FIG Commission 3 - Spatial Information Management |
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Term 2015-2018
Commission 3, through the coordination of the Chair Enrico Rispoli and the contribution of the four working groups, composed of professionals and academics from around the world, has achieved excellent results in participations and involvements of members. Thanks to the cooperation of the delegates, more research have been in simple and reliable method of collecting, monitoring and managing data concerning the territory (geographical, aero photogrammetric, geomorphological, economic, land, statistics, etc.). The technical and working sessions focused on the following matters:
The importance of the general topics as SDI, SIM, GIS, etc. together with VGI and Crowdsourcing has drawn the attention of many delegates who have allowed to carry out interesting working sessions during the FIG Working Week in Helsinki and during the Commission 3 Annual Meeting and Workshop.
Terms of Reference
Mission statementThe mission of Commission 3 is to:
Working Group 3.1 – SIM InfrastructurePolicy Issues SIM has the role of an integrator of components for a Spatial Information Infrastructure especially for urban areas within the information society. SIM is a facilitator for IT based services for planners, administration as well as for citizens. Chair
Working Group 3.2 – Technical aspects of SIMPolicy issues The on-going development of tools, techniques and policies for spatial management of urban areas, in particular cities/megacities but also rural, forest and coastal areas leads to the need for collection, management and integration of various spatial data, such as: optical and SAR satellite and aerial images, images derived from various kinds of UAV, images derived from the Internet, orthophotos, point clouds derived from LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanners, global DTMs, etc. These data and the need for their management in real time or in a short time, in order to monitor growth and change across the urban environment and to forecast areas of risk, leads to the development of specific techniques for Big Data management. The on-going development of 3D and 4D spatial or city models, using photogrammetric or computer vision techniques, demands the development of interoperable formats and tools for the exchange of geometric and semantic 2D/3D data and information. The improvement and enrichment of data and spatial product quality control methods and techniques is an important issue as the variety of data collection sources and information management and integration procedures become wider. Chair Ioannidis Charalabos, Greece Working Group 3.3 – 3D Cadastre (Joint Working Group with Commission 7)Policy issues The results of the previous term (2010-2014) of the working group provide a solid basis for the next 4-year phase of the working group. The concept of 3D Cadastres is here to stay and the number of implementations is increasing, quite often with ambition to become LADM (ISO 19152:2012) compliant. In 3D, it is even more important to connect land administration to other registrations via SDI: buildings, tunnels, cables/pipelines, terrain elevation, etc. (physical and legal 3D objects should be aligned). The main objective of the working group is to establish an operational framework for 3D-Cadastres. The operational aspect addresses the following issues:
A description of issues that have to be considered (and to what level) before whatever form of 3D-cadastres can be implemented. These will provide 'best practices' for the legal, institutional and technical aspects. Chair Peter van Oosterom, The Netherlands |