FIG General Assembly

24th General Assembly
7 and 11 May 2001 in
Seoul, Korea
of the 24th General Assembly held at the Sheraton Walker Hill
Hotel and Conference Centre, Seoul, Republic of Korea on 7th and 11th
May 2001.
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The appendices in Acrobat format can be downloaded below
under each item.
First Session, Monday 7 May, 11.00 - 12.30
President Robert W. Foster opened the General Assembly and
welcomed the participants to this 24th General Assembly of the Federation
and to the Republic of Korea. He expressed apologies from Dr Paul
Munro-Faure, chair of Commission 7 who was not able to attend the
meeting. Noted that several other apologies were received but these were not
read in public. The General Assembly honoured the past Honorary Members
Edna Rutland (UK) and Ernst Höflinger (Austria) with a moment of
The President then advised the General Assembly on the practical
guidelines for the meeting. These included that all new topics that the
members want to be discussed at the next session of the General Assembly
have to be raised in the previous meeting and submitted to the Bureau in
written. For the topics to be discussed at the second session of the 24th
General Assembly the deadline for such topics will be 5pm May 12, 2001.
Noted that for the items that need formal decision the voting will take
place by raising the name plate of the Member Associations.
Vice President Christian Andreasen took the roll call.
Appendix to items 2 & 23:
Roll call.
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41 Member Associations out of 85 were present at this session which is
more than one third of the membership needed for the General Assembly to be
constitutionally valid.
Motion: That the delegates and observers attending the General
Assembly be entered in the records and that at the second session of the
General Assembly roll call will be made only for member associations while
other members and participants will be recorded only.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints two
persons as tellers following the principle adopted at the 22nd General
Assembly so that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the
preceding (Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers) and the current
General Assembly (Korea Confederation of Surveyors).
Decision: The General Assembly resolved to appoint
Dr. Vaclav Slaboch (Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers) and
Dr. Jungho Kim (Korea Confederation of Surveyors) as tellers for the
duration of the meeting.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the agenda with the
following amendments which were included in the additional agendas tabled on
May 7 and May 11:
- To add a new item under item 6. Membership namely membership
application from the Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes
(Morocco) as item 6.1.5;
- Under item 6.3.1 Expungements the Bureau is delighted to inform that
all member associations that have been more than three years in arrears
with their membership fees have made at least partly payments and that
therefore this item will be withdrawn from the agenda;
- Item 6.4 Other membership issues. There are new sponsor members and
academic members which the Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly;
- To add a new agenda item 19 B Other matters before agenda item 20.
Under this item the General Assembly will be informed about the FIG
guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.
At the second session on Friday May 11 that the General Assembly:
- To add a new item under Membership namely membership application from
the Mongolian Association of Surveying and Mapping (MASM) as item 6.1.6;
- To record the decisions of the Bureau on other membership issues, item
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously. After distributing
the minutes two amendments have been made. These are to items 21 (Membership
Subscriptions (added the aim of the Bureau to stabilise the membership fees)
and 27 (The Future Governance of FIG - spelling mistake in the number of
proposed Vice Presidents - and addition to the discussion records that
"someone from a member association who has experience of organising a
working week or congress should be appointed to the task force"). These
amendments have previously added on the minutes posted on the FIG web site.
Please bring your copy of the minutes of FIG General
Assembly 2000 with you to the meeting.
Motion: That the minutes be adopted with following
21. Subscription rates 2002
To add the following text in the introduction:
"Treasurer Charles Challstrom, however, informed the General
Assembly that the goal of the Bureau is to stabilise the membership fees
and to increase the amount of other income instead of continuing with
annual increases with the membership fees."
27. The future governance of FIG
To add under the discussion following text: "Iain
Greenway (UK) pointed out that in the NRG there should not be
members from the current Council and suggested that someone from a
member association who had experience of organising a working week or
congress should be appointed to the Task Force - Review of Commission,
Task Force and Permanent Institution Structure 2000-2002."
To make a change in the motion and decision as follows:
" - - that the Council shall consist of a President and four Vice
Presidents" instead of five Vice Presidents as it was recorded in the
original minutes because the original Task force report was suggesting
four Vice Presidents.
