FIG Commissions

Work plans – Commission 8


Spatial Planning and Development

Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Brackmann, Chairperson of Commission 8

Terms of Reference

  • Regional and local structure planning
  • Urban and rural land use planning
  • Planning policies and environmental improvement
  • Urban development and implementation
  • Public-private partnership
  • Informal settlements and urbanisation in developing countries
  • Environmental impact assessments.

Mission Statement

  • Focus on physical planning at all levels, undertake and learn from case studies and enhance understanding and knowledge of planning systems. The importance of sustainable development, environmental issues in planning and environmental impact assessments (EIA) in spatial planning procedures will be key issues throughout the plan period.
  • Continue to co-operate with countries in social and economic transition, in eastern Europe and other parts of the world.
  • Assist with the implementation of Agenda 21 (from the Rio Earth Summit) and the Global Plan of Action (from the HABITAT II conference in Istanbul) at the local and urban level. Pay particular attention to informal settlements and urbanisation problems in developing countries.
  • Focus on implementation problems, especially in inner city areas, and on public/private partnership and other tools that promote planned and sustainable land use development.

Working Group 8.1


Urban regeneration

Policy issues

  • Inner cities and the regeneration of established urban areas.
  • Determination of the extent to which methods used to solve a particular problem might be successfully applied elsewhere.


Paul Lohmann (Netherlands).

Specific project(s)

  • Observe different projects over a long time scale in such a way as to determine whether the methods or instruments used might be successfully applied to other projects in other countries.
  • Produce an interim report of findings during the preceding plan period (1994-1998), drawing on material presented at the FIG congress, 1998.
  • Consider further findings of case studies already under way in the Netherlands and Germany.
  • Extend case studies to Slovakia, Norway and Finland and, if possible, to venues outside Europe - for example, in Australia and the Far East.


"Urban regeneration", 22 - 25 September 1999, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


  • Workshop reports (by the commission), as hard copy and on the commission home page.
  • Interesting case studies (possibly).


  • Reports of workshops: 1999 and 2000.
  • Case studies: at the end of the project.
  • Working group final report to FIG congress, 2002.


FIG member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and others working on urban regeneration problems.

Working Group 8.2


Surveyors and EIA

Policy issues

  • Promote sustainable development and environmental issues in spatial planning.
  • Deliver knowledge to developing countries and countries in transition.


To be advised.

Specific project(s)

  • Exchange knowledge and examples of best practice.
  • Expand on work undertaken during the preceding plan period (1994-1998) by the working group "Surveyors and EIA".
  • Undertake and present the results of case studies.
  • Collaborate closely in all of the foregoing with the FIG task force on sustainable development.


At FIG working weeks, 1999, 2000 and 2001.


  • "Surveyors and EIA" including guidelines(by the commission), on the commission home page and possibly as hard copy.
  • Workshop reports (by the commission), as hard copy and on the commission home page.


  • Reports of workshops: 1999, 2000, 2001.
  • "Surveyors and EIA": 2002.
  • Working group final report to FIG congress, 2002.


FIG member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and planners involved in spatial planning and EIA.

Working Group 8.3


Global urbanisation process and mega cities

Policy issues

Global urbanisation problems and processes and the special problems of mega cities including informal settlements.


To be advised.

Specific project(s)

  • Collect ideas and build up a network for the exchange of experiences and sustainable models, working closely with the other FIG commissions, the FIG task force on sustainable develoment and UNCHS.
  • Participate in the URBAN 2000 congress, Berlin.


At FIG working weeks, 1999, 2000 and 2001.


Workshop reports (by the commission), as hard copy and on the commission home page.

Working group report and statement.


Reports of workshops: 1999, 2000, 2001.

Working group final report and statement, FIG congress, 2002.


FIG member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and others involved in the problems of urbanisation.

Other activities

  • Maintain and develop the commission home page, linkages to other relevant home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects, to keep commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying services and the public involved in and informed about the work of the commission.
  • Publish commission newsletters on a continuing basis, including on the commission home page.
  • Consider establishing a working group on public/private partnerships to study different procedures for making contracts to plan and implement more sustainable development in cities, to prepare best practice examples and to see how these influence financial and social outcomes.
  • Endeavour to produce abstracts of workshop and seminar papers in French, German and other languages.

Commission officers and chairs of working groups

Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Brackmann
Görkenstrasse 8
D-46242 Bottrop
Email [email protected]
Tel + 49 (0)2041 70 3212
Fax + 49 (0)2041 70 3108

Vice Chair
Paul A. G. Lohmann
Holland Urban Institute
Nieboerweg 228
NL-2566 GC The Hague
Tel. - 31 70 346 4485
Fax + 31 70 356 3919
E-mail: [email protected] 

Working Group 8.1

Chair Paul Lohmann (see above)

Working Group 8.2

Chair To be advised.

Working Group 8.3

Chair To be advised.

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-03-18.