FIG Commission 1

Klaus Rürup, Chair of FIG Commission 1

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 

Nationality:  German


Current Position

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Rürup is Chair of FIG Commission 1 (Professional Standards and Practice) and President of CLGE (Comitéde Liaison des Geomètrés Européens). From 1994 to 1998 he acted as Secretary of FIG Commission 1.

Since 1978 he runs his own surveying business in Bottrop. He is member of a number of committees and member of the examination board for surveying technichians in Münster.


Klaus Rürup
Droste-Hulshoff Strasse
846236 Bottrop
Tel. + 49 20 411 8830
Fax + 49 20 411 88316
E-mail: [email protected] 

14 July 2005

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