News in 2022
Watch the General Assembly session
Do you have an interest in what FIG is doing and what is happening in and around FIG. Then spend two hours on Sunday in good company with fellow surveyors from all around the world. All are invited to attend and follow the General Assembly. Member Associations are eligible to vote, and each member association has been asked to register their official candidate who will receive all voting sheets (online)
The first General Assembly session will be held 4 September 10:00 - 12:00 Central European Time (CET). This session will cover all general matters such as the Presidents report, reports from Commissions, Networks, FIG Foundation and finances.
An online system called Evenea will be used for this session (and only this session).
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To attend please go to: This link will take you to a registration page. When you have registered (name, email) you will receive a unique link. With this link you will be able to attend the General Assembly. Be aware that the link might end in your spam filter. The email is sent from Evenea [email protected]. Please note that the subject text will only say that you are invited to a meeting - so please look out for the email. If you register in advance you will receive a reminder with your unique link before the meeting starts. |
When you have entered the system you will be attending in listening mode with no video. There is room for 200 participants. This means that if you change your mind and do not want to attend, please leave the meeting, and you will make room for another to attend.
It is possible to see the other attendees. You can write in the chat.
In the large screen at the bottom you will find a green hand. Pressing this means that you will ask to be brought to stage. So please do not clik on this green hand unless you are asked to do so.
Recording of the system will be uploaded to the General Assembly agenda soones possible after the session. The Recording will also be available from the FIG YouTube video channel.
After the session the official representative from member associations will receive a voting sheet with the general agenda items.
The following two sessions will take place onsite at the FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw Poland on 11 and 15 September. The sessions will also be broadcast and recording will be available afterwards.
All President and Vice President candidates will be presented.
After this session voting will start. The official member association representatives will receive emails with the voting sheets.
The final General Assembly day will be a wrap-up of the activities during the Congress and will also include the results of the elections.
Another system will be used for these two system (the same system that will be used for the other conference days.
The link to these two sessions are:
If you attend on the 4 September your registration will automatically be moved to the Meeting15 system.
Read more about the FIG Congress at:
It is still possible to register for online participation.
Louise Friis-Hansen
1 September 2022