Meet the President

President Univ.-Prof. Dr. -Ing. Holger Magel

The FIG General Assembly elected at its meeting in Washington DC, United States in April 2002 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel as FIG President for a four-year term of office 1.1.2003-31.12.2006

Curriculum Vitae

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel

Date of birth  3 May 1944

Nationality  German

Status Married - wife Ansi

Professional Career

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel, born in Neuburg/Donau in 1944. After doing A-levels in 1963 studies of Geodesy at the Munich Technische Hochschule up to 1968. After first experiences with a sworn engineer's office in Graz completion of the Bavarian Traineeship, and leadership of Land Consolidation measures in Upper and Lower Bavaria.

From 1975 to 1978 position of a curator of the newly established Chair of Rural Development and Land Consolidation at the Munich Technische Universität. In 1977 obtaining the degree of a Doktor-Ingenieur about rural planning.

Acting with the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry in the Rural Development Department since 1978, in charge of building up the Bavarian Village Renewal Programme as well as establishing a new Method of Landscape and Regionalplanning within Rural Development.

Since 1 Febr. 1995 Head of the Rural Development Department and Director General of the Bavarian Administration of Rural Development.

Since 1986 lectures for geodesists, civil engineers and geographers at the Munich Bundeswehr University (up to 1990) and the Munich Technische Universität. In 1993 appointment as an honorary professor for Rural Development at the Munich Technische Universität.

President of the Bavarian Academy "Ländlicher Raum" (Rural Areas) since 1994.

Advisor of the European Commission for Rural Development in Eastern Germany in 1992/93; chairman of the German Bund-Länder Team for Village Renewal from 1984 - 1995; member of the board of the European Association for Rural Development and Village Renewal.

Chair of the working group land readjustment and land economics of the German Geodetic Commission since 2004

Acting as an expert in Eastern- and South Europe as well as in Asia and South America. More than 250 expert publications and books on land consolidation, Village renewal ,landscape planning , rural development and civil society. Many lectures at home and abroad. Member of several scientific institutions and NGO.

Vice-President (since 1999 ) and then President of the International Federation of Surveyors, 2002-2006.

Since 1 Jan. 1998 Full Professor and Director of Institute.

Columns of President Holger Magel


GIM International

Other columns and Interviews


President Magel can be contacted either through the FIG permanent office in Copenhagen or his private address.

FIG Office
International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
E-mail: [email protected]  
Tel +45 3886 1081
Fax +45 3886 0252

Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel
FIG President
Director of Institute of Geodesy, GIS and Land Management
Technische Universität München
Center of Land Management and Land Tenure
Arcisstrasse 21
D-80290 München
Tel. + 49 89 289 22535
Fax + 49 89 289 23933
Email: [email protected]

12 March 2003 - updated 28 December 2006

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