Jubilee Seminar: 25 years of Motorised Levelling
Geodesy and Surveying in the Future
The Importance of Heights
15-17th of March, 1999
Sunday 14th of March 1999:
17.45-19.00 Dinner at NLS (only for FIG 5 Steering Committee members)
Monday 15th of March 1999:
08.00-09.00 Registration at NLS (L. Boberg, M. Lilje, T. Lithén)
09.00-11.00 Opening ceremony: Chair J-M Becker
J-M Becker, chair FIG Commission 5. Introduction (15 min)
K. P. Schwarz, President IAG: The changing world of geodesy and surveying (40 min)
J. Ollén: Director General National Land Survey: The National Land Survey of Sweden today and tomorrow: (30 min)
J-M Becker: History and evolution of height determination techniques (30 min)
Slideshow with pictures of Sweden (5min)
11.00-11.20 Coffee
11.20-13.00 TS 1: Advance in techniques and instrumentation for terrestrial height determination: Chair M. Kasser
H. Ingensand: The evolution of digital levelling techniques - limitations and new solutions
T. Seto, M. Chiba, T. Nagao and M. Muraki: Results of test and experiments with SDL30 digital level
J. Kakkuri: The rapid precise levelling system - dream or reality
G. Pauchard: New automated real-time 3-D total station, possibilities and limitations
M. Menzel: The development of levels at Carl Zeiss during the past 25 years with special focus on the optical level NI 002 and the digital Level DiNiÒ 11
H.F. Wennström: Information about the exhibition at Karteum - NLS
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.20 TS 2: Applications of modern terrestrial height determination techniques: Chair H. Ingensand
W. Wehmann: Experience with various digital levels in both motorised and conventional on foot levelling in east Germany
M. Lilje: The production line used in the third precise levelling in Sweden
T. Lithén and P.O. Eriksson: Motorised Trigonometric Levelling (MTL) for precise levelling the Swedish tests and results
K.E. Schmidt and C. Jepsen: The use of Motorised Trigonometric Levelling (MTL) in Denmark
15.20-15.40 Coffee
15.40-17.00 TS 3a: Heighting using satellites or other techniques: Chair P. A. Cross
E.W. Grafarend: Sensitive high-speed railway track control
H. Duqenne: Levelling by GPS - the state of the art in France
M. Higgins: Heighting with GPS - overview of possibilities and limitations
R. Jäger: State of the art and present developments of a general approach for GPS-based height determination
Break 10 minutes
17.10-18.10 TS 3b: Heighting using satellites or other techniques: Chair M. Higgins
P. A. Cross: Accuracy achievable by GPS in practical engineering and surveying applications
N. El-Sheimy and Y. Gao: Multi-sensor systems for height determination
G. Roberts: Height control of construction plant by GPS and GLONASS
18.10-19.30 Opening ceremony of the technical exhibition at Karteum by Joakim Ollén (Director General of NLS)
20.00-22.00 Dinner at the City Council Hall, Gävle (Centre of town)
Tuesday 16th of March 1999
08.30-09.50 TS 4a: Quality Control: Chair H. Heister
S. Csepregi: Some questions on precise height measurements
M. Kasser and J-M Becker: Error sources in high precision levelling - How to minimise their effect on the heights!
T. Fischer: Manufacturing of levelling rods - Methods, Calibration, Accuracy, etc
M. Takalo: On behaviour of invar rods with aluminium frame used in third precise levelling
of Finland
10.10-11.10 TS 4b: Standards: Chair J. Kääriäinen and O. Altan
H. Heister: Checking, testing and calibration of geodetic instruments
J. Simek and V.Slaboch: Present state of standardisation in surveying Profession
J-M Becker: The new updated ISO standards concerning levelling instruments
Break 5 minutes
11.15-12.55 TS 5: Different aspects: Chair Y. Gao
A. Dodson: Ocean tide loading effects on heights
V. Sedlák: To a contents of deformation vector problem
T. Ambrozic, B. Stopar and G. Turk: Approximation of a local geoid surface by artificial neural network
V. Saaranen and J. Mäkinen: Computation of postglacial land uplift from the three precise levellings in Finland.
B-G Reit: The influence of heights on datum transformations
12.55-13.50 Lunch
13.50-15.30: TS 6: Height Networks: Chair K. P. Schwarz
J. Ihde: Status of the European height systems UELN and EUVN
J. Simek: Heights and vertical control in the Czech Republic: Evolution and present state
M. Poutanen: Use of GPS in unification of vertical datums and detection of levelling network errors
G. Steinberg and H.Papo: The future of vertical geodetic control
W. Augath: The future of levelling networks
15.50-16.50 TS 7: How to fulfil the User needs: Chair J. Kakkuri
P.O. Eriksson: The requirements on the monumentation of height benchmarks
S. Villadsen and N. Andersen: The implementation of a new common height datum in Denmark
M. Kasser: Best use of different height determination techniques
16.50-18.00 Break Visit to the exhibition at Karteum - NLS
18.00-19.15: SPECIAL SESSION: Chair J-M Becker
K. P. Schwarz: Some Trends in Geomatics: Multi-sensor systems and global georeferencing
L-E. Eriksson (Governor of the County of Gästrikland): (to be specified)
19.15-22.00 Dinner and possibility to visit the exhibition at Karteum - NLS
Wednesday 17th of March
08.50-10.30 TS 8: How to meet the End-users needs? : Chair Björn Engen and W. Augath
A. Ellman, A. Torim, N. Abols, J. Kaminskis and E. Sleiteris: Different solutions adopted to modernise the height networks in the Baltic countries
P. Nörgård: High Precision GPS makes challenges to realisations of Reference Systems.
M. Le Pape: Direct access to the French digital Height Databank via Minitel
D. Norin: Requirements from urban users of heights, examples from the city of Stockholm
J. Kääriäinen: Precise levellings in Finland
10.30-10.50 Coffee
10.50- 12.30 TS 9: National reports: Chair A. Ellman and S Villadsen
S. Villadsen: National report on the activities in Denmark
B. Engen: The Norwegian levelling activities today and in the future. Problems and expectations
L. E. Engberg: The Swedish geodetic networks today and in the future.
G. Busics: The past and the future of the levelling networks in Hungary
S. Lundquist: Experiences of technical co-operation in Zambia and Mozambique
12.30-13.20 Lunch
J-M Becker, K. P. Schwarz, M. Kasser, H. Ingensand, J. Kakkuri, W. Augath, P Cross, H Heister, S Villadsen, M Higgins
14.40-17.00 Technical visits and demonstrations at NLS (5 stations): J-M Becker, P.O. Eriksson, M. Lilje, H-F. Wennström,etc.
![]() | Practical demonstration of Motorised Levelling ( J-M Becker) |
![]() | Demonstration of the control centre of SWEPOS (the national network of permanent reference stations) (G. Hedling) |
![]() | The National Historical Map Centre - Swedish maps from several centuries (G Wiking) |
![]() | The production of modern digital maps. (T Lithén) |
![]() | Laser interferometer comparator in action - calibration of levelling rods (L Boberg) |
![]() | Visit at the exhibition at Karteum - NLS. |
Note: The Exhibition at Karteum will be open 14.40 - 17.00 (H-F Wennström)
Local organising committee: Jean-Marie Becker, Mikael Lilje, Per-Ola Eriksson, Lena Boberg and Thomas Lithén