FIG Commission 3

Minutes of the Annual Meeting in Cairo

Date of Meeting: Sunday, April 17, 2005; 14:15 - 16:45

Place of Meeting: Hotel Intercontinental Semiramis, Room Teeba 1


1. Welcome address; Opening

Chair of Commission 3, Gerhard Muggenhuber, welcomes all participants of the Annual Meeting and he welcomes specially the Honorary President of FIG Bob Foster and FIG Council Member Ralph Schroth. Greeting addresses to all participants were sent by the following officers, delegates and correspondents of Commission 3, who could not attend the meeting: Yerach Doytsher, Bela Markus, Keith Murray, Martin Scheu, Tor Valstadt;

2. Adoption of Agenda


3. Introduction of Participants

All 25 participants introduced themselves and gave a short report on their actual work and on ongoing projects in their countries on Commission 3 relevant issues.

4. Report of Commission Chair (Gerhard Muggenhuber)
  • Marrakech Declaration: FIG publication Nr.33 was translated by Muhammed Ettarid to Arabic and French language. A printed Arabic version was distributed during the conference in Cairo. The digital versions of this publication can be downloaded from FIG Homepage or can be ordered at FIG office.

  • ACCO-Meeting:  Task force on commission structure: Bob Fosters reports about the scare situation of candidates due to high costs for this job. Due to lack of money the local organisations cannot fund all the expenses for the commission chairs.  The actual situation is that there are some strong commissions as Commission 3 and Commission 7. No change before 2010. The Council decided to establish a Task Force to study the commission structure after 2010 and also to study if there are any needs to the current statutes and internal rules. The Council decided to appoint the members of the Task Force as follows: Vice President Ken Allred, Canada as the chairperson and Matt Higgins, ACCO, Iain Greenway, UK, Teo CheeHai, Malaysia and Stephen Djaba, Ghana as members. The Council will at the same time separately consider the need for any other changes in the statutes (including the membership, possibility to support member associations with economic difficulties and financial support to Council members and Commission officers in the future).

  • Working Plan 2007-2010: Incoming commission chairs will shape the working plan until Munich within the next months and invite all delegates and correspondents of the Commissions to cooperate in the next period. Chryssy Potsiou, the incoming chair of Commission 3, would welcome proposals for topics to be focused for the working plan 2007-2010 as well as the cooperation of all of you.

  • Workshop "eGovernment for eCiticen": Kari Strande, Chair of Working Group 3.1 (eGovernment & eCitizen) organised a pre-conference Workshop with the above mentioned topic. The high attendance (more than 70 participants) and the final discussion were indicators for the demand on information and knowledge exchange between different countries and levels of profession. A follow-up activity will be announced in time. By interest on collaboration, please contact Kari by e-mail:

  •  Electronical Newsletter: Within the next weeks the Commission 3 Electronic Newsletter 2005 will be delivered. Gerhard Muggenhuber and Reinfried Mansberger are just compiling the CD. Please forward any contents to be added as soon as possible to Gerhard ([email protected]) or Reinfried ([email protected]). Partners in our network would appreciate information in French or Spanish.

  • Reports on COM3 relevant conferences:

    • World Urban Forum, September 2004, Barcelona, Spain.

    • Inter-regional Conference on Strategies for Enhancing Rural-Urban Linkages, October 2004, Nairobi, Kenya.

    • 3rd FIG Regional Conference, October 2004, Jakarta, Indonesia

    •  WPLA-Conference, April 2005, Budapest, Hungary.

6. Incoming events
  • FIG 4th Regional Conference, Havana, Cuba, September, 25-29, 2005

  • ISPRS Workshop on Services and Applications of SDI, October 14-16, 2005, Hangzhou, China

  • FIG COM3 Annual Meeting 2006 – The decision for the COM3 Annual Meeting 2006 is still pending. Alternatives are:

    • (1) FIG Regional Conference in Ghana, March 2006;

    • (2) Joint Meeting COM2/COM3/COM7 on eServices in Budapest, Hungary, April 2006;

    • (3) Meeting of COM3 on eGovernment for e-Citizens somewhere in the Austrian Alps; March/April 2006.

  • FIG 5th Regional Conference, Accra, Ghana, March 9-12 2006

  • XXIV FIG Congress Munich, Germany, October 8-13, 2006

  • FIG Working Week 2007, Hong Kong SAR, China, May 12-17, 2007

  • FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-19, 2008

  • FIG Working Week 2009, Israel, dates to be confirmed

7. Working Plan 2007-2010
Chryssy Potsiou, the incoming chair of commission 3 asks for contributions. She proposes to pick up the positive things from the last two periods and proceed on these topics. Commission 3 should further on be so active as in the last years. It is intended to produce one output per year. In her opinion the chair of a commission has a coordinating role between the working groups, the vice-chairs and the delegates and correspondents within the commission.
For your contribution for interesting topics, for proposals for working groups and working group chairs as well s for cooperation during the next period please contact the incoming chair, Chryssy Potsiou:
Chryssy proposes to announce the topics for Regional Meetings in advanced and focus the conferences to  the specified topics. 
8. Any other business
  • Gerhard Muggenhuber thanks all the participants for their attendance and their contributions.

Mohsen BADAWY (Egypt), Jan BARES (Czech Republic), Peter BARTAK (Intergraph), Patrick BEZARD-FALGAS (France), Muhammed ESSADIKI (Morocco), Robert W. FOSTER (USA), Constantinos HADJIGEORGIOU (Cyprus), Jens HOLLÄNDER (Denmark), Hans KNOOP (Germany), Enikö KOVACS (Hungary), Peter LAARAKER (Netherlands), Jely LANDRY (France), Bo LAURI (Sweden), Rob MAHONEY (UK), Reinfried MANSBERGER (Austria), Robin McLAREN (UK), Gerhard MUGGENHUBER (Austria), Hartmut MÜLLER (Germany), Charles Chuck PEARSON (USA), Chryssy POTSIOU (Greece), Daniel ROBERGE (Canada), Jes RYTTERSGAARD (Denmark), Ralf SCHROTH (FIG-Council), Kari STRANDE (Norway), Jaap ZEVENBERG (Netherlands)

Cairo, April. 2005; Reinfried MANSBERGER

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