FIG Commission 5 - Working Groups 2011-2014

Working Group 5.4 - Kinematic Measurements

Most surveyors can operate and manage their instruments if no movements occur. But what happens, if the instrument or the surveyed object is moving? New problems arise like e.g. synchronisation of the measurements and modeling of the movement. These and other related tasks, investigations and practical solutions are summarized under the term “kinematic measurements”. Multi-sensor-systems and their application play an important part for kinematics.
If you are interested in this topic related to monitoring as well as machine guidance, then you should definitely join this group to share your experience or learn from others. We will organize sessions at FIG events, participate at symposia on related topics e.g. “Machine Guidance and Control” and “Mobile Mapping” and facilitate the interchange of knowledge among practitioners and researchers.

Policy issues

  • Cooperation with all organisation involved in the field of GNSS e.g. IAG and ISO
  • Bring to together practitioners, instrument manufactures and scientists that deal with kinematic measurements
  • Maintaining contact with instrument and sensor manufactures to provide state-of-the-art information to the users
  • Co-operation with Commission 6 WG “Machine Guidance and Control”
  • Co-operation with study groups IC-SG2 and IC-SG3 of the Intercommission Committee on Theory (ICCT) of the International Association of Geodesy


Dr.-Ing.habil. Volker Schwieger
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Prof. Reiner Jäger (Germany)
  • Dr. Yong Li (Australia)
  • Prof. Esmond Mok (China, Hong Kong)
  • Dr. Gintcho Kostov (Bulgaria)
  • Prof. Andreas Eichhorn (Germany)
  • Larry Hothem (USA)
  • Lukasz K Bonenberg (UK)

Specific projects

  • Publications (e.g. via web) and a special issue in a well-known scientific journal about the following topics:
  1. Kinematic aspects of geodetic instruments like total stations and GNSS receivers as well as with typical kinematic sensors like inertial measurement units, odometers, etc.
  2. Time issues like synchronisation and dead time.
  3. Integration of different sensors to Multi-Sensor-Systems.
  4. Quality of integrated kinematic measurements


  • Realising tutorials and workshops on interesting topic related questions during the whole period.
  • Facilitating Special Sessions on FIG Events like FIG Congress, FIG Working Weeks, and FIG Regional Conferences
  • Facilitating on additional special events, e.g. Mobile Mapping Technology Symposium, Krakow, Poland, 2011, 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems, Munich, Germany, 2011 and 3rd International Conference on Machine Guidance and Control in Stuttgart, Germany, 2012.
  • Technical Papers at Working Weeks, Regional Conferences and Commission 5 Symposia and Workshops
  • Providing technical background information (e.g. via web pages) for surveyors dealing with kinematic tasks and applications during the whole period.
  • Providing a Special Issue of a well-known scientific journal e.g. the Journal of Applied Geodesy in 2013/14


  • Technical papers at Working Weeks, Regional Conference and Commission 5 symposia and workshops
  • Providing technical background information (e.g. via web pages) for surveyors dealing with kinematic tasks and applications during the whole period.
  • Providing a Special Issue of a well-known scientific journal e.g. the Journal of Applied Geodesy in 2013/14


  • Working group final report and outcomes will be presented at dedicated session, FIG Congress 2014.


  • FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment, decision makers, surveying businesses, individual surveyors, scientists.