figlogo.gif (1705 bytes)   FIG 22nd General Assembly
  31 May and 4 June 1999
  Sun City, South Africa

Appendix to item 10: Reports from Chairs of Commissions et al.

Appendix 4: Commission 4

Commission 4: Hydrography

Report to the 22nd General Assembly

Sun City 30 May - 4 June 1999

1. General

The Commission 4 was extremely fortunate to have Seppo Mäkinen join the Commission Executive. Seppo is a Surveying Engineer (M.Sc.), Hydrographic Surveys and R & D with the Hydrographic Surveys Division of the Finnish Maritime Administration and has been heavily involved in Commission activities for several years.

One of the goals of the Commission Executive in the first year was to re-establish a strong base of National Delegates and other interested parties to help carry out the work of the Commission. With the assistance of the Bureau and the previous Chairman, the Commission has developed a database of National Delegates and is in the process of updating and verifying the information.

2. FIG/IHO Committees

Commission 4 represents FIG in two FIG/IHO standing committees: the International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Co-ordination Committee (TACC).

The TACC Committee held a meeting during the Congress at Brighton. The IHO proposal to include the IHO Regional Hydrographic Commissions in the activities of TACC was discussed. The proposal was modified to include the Commissions as corresponding members and the revised Terms of Reference are now before the IHO and FIG governing bodies for approval. Following a proposal from USA and Canada, it was agreed that the use of the program ACCESS be adopted as the TACC Data Base.

The XIII meeting of TACC will be held in Mobile (Alabama), USA from 26-29 April 1999, in conjunction with the 1999 US Hydro Conference.

The FIG Bureau has appointed Mr. Gordon Johnston, Chief Surveyor of Racal Surveys Ltd. as a new member to the Advisory Board. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled to take place in Delhi, India, on 7 - 14 April 1999.

3. Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Commission will take place during the upcoming working week in Sun City.

4. Working Groups

Updates on progress of the working groups will be provided at the Annual Meeting.

5. Forthcoming events

The Commission has agreed to sponsor a one-day Technical workshop at the 6th South East Asian Surveyors Congress to be held in Freemantle, Australia in early November 1999. For details visit their website at


Dennis St Jacques


Dennis A St Jacques
Y2K Program Management Office
Fisheries and Oceans, Central and Arctic Regions
867 Lakeshore Drive
Ontario L7R 4A6

Tel: + 1 905 336 4688
Fax: + 1 905 336 4819
Email: [email protected]

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