FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

FIG Foundation Grant for Young Surveyors' educational and
training activities
The FIG Foundation may contribute a maximum of 5000 euro’s to support
travel and accommodation costs for young surveyors to participate in
surveying (See the FIG Definition of the Functions of a Surveyor education
or training activities. Funded events are likely to be part of a
Commission’s Working Plan or part of the activities associated with a FIG
Working Week/Conference.
Young surveyors are those as defined by the FIG Young Surveyors Network.
Preference will be given to young surveyors from countries listed by the
World Bank as a low-income, lower-middle or upper-middle income economy.
The application and post grant reporting procedure should be as follows:
- The grant covers travel and accommodation costs. Registration costs
are excluded. These shall be covered by the event organisers or through
other funding sources.
- The application may be prepared and submitted by the organisers of
the activity / event. If the event is tied to or part a Commission’s
activities, the Commission Chair shall co-sign the application.
- The application shall be submitted to the FIG Foundation at least 90
days before the activity.
- The application shall be structured as follows:
- A description of the Commission (s) involved / FIG Working
Week / Conference,
- A description of the activity,
- The benefits to the young surveyors who are intending to
participate in the activity / event,
- The benefit to FIG of the young surveyors participation,
- The selection procedure of potential participants (e.g.
education levels),
- A description of how the grant will be managed,
- Intended dedication of the grant,
- Other sources of funds.
- A budget and a justification for the budget. If airfares are
part of the budget, applicants should do a search of fares for
travel from different possible locations.
- For transparency purposes, successful proposals, grantees’ final
reports and progress reports on their activities and use funds will be
published on the Foundation web page, and perhaps elsewhere, where
appropriate. Please indicate your consent or otherwise for your
proposal(s) and reports to be published. Grantees should provide
compelling reasons for these documents not to be published.
- Within 60 days after the activity, the organisers and the
Commission Chair(s) as co-signatories shall send a report to the FIG
Foundation which covers:
- A brief report of the activity,
- The outcomes realised for the young surveyors as measured
against the proposed outcomes,
- The benefit to FIG of the young surveyors participation as
compared with the proposed benefits,
- The management of the granting process as compared with what was
- An appendix explaining and comparing budgeted expenses against
actual expenses
Send your proposal by email to:
[email protected]
FIG Office August 2019 |