PCGIAP-Working Group 3 "Cadastre" University of Melbourne - Department of Geomatics FIG-Commission 7 "Cadastre and Land Management"
Cadastral Template
A Worldwide Comparison of Cadastral Systems

Cadastral country reports based on a jointly developed PCGIAP/FIG template.
Established under UN mandate by Resolution 4 of the 16th UNRCC-AP in Okinawa, Japan in July 2003.
UN endorsement for cooperation with UN-ECE WPLA, UN-ECA CODI, and PCIDEA.

Cadastral Template 2.0

The "Cadastral Template 2.0" has been developed by a research group at the Centre for SDIs and Land administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering of the University of Melbourne and it was established under UN mandate by Resolution 4 of the 16th UNRCC-AP in Okinawa, Japan in July 2003. It consisted of Professor Abbas Rajabifard, Dr. Daniel Steudler, and Professor Ian Williamson, supported by Professor Stig Enemark from Aalborg University, Denmark.


PCGIAP-Working Group 3 "Cadastre" cooperates with FIG-Commission 7 to place the country information jointly on the website


and to maintain the information permanently as well as evaluate the content of information provided. Any information or/and amendments are welcome: www.cadastraltemplate.org/documents.php

Field data:

The cadastral template is based on a raster of 17 data fields, which would need to be filled in according to its specific description. You can find that description in the questionnaire.

See the participating countries at: www.cadastraltemplate.org

Username and password:

For filling in and updating country information, a username and password is required. Only one username and password is given out per country.

Please contact [email protected]  to get yours.

Disclaimer & copyright

Established: 22 Apr. 2003 - Cadastral Tempate 2.0 launched in 2016

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