Decision: The motion was adopted
6.1 Acceptance of new members
6.1.1 Professional Association of Real Estate Specialists
and Surveyors - PARESS (Armenia)
The Professional Association of Real Estate Specialists and
Surveyors - PARESS (Armenia) has submitted a formal application to become a
member association of FIG. The Bureau has considered the application and
believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a
member association. Both candidates from Armenia (PARESS and APS) have been
informed about the situation with two applications and they have not opposed
that both associations will become members of FIG.
Appendix to item 6.1.1:
Application form from the Professional Association of Real Estate
Specialists and Surveyors (PARESS).
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the
Professional Association of Real Estate Specialists and Surveyors (PARESS)
as a member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.1.2 Association of Private Surveyors, APS (Armenia)
The Association of Private Surveyors (APS), Armenia has
submitted a formal application to become a member association of FIG. The
Bureau has considered the application and believes that the association
meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association. Both
candidates from Armenia (PARESS and APS) have been informed about the
situation with two applications and they have not opposed that both
associations become members of FIG.
Appendix to item 6.1.2:
Application form from the Association of Private Surveyors (APS).
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the
Association of Private Surveyors (APS) as a member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.1.3 Maanmittausalan ammattikorkeakoulu- ja
opistoteknisten Liitto MAKLI ry (Finland)
Maanmittausalan ammattikorkeakoulu- ja opistoteknisten
Liitto MAKLI ry (Finland) has submitted a formal application to become a
second member association of FIG from Finland. The Bureau has considered the
application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership
of FIG as a member association. The application was supported by the
existing Finnish member association (Suomen Maanmittausinsinöörien Liitto -
Finnish Association of Surveyors MIL).
Appendix to item 6.1.3:
Application form from the Maanmittausalan ammattikorkeakoulu- ja
opistoteknisten Liitto MAKLI ry.
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the
Maanmittausalan ammattikorkeakoulu- ja opistoteknisten Liitto MAKLI ry as a
member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.1.4 Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico
(Puerto Rico, USA)
The Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico has
submitted a formal application to become a new member association of FIG.
The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the association
meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association. The US member
association the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) has been
consulted on the application and it supports the membership.
Appendix to item 6.1.4:
Application form from the Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Colegio
de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico as a member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted. In his greetings to
the General Assembly President Angel Villalba Ortiz, Instituto de
Agrimensores expressed that it is an honour for CIAPR to become of member of
FIG and invited the members to participate the first ever FIG seminar in
Puerto Rico February 6-8, 2002.
6.1.5 Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géometres-Topographes (Morocco)
The Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes from Morocco has
submitted a formal application to become a new member association of FIG.
The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the association
meets the criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.5:
Application form from the Ordre National des Ingénieurs
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordre National des
Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes as a member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.1.6 Mongolian Association of Surveying and Mapping (MASM)
The Mongolian Association of Surveying and Mapping (MASM) from Mongolia
has submitted a formal application to become a new member association of
FIG. The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the
association meets the criteria for membership of FIG as a member
Appendix to item 6.1.6:
Application form from the Mongolian Association of Surveying and Mapping.
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Mongolian Association
of Surveying and Mapping as a member association of FIG.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.2 Restoration of the Membership of the Nigerian Institute
of Surveyors
The Nigerian Institute of Surveyors has paid its all arrears
after the expulsion at the General Assembly in Prague. The Bureau has,
therefore, restored the membership of the Nigerian Institute of Surveyors
with all membership benefits.
Motion: That the General Assembly restores formally
the membership of the Nigerian Institute of Surveyors and records the action
already taken by the Bureau.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.3 Expungements
6.3.1 Expungements
The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly that the Association des
Géomètres Algériens, Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and Ukrainian Society of
Surveying have made partly payments for their arrears and that arrangements
have been made for the remaining arrears so that none of these associations
is at the moment more than three years in arrears with its membership fees.
Motion: The motion on expelling member associations from the FIG
membership has been withdrawn from the agenda.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.3.2 Resignation of The Real Estate Institute of
The Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe has 30th May 2000
informed the Bureau that it is impossible for the Institute to pay its
outstanding and future subscriptions to FIG and it therefore has to resign
from the Federation. The situation has been confirmed again 15th February
2001 and because it is not possible to admit a free membership to any member
association the Bureau has decided to accept the resignation of The Real
Estate Institute of Zimbabwe from its membership in FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly records that The
Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe has resigned from the Federation.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
6.4 Other membership matters
The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly on the
following changes in the membership of FIG:
The Bureau has admitted the following three organisations to
become affiliate members of FIG:
Instituto Geográfico Nacional, El Salvador
Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Guatemala
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and
Construction, Cambodia.
