, G. W.; Meng, X.; Brown, C. J.; (2008) Research into the use of GNSS to Monitor the Deflections of Suspension Bridges, and the Role of the FIG in Deformation Monitoring of Bridges. IABMAS2008, Seoul, Korea, July 2008.

2. Roberts, G. W.; Brown, C. J.; Ogundipe, O.; (2008) The use of Kinematic GPS to Monitor the Deflections and Frequencies of a 174m Long Viaduct Under Traffic Loading. FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.

3. Roberts, G. W.; Brown, C. J.; Atkins, C.; Meng, X.; (2008) The Use of GNSS to Monitor the Deflections of Suspension Bridges. Measuring the Changes, 13th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2008.

4. Roberts, G. W.; Brown, C. J.; Ogundipe, O.; (2008) Monitoring the Deformation of a Motorway Viaduct Using Kinematic GPS. Measuring the Changes, 13th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2008.

5. Roberts, G. W., Badley, M. (2007) Deformation Monitoring Trials Using a Leica HDS3000. FIG Working Week 2007, Hong Kong SAR 13-17 May 2007. ISBN 978-87-90907-59-4

6. G W Roberts, C Brown, C Atkins and X Meng (2007). Further Results from Using GPS to Monitor the Deflections of the Forth Road Bridge. FIG Working Week 2007, Hong Kong SAR 13-17 May 2007. ISBN 978-87-90907-59-4

7. Roberts, G. W.; Meng, X.; Taha, A.; Motillet, J.P.; The Location and Positioning of Buried Pipes and Cables in Built Up Areas. In: Proceedings of the FIG XXIII Congress, Munich, October 2006. ISBN 87-90907-52-3.

8. Roberts, G.W.; Brown, C. J.; Meng, X.; Using GPS to Monitor the Forth Road Bridge. In: Proceedings of the FIG XXIII Congress, Munich, October 2006. ISBN 87-90907-52-3.

9. Meng, X.; Roberts, G. W.; Dodson, A. H.; Ince, S.; Waugh, S.; (2006) GNSS for Structural Deformation and Deflection Monitoring: Implementation and Data Analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering. 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurement. 22 – 24 May 2006, Baden, Austria.

10. Roberts, G. W.; Brown, C. J.; Meng, X.; (2006) Deflection Monitoring and Frequency Analysis of the Forth Road Bridge using GPS. Proceedings of the 3rd IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering. 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurement. 22 – 24 May 2006, Baden, Austria.

11. Pytharouli, S.; Meng, X.; Stiros, S.; Roberts, G. W.; (2006) Analysis of the GPS monitoring record of the Forth Road Bridge in Scotland. Proceedings of the 3rd IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Engineering. 12th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurement. 22 – 24 May 2006, Baden, Austria.

12. Roberts, G W; Hirst, L; (2005). Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Structures Using Laser Scanners. Proceedings of the FIG Working Week, Cairo, April 2005.

13. Cosser, E; Hill, C J; Roberts, G W; Meng, X; Moore, T; and Dodson, A H; (2004). Bridge Monitoring with Garmin Handheld Receivers. First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

14. Cosser, E; Roberts, G W; Meng, X; and Dodson, A H; (2004). Single Frequency GPS for Bridge Deflection Monitoring: Progress and Results. First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

15. Wang, R; Meng, X; G W Roberts and Dodson, A H; (2004). Structural Health Monitoring Systems for Bridge with Hybrid Sensor System. First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

16. Meng, X; Roberts, G W; Dodson, A H; Cosser, E; and M Meo (2004). Development of a Prototype Remote Structural Health Monitoring System (RSHMS). First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

17. Roberts, G W; Meng, X; and Brown, C J; (2004). From St Paul’s to the Tate Modern – overcoming problems in monitoring bridges using GPS. First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

18. Cosser, E; Meng, X; J Barnes, GW Roberts, Dodson, A H; and C Rizos (2004). Precise Engineering Applications of Pseudolites Augmented GNSS. First FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering, 28 June - 1 July 2004, Nottingham, UK.

