ISO TC211 Meets in Berlin in October 2004

- Book on ISO Standards for Geographic Information and Special Workshop at the Working Week in Athens

FIG continues to be actively involved in the work of ISO Technical Committee 211 on geographic information. The latest meetings in Berlin in late October included the launch of a book entitled 'ISO standards for geographic information'. Its authors are Wolfgang Kresse and Kian Fadaie and its ISBN is 3-540-20130-0. The book provides an overview of the work of ISO in this area.

FIG is planning to organise a more specific workshop for FIG members in conjunction to the FIG Working Week in Athens May 22, 2004. This half-day workshop is arranged by the FIG Standards Network and the ISO TC211 Outreach Group. It will take place on Saturday afternoon before the working week and no registration to the working week is needed. A small fee will be collected to cover the costs. All interested parties are requested to contact the FIG office for registration, email: [email protected]. This workshop is The workshop will be particularly useful for software developers needing to implement the new ISO standards for geographic information. It will also be of interest to consultants and others.

Iain Greenway, Chair of the FIG Network on Standards represented FIG at the meeting in Berlin. His report from the ISO TC 211 meeting can be read here.

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