Sponsor members
The Bureau has admitted the following seven companies to
become sponsor members of FIG:
Terra Map Server GmbH, Germany; specification: Internet
and GIS, Corporate Membership category: E
Hansa Luftbild Sensorik und Photogrammetrie GmbH,
Germany; specification: photogrammetry. Corporate Membership category: E
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI);
USA; specification: GIS and mapping software; Corporate Membership
category: C
GeoInformatics; specification: publisher/journal; The
Netherlands; Corporate Membership category: E
MicroSurvey Software, Inc.; Canada; specification:
software; Corporate Membership category: E
SurveyPlanet, Inc; USA; specification: web portal:
Corporate Membership category: E
GTZ (German Agency for Technical Cooperation), Germany ,Corporate
Membership category: E.
Further the Bureau wants to inform that after Trimble
Navigation Limited completed its acquisition of the Spectra Precision, both
being sponsor members of FIG, Trimble Navigation Ltd stays as a sponsor
member of FIG representing both former sponsor members.
The Bureau has expelled correspondents from Belize and
Botswana, because they have not shown any activity in the work of the
Federation 2nd December 2000.
The Bureau has admitted M. Alassane Ba and from
Senegal to become a correspondent of FIG 2nd December 2000 and M. Issofa
Nchottou from Cameroon 7th March 2001.
Academic members
The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly that 17 new
academic members have joined FIG after the General Assembly in Prague and
that the number of academic members 11 May 2001 is 37. The new academic
members are:
Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering
Faculty, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Michigan Technological University, School of Technology,
New Mexico State University, Surveying Engineering
Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology (EVITech)
Universadad de Concepcion, Unidad Académica Los Angeles,
Departamento Geomensura, Chile
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologias / UNSE,
Departamento Academico de Agrimensura, Argentina
University of Applied Sciences
Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhemshaven, Department of Surveying
Engineering, Germany
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Universitaria
de Ingeniería Técnica Topográfica, Spain
University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of
Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land
The Royal School of Military Survey, Geographic Engineer
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of
Surveying Engineering
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Civil Engineering Department
Department of Geodesy of the Mongolian Technical
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Geodesy and
Cadastre/Construction Technology and Management
Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Land Management
The University of Nottingham, Institute of Engineering
Surveying and Space Geodesy
Wuhan University, Resources & Environment School;
Geodesy School; and Urban Planning School.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions
that the Bureau has taken with other membership matters.
Decision: The motion was adopted. The new member
associations from Puerto Rico and Mongolia and the new affiliate from
Cambodia as well as the new corporate member GTZ were presented with their
membership certificates. At the second session of the General Assembly Prof.
Andrzej Hopfer was presented with his badge with silver oak leaves
and certificate of Honorary Membership after he was appointed as an Honorary
Member at the 23rd General Assembly in 2000.
The report of the President of the Federation includes a
review on the activities of the Federation during the past year and report
of the activities taken by the Bureau members, other FIG representatives and
the FIG office.
His subsequent oral presentation highlighted the activities
during the past year and his recent visit to the Czech Republic, the Slovak
Republic, Lithuania and Latvia. He further informed the General Assembly
that the Bureau had signed a new contract with the Den danske
Landinspektørforening DdL on the FIG Office in Seoul, which confirms the
continuity of permanent office in Copenhagen after the first five years
including remarkable financial support from the hosting country.
Appendix to item 7:
President's report.
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the
President's report.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The Bureau has prepared a follow-up report on the
implementation of the FIG Work Plan adopted at the General Assembly in
Prague, May 2000. The report includes the parts of the Work Plan which
implementation was given to the Bureau and the FIG officers. The
implementation of the Commission work plans is included in the Commission
Appendix to item 8:
Review on the implementation of the FIG Work Plan 1999 - 2003.
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the report on
implementation of the FIG Work Plan 1999 - 2003.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The Commission chairs have submitted written reports on the
Commission activities since the General Assembly in Prague.