19. Roberts, G W; Meng, X; Cosser, E; Dodson, A H; The Use of Single Frequency GPS to Measure the Deformations and Deflections of Structures. Proceedings of the FIG Working Week, Athens, May 2004.

20. Whitaker, C; Chrzanowski, A; Johansen, S K; Kopacik, A; Roberts, G W; Stiros, S; Tsakiri, M; A Report on the Activities of Commission 6 (Engineering Surveys), of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), Proceedings of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, April 2004.

21. Cosser, E; Roberts, G W; Meng, X; Dodson, A H; Measuring Dynamic Deformation of Bridges Using a Total Station. Proc 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Santorini, Greece, May 2003.

22. Roberts, G W; Meng, X; Cosser, E; Dodson, A H; A Morris, M Meo; A Remote Bridge Health Monitoring System Using Computational Simulation and GPS Sensor Data. Proc 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Santorini, Greece, May 2003.

23. Cosser, E; Roberts, G W; Meng, X; Dodson, A H; The Comparison of Single Frequency and Dual Frequency GPS for Bridge Deflection and Vibration Monitoring. Proc 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Santorini, Greece, May 2003.

24. Meng, X; Roberts, G W; Cosser, E; Dodson, A H; Real-time Bridge Deflection and Vibration Monitoring Using an Integrated GPS/Accelerometer/Pseudolite System. Proc 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Santorini, Greece, May 2003.

25. A Chrzanowski, X Ding, Roberts, G W; C Whitaker; Goals and Achievements of FIG Working Group WG 6.1 – Deformation Measurements and Analysis. Proc 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Santorini, Greece, May 2003.

26. Barnes, J., Rizos, C., Wang, J., Meng, X., Cosser, E., Dodson, A. H. and Roberts, G. W. (2003). "The Monitoring of Bridge Movements using GPS and Pseudolites." 11th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements, International Federation Surveyors (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, 25-28 May, Santorini, Greece.

27. Roberts G W; Meng X; Dodson A H; Using Adaptive Filtering to Detect Multipath and Cycle Slips in GPS/Accelerometer Bridge Deflection Monitoring Data, Proc XXII International Congress of the FIG, TS6.2 Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering II, Washington DC, USA, April 19 – 26 2002.

28. Roberts G W; Evans A J; Dodson A H; Denby B; Cooper S; Hollands R; The Use of Augmented Reality, GPS and INS for Subsurface Data Visualisation, Proc XXII International Congress of the FIG, TS5.13 Integration of Techniques, Washington DC, USA, April 19 – 26 2002.

29. Roberts G W; Strange K; Waller M; The Detection of Abandoned Mineshafts using GPS and Capacitively Coupled Resistivity Imaging, Proc XXII International Congress of the FIG, JS27 Engineering Survey Databases and Facility Management Systems, Washington DC, USA, April 19 – 26 2002.

30. Roberts G W; Ogundipe O; Dodson A H; Construction Plant Control Using RTK GPS, Proc XXII International Congress of the FIG, TS6.2 Engineering Surveys for Construction Works and Structural Engineering II, Washington DC, USA, April 19 – 26 2002.

31. Roberts G W; Meng X; Dodson A H; The Use of Kinematic GPS and Triaxial Accelerometers to Monitor the deflections of Large Bridges, Proc - Deformation Measurements and Analysis, 10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION MEASUREMENTS, INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG), Commission 6 - Engineering Surveys, Working Group 6.1, Orange, California, USA 8 pages, 19 - 22 March 2001.

32. Ashkenazi, V; Roberts, G W; Dumville, M; Real Time Positioning of Construction Plant through the use of GPS, Proc XXI International Congress of the FIG, Commission 6, Engineering Surveys, ISBN 0-85406-902-X, pp 475 - 484, Brighton, July 1998.

33. Ashkenazi, V; Roberts, G W; Dodson, A H; Real Time Monitoring of Bridges by GPS, Proc XXI International Congress of the FIG, Commission 5, Positioning and Measurement, ISBN 0-85406-901-1, pp 503 - 512, Brighton, July 1998.


English and Welsh


Dr Gethin Roberts
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Tel +44 115 9513933
Fax +44 155 9513881
Email [email protected]

27 May 2009

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