Assessment of Rwanda's land registration, land information management, land-use planning and land-management systems and production of a technical and financial proposalServices Negotiated Procedure Notice from DFID
Link to Service Negotiated Procedure Notice on DFID web site. ContractsServices Negotiated Procedure NoticeTitle: Assessment of Rwanda’s land-registration, land-information management, land-use planning and land-management systems and production of a technical and financial proposal. 1. Awarding authority: UK Department for International Development (DFID), 1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE, Contact: Cormac Quinn (E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +44 207 023 0913, Fax: +44 207 023 0826).
Category of service and description, CPC reference number, quantity,
options: CPV:
Additional description: DFID is seeking Expressions of Interest from Consultants to undertake an assessment of Rwanda’s land-registration, land-information management, land-use planning and land-management systems and to assist the Ministry of Lands, Resettlement and Environment (MINITERE) to produce a technical and financial proposal for the development of these systems. The technical and financial proposal will include an assessment of the information, institutional, personnel, training, technology, equipment, logistical and financial requirements and the plans and cash flow projections for the development of the abovementioned systems. The technical and financial proposal will be presented at a partner conference at the end of the contract period.The budget for the resultant contract is limited to £90,000. 3. Delivery to: The Government of Rwanda: The Ministry of Land, Resettlement and Environment (MINITERE).
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Reserved for a particular profession: Not
Applicable 5. Division into lots: Not Applicable 6. Number of service providers which will be invited to tender: Between 5 and 8 7. Variants: Not Applicable 8. Time limits for completion or duration of the contract, for starting or providing the service: It is envisaged that the contract will begin by the 27th of October 2003 and finish by the 13th of February 2004. 9. Legal form in case of group bidders: Joint and several liability.
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Justification for accelerated procedure: N/A 11. Final date for the dispatch of invitations to tender: 15 August 2003 12. Deposits and guarantees: Not Applicable 13. Qualifications: Expressions of Interest should be submitted using the application form available by clicking here. The Expression of Interest should include a capability statement of not more than 4 A4 pages/2000 words in length accompanied by abridged CV/CVs of key personnel. Expressions of Interest should quote reference ‘Rwanda: Land Reform Contract’ and should be sent by e-mail, fax or post. Following assessment of Expressions of Interest, DFID will invite short-listed applicants to submit full technical and commercial proposals. The capability statement must show evidence of skills in the following areas:-
14. Award criteria: Criteria indicated in the invitation to tender 15. Other information: Prices are not needed at the expression of interest stage, however, when required prices must be in sterling. All payments under the contract will be made in sterling. DFID reserves the right to annul the tendering process and not to award a contract. Terms of Reference for the contract are available from Cormac Quinn (see Awarding Authority for contact details). 16. Date of publication of pre-information: 17. Notice Postmarked: 18. Notice received on: 19. Covered by the GPA agreement: Yes |