Appendices to item 9:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the written
reports and records its thanks to the chairs and officers of the Commissions
for their past year's work.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Appendices to item 10:
Hagen Graeff (DVW, Germany) informed the General
Assembly about a new promotion leaflet that was launched to increase the
sale of the Multilingual Technical Dictionary and that it was
distributed to the participants of the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports
and records its thanks to the Directors for their past year's work.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Appendix to item 11:
Report of the Director, FIG/UN Liaison
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Prof. Ian Williamson, Director, FIG/UN Liaison
expressed in his subsequent oral presentation the importance of having FIG
strategy on the Federation's UN policy and to focus on certain activities.
These shall include co-operation with the UNCHS (Habitat), UN FAO, UN DESA
and the UN Regional Cartographic Conferences. He also draw the attention to
the incoming joint FIG / UN events in Nairobi, 2-5 October 2001 and in
Mexico, 10-12 September 2002.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report
and the Director's recommendations resulting from his subsequent report and
records its thanks to the Director, FIG/UN Liaison for his past year's work.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
FIG Task force on Sustainable Development has completed its work and
produced a draft document FIG Agenda 21. This report is the surveyors'
response on implementation the concept of sustainable development in FIG and
its member associations. It includes recommendations on implementing Agenda
21 from the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992 and the Habitat Agenda
adopted at the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul, 1996.
Helge Onsrud, Chair of the Task force presented the report to the
General Assembly. It was noted that the whole report will be presented at
the technical conference in Seoul. He encouraged the member associations to
promote the Agenda e.g. by translating it to their own languages (at the
moment there already exist translations to
and Finnish both provided by members). He further requested the Bureau and
the Commissions to make their plans on the implementation of the FIG Agenda
21 and on the assessment of its implementation.
Appendix to item 12:
FIG Publication no 23: FIG Agenda 21. Draft proposal for the FIG General
Assembly, Seoul, Korea, 6-11 May 2001.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the FIG
Agenda 21 and adopts its recommendations for FIG and its member associations
for implementation and further records its thanks to the Task force chair
and its members for the excellent work they have done.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The FIG Commission 7 Task force on Women's Access to Land has prepared a
report for FIG guidelines on women's access to land. The Task force was
established by FIG Commission 7 and its Working Group 7.2 Land Ownership in
the 21st Century: Access to Land. The report "Women's Access to Land - FIG
Guidelines: Principles for Equitable Gender Inclusion in Land
Administration: Background Report and Guidelines" has been prepared by
Katalin Komjathy and Susan Nichols with the financial support of
Sida and Swedesurvey. The Bureau has considered the report and its
guidelines to be so important that it decided to bring it to the General
Assembly for its adoption. Commission 7 supports the adoption of the
guidelines already in Seoul with the aim to use the report at international
fora as FIG input to the discussion on security of tenure.
Katalin Komjathy presented the background of the report and the
guidelines to the General Assembly. It was noted that the whole report would
be presented in the technical conference in Seoul.
Appendix to item 13:
FIG Publication no 24: Women's Access to Land - FIG Guidelines: Principles
for Equitable Gender Inclusion in Land Administration: Background Report and
Guidelines. Draft proposal for the FIG General Assembly, Seoul, Korea, 6-11
May 2001.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report
on women's access to land and adopts the recommended guidelines for
surveyors in land administration and land administration projects and
further records its thanks to the Task force members and the authors of the
report for the excellent work they have done.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The FIG Task force on Standards is preparing the FIG Guide on
Standardisation for endorsement at the General Assembly in Washington in
April 2002. The guide has been created by the Task force to assist FIG
Bureau, Commissions and member associations in their efforts to make a
difference in standardisation activities and further to explain how
surveyors can be actively engaged in the standardisation processes.
Iain Greenway, Chair of Task force on Standards presented the
draft documents to the General Assembly with the request that the member
associations and those interested are requested to send their comments to
the chair by 30 June 2001. It was noted that the report is discussed at an
open workshop on standards during the working week in Seoul.
Appendix to item 14:
Draft FIG Guide on Standardisation
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Motion: That the General Assembly approves to prepare
the FIG Guide on Standardisation for endorsement at the General Assembly in
Washington in 2002 and notes the current status with its preparation.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Appendices to item 15:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the FIG/ISM
and FIG/IAG Memoranda of Understanding, adopts the report and its
recommendations and records its thanks to all who have contributed to the
development of FIG liaison activities during the past year.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The General Assembly in Prague adopted the recommendations of the Task
Force on the Future Governance of FIG including principles of a democratic
and fully elected Council. At the same time the General Assembly agreed to
make amendments to the statutes and internal rules to be adopted at its next
meeting to be held in Seoul, in May 2001.
To help the adoption procedure the Bureau posted the draft statutes and
internal rules on the FIG web site in December 2000. The final proposal for
new statutes and internal rules include proposals made by the Task force -
including procedure for elections - and amendments proposed by several
member associations. In addition some amendments are proposed based on the
experiences after the establishment of the permanent office. The proposal
does not include any changes to the Commission, Task force and Permanent
institution structure which are under consideration by the new Task force
established in Prague.
The proposal for the FIG Statutes and Internal Rules have been circulated
with the agenda. The circulated set of Statutes and Internal Rules includes
Statutes; Internal Rules; Responsibilities of the Council Members;
Guidelines on organising congresses and working weeks; and Guidelines on FIG
certificates and badges. In addition there was a list of the Council Members
during the transition period to help orientation.
Dr Tom Kennie, Chair of the Task force introduced the new Statutes
and Internal Rules at the General Assembly.
Appendix to items 16 and 24:
Proposal for FIG Statutes and Internal Rules
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the
presentation, agrees to make the decision on the new Statutes and Internal
Rules at its second session on Friday 11 May, 2001 and further agrees that
any proposals for changes shall be submitted in written to the Bureau by 5pm
May 8, 2001.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Appendices to item 17:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the audited
accounts for 2000.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
18. BUDGET 2001 AND 2002
Appendices to item 18:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the up-dated
budget for 2001 and adopts the budget for 2002.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The General Assembly is required to set levels of fees for
member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become
payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a
maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members
pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale (minute 23 of FIG(GA)M(98)1).
Fees for 2001 and 2002 are:
Per capita
fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2001 |
Sw.frs. 4.95 per member up to a
maximum of 4,000 members |
Sw.frs 100.00 |
108 per cent of the fee payable
by an association with 4,000 members |
2002 |
Sw.frs. 5.20 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
Sw.frs. 100.00 |
112 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
The German Bureau will be in charge for the FIG
administration starting 1 January 2003. Therefore the proposal for
subscriptions for 2003 has been prepared jointly with the US and German
Bureaux. The Bureaux have considered the FIG financial situation in the
perspective of five years to guarantee the continuity of the permanent
office and the change to the new governance structure. According to this
study the financial situation seems to develop positively but there is still
need to collect reserves for the transition period. Following the
discussions under the recent years how FIG could support the member
associations from the developing countries the proposal for subscriptions
for 2003 includes a new element. It is proposed that member associations
from poorest countries should get a reduction to their membership fees. The
proposed reduction is 50 per cent from per capita fee. It is proposed to be
given to member associations coming from countries listed by the World Bank
as low-income economies (64 countries in 1999) and low-middle-income
economies (55 countries in 1999). The financial impact of this change in the
subscription structure is about 24,500 Swiss francs per year which is about
5 per cent of the estimated total income of the Federation in 2003.
Appendix to item 19:
List of member associations coming from countries classified by the World
Bank as low-income economies and low-middle-income economies and the
financial impact to the FIG economy.
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following
membership fees payable by member associations in 2003:
Per capita
fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2003 |
Sw.frs. 5.30 per member up to a maximum of 4,000
Member associations coming from countries listed in appendix 19 shall
pay Sw. frs 2.65 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
Sw.frs. 200.00 |
118 per cent of the fee payable by an association with
4,000 members |
Decision: The motion was adopted unanimously.
Guidelines on the Use of the FIG Logo
The Bureau has adopted guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.
Appendix to item 19 B:
Guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.
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Presentation from the Lebanese delegation
President Sarkis Fadous from the Ordre des Géomètres-Topographe du
Liban made a presentation to the General Assembly on a) on the importance of
protecting the profession by FIG document explaining the mission and role of
a surveyor; b) on the importance of unified profession and co-operation
between the member associations; and c) invited the members to participate
to the first international surveying conference " The Topographic Science
and its Technological and Technical Application in the Middle East Region"
in Beirut 11-13 September 2001.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes these reports.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Dr. Tom Kennie presented the background paper "The
Review of the Commission Structure - Interim Discussion Paper" for the first
breakout session, Prof. Holger Magel presented the background paper
"Future Strategy of FIG - Discussion Paper" for the second breakout session
and Bernard Bour presented the last discussion paper "Cultures and
Languages in FIG" for the third breakout session.
Appendices to items 20, 21 and 26:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Breakout Sessions, Monday 7 May, 13.30 - 15.00
Breakout sessions were be arranged on the following topics:
Appendices to items 20, 21 and 26:
All breakout groups reported back to the General
Assembly at its second session on 11 May 2001.
President's Meeting, Friday 11 May, 8.30 - 10.00
33 Presidents and leaders of the delegations attended the
President's Meeting where different aspects of FIG and its activities,
co-operation between FIG and the Member Associations and the problems of the
Member Associations were discussed. Separate notes from this meeting are
circulated to the Presidents of Member Associations and to the participants
of this meeting.
General Assembly, Second Session, Friday 11 May, 10.00 - 13.00
Vice President Christian Andreasen took the roll
Appendix to items 2 & 23:
Roll call.
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43 Member Associations out of 85 were present at this
session which is more than one third of the membership needed for the
General Assembly to be constitutionally valid.
Motion: That present members be recorded in the
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The proposal for new Statutes and Internal Rules has been introduced at
the first session of the General Assembly. No proposals for changes to the
statutes and internal rules were received from Member Associations by 5pm
May 8, 2001, except that the FIG Foundation has proposed a change to
paragraph 7.1 of the Statutes as follows:
Original version: 7.1 The Federation shall indemnify employees,
members of the Federation and members of the Council against any liability
in respect of actions properly taken on behalf of the Federation.
Proposed version: 7.1 The Federation shall indemnify employees,
members of the Federation and all FIG officers and Directors against any
liability in respect of actions properly taken on behalf of the
The Bureau has considered this proposal and propose to the General
Assembly that it adopts this amendment to the Statutes.
Appendix to item 16 and 24:
Proposal for FIG Statutes and Internal Rules.
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the new FIG Statutes and
Internal Rules as proposed and with the further amendment to paragraph 7.1
proposed by the FIG Foundation and decides that they will come into force
Decision: The motion was put in a formal voting in which the
result was 41 votes in favour, no objections and no abstentions. The new
Statutes and Internal Rules were thus adopted unanimously and with ovation.
The new Statutes and Internal Rules, if adopted in the
proposed format, require that there shall be a Nomination Review Group to
prepare the elections. The General Assembly shall establish the NRG on
recommendation of the Council.
The first election to which the NRG is needed will be the
election of the first elected Vice President that will take place at the
General Assembly in Washington DC in 2002. Therefore the NRG has to be
nominated in Seoul. To help the first nomination the Bureau has already
explored the situation and made its recommendation to the General Assembly.
When making its recommendation the Bureau has tried to find persons who are
familiar with FIG and who represent different cultures and regions and that
all are further largely respected within the Federation.
Motion: That the General Assembly establishes the
Nomination Review Group and confirms the decision of the Bureau to nominate
following five members to the Nomination Review Group: Chair: Prof. Peter
Dale, Past President of FIG (UK) and members: Jan De Graeve,
Director of the Permanent Institution on the History of Surveying and
Measurement (Belgium), Grahame Lindsay, Honorary member of FIG
(Australia), Hans Josef Platen, former President of DVW (Germany) and
Dr. Dato' Abdul Majid Mohamad, Representative of Institution of
Surveyors of Malaysia in FIG and Chair of Permanent Committee on GIS
Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific. The term of office for the first
NRG will be from General Assembly in Seoul to the end of the FIG Congress
Decision: The motion was adopted unanimously in a
formal voting by 38 votes in favour, no objections and no abstentions.
The moderators from the three breakout sessions reported
back to the General Assembly on the findings of their breakout sessions.
Appendices to item 26:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports
of the breakout sessions.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Vice President Holger Magel, Chair of ACCO made a report on the
Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) meetings held on 6 and 10
May 2001.
Appendix to item 27: Report from
the ACCO Meetings.
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Motion: That the General Assembly confirms John Parker's
nomination as the ACCO representative to the Council for calendar year 2002
and further that the General Assembly adopts the report and its
recommendations and records its thanks to ACCO for its past year's work.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The Commission chairs made reports on the Commissions activities and
meetings during the working week 2001.
Appendix to item 28.
Report of the Commission Chairs to the General Assembly on the Commission
activities during the Working Week.
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The Task forces had several meetings during the working week and their
chairs reported back to the General Assembly on the results of these
Appendices to item 29:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports
of the task forces and records its thanks to all task force chairs for their
past year's work.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
The FIG Foundation had its General Meeting in Seoul 7 May 2001. The
meeting adopted the new Statutes and decided finally to close the FIG
Education Foundation. It further made a proposal to the Bureau that the
number of Directors should be five and that these Directors should be
Holger Magel as the President, and Stig Enemark, Iain Greenway,
John Hohol and Ian Williamson as Directors. It was further noted
that the amount of voluntary donations to the Foundation in Seoul was US$
The Bureau adopted the report and Statutes of the Foundation and
nominated the following members to the Board of Directors for the period of
May 2001to December 2002 if the General Assembly confirms the Statutes:
President: Holger Magel; Vice Presidents: Stig Enemark, Iain Greenway, John
Hohol and Ian Williamson.
President of the FIG Foundation, Prof. Holger Magel will made a
subsequent oral report at the meeting informing the General Assembly on the
fundraising campaign prepared for the next year including fundraising dinner
at the FIG Congress 2002.
Appendices to item 30:
30.1 Report of the
FIG Foundation
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30.2Statutes of
the FIG Foundation
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and its
recommendations and adopts the rules for the FIG Foundation and records its
thanks to The Institution of Surveyors, Australia and the former Directors
of the FIG Education Foundation John Curdie and John Medbury
for their efforts in establishing the Foundation and running it during its
existence in Australia.
Decision: The motion was adopted unanimously in a formal voting by
40 votes in favour, no objections and no abstentions.
Appendix to item 31:
Report of the Congress Director, FIG Congress 2002.
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the report of
the Congress Director.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
Yerach Doytsher presented the situation with the
arrangements with the FIG working week 2003 in Eilat, Israel 18-23 May 2003;
Gerassimos Apostolatos the FIG working week 2004 in Athens, Greece
23-28 May 2004; Mohamad Mossaad Ibrahim the FIG working week 2005 in
Cairo, Egypt, May 7-12 May 2005 and Marcus Wandinger the FIG Congress
2006 in Munich in August-September 2006.
Appendices to item 32:
32.1 Working
Week 2003, Eilat, Israel 18-23 May 2003
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32.2 Working Week 2004, Athens, Greece, 23-28 May
32.3 Working
Week 2005, Cairo, Egypt, 7-12 May 2005
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Congress 2006, Munich, Germany, August/September 2006.
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes progress with
the arrangements for each Working Week and Congress 2006.
Decision: The motion was adopted.
At the closing ceremony certificates of appreciation and the
FIG table banner were presented to the Korea Confederation of Surveyors.
Certificates of appreciation were delivered to Co-Chairs of the Organising
Committee of FIG working week 2001 President Jaeyoung Kim, Korea
Confederation of Surveyors and President Jaehwa Choi, Korean
Association of Surveying and Mapping; members of the Organising Committee:
Hanyoung Jang, Chankyung Sung, Moowon Kim, Jongchul
Park, Jisung Shin, Joonsik Kim and Insook Kim; Ms.
Jeasoon Song
from P.C.O.; and finally to Dr. Jungho Kim, Secretary General of the
Organising Committee for their great contribution to the success of the FIG
working week 2001 in Korea.
The President informed the General Assembly that all new issues that the
Member Associations want to get included to the agenda of the 25th General
Assembly of FIG has to be submitted to the FIG office no later than 15
November 2001 so that the Council is able to consider them at its meeting in
December 2001, otherwise these issues will be postponed to the next General
Assembly. Same date will also be the deadline for any Task force and
Commission and their working group reports that are expected to be endorsed
by the General Assembly in Washington.
The President then formally closed the 24th General Assembly of the
At the closing ceremony the FIG banner was handed over by President
Jaeyoung Kim and Secretary General Jungho Kim (Korea
Confederation of Surveyors) to Congress Director, FIG 2002 Mary Clawson
(American Congress on Surveying and Mapping).
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is
accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be
emailed to the FIG